
Sid Sijbrandij
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
- Fix Milestone dropdown not stay selected for `Upcoming` and `No Milestone` option !7117
- Backups do not fail anymore when using tar on annex and custom_hooks only. !5814
- Adds user project membership expired event to clarify why user was removed (Callum Dryden)
- Trim leading and trailing whitespace on project_path (Linus Thiel)
- Prevent award emoji via notes for issues/MRs authored by user (barthc)
- Adds support for the `token` attribute in project hooks API (Gauvain Pocentek)
- Adds an optional path parameter to the Commits API to filter commits by path (Luis HGO)
- Fix Markdown styling inside reference links (Jan Zdráhal)
- Fix extra space on Build sidebar on Firefox !7060
- Fail gracefully when creating merge request with non-existing branch (alexsanford)
- Fix mobile layout issues in admin user overview page !7087
- Fix HipChat notifications rendering (airatshigapov, eisnerd)
- Remove 'Edit' button from wiki edit view !7143 (Hiroyuki Sato)
- Add hover to trash icon in notes !7008 (blackst0ne)
- Hides project activity tabs when features are disabled
- Only show one error message for an invalid email !5905 (lycoperdon)
- Added guide describing how to upgrade PostgreSQL using Slony
- Added label description as tooltip to issue board list title
- Created cycle analytics bundle JavaScript file
- API: Fix booleans not recognized as such when using the `to_boolean` helper
- Removed delete branch tooltip !6954
- Stop unauthorized users dragging on milestone page (blackst0ne)
- Restore issue boards welcome message when a project is created !6899
- Check that JavaScript file names match convention !7238 (winniehell)
- Do not show tooltip for active element !7105 (winniehell)
- Escape ref and path for relative links !6050 (winniehell)
- Fixed link typo on /help/ui to Alerts section. !6915 (Sam Rose)
- Fix broken issue/merge request links in JIRA comments. !6143 (Brian Kintz)
- Fix filtering of milestones with quotes in title (airatshigapov)
- Refactor less readable existance checking code from CoffeeScript !6289 (jlogandavison)
- Update mail_room and enable sentinel support to Reply By Email (!7101)
- Add task completion status in Issues and Merge Requests tabs: "X of Y tasks completed" (!6527, @gmesalazar)
- Simpler arguments passed to named_route on toggle_award_url helper method
- Fix typo in framework css class. !7086 (Daniel Voogsgerd)
- New issue board list dropdown stays open after adding a new list
- Fix: Backup restore doesn't clear cache
- Optimize Event queries by removing default order
- API: Fix project deploy keys 400 and 500 errors when adding an existing key. !6784 (Joshua Welsh)
- Add Rake task to create/repair GitLab Shell hooks symlinks !5634
- Add job for removal of unreferenced LFS objects from both the database and the filesystem (Frank Groeneveld)
- Replace jquery.cookie plugin with js.cookie !7085
- Use MergeRequestsClosingIssues cache data on Issue#closed_by_merge_requests method
- Fix Sign in page 'Forgot your password?' link overlaps on medium-large screens
- Show full status link on MR & commit pipelines
- Fix documents and comments on Build API `scope`
- Initialize Sidekiq with the list of queues used by GitLab
- Refactor email, use setter method instead AR callbacks for email attribute (Semyon Pupkov)
- Shortened merge request modal to let clipboard button not overlap
- In all filterable drop downs, put input field in focus only after load is complete (Ido @leibo)
- Improve search query parameter naming in /admin/users !7115 (YarNayar)
- Allow to search for user by secondary email address in the admin interface(/admin/users) !7115 (YarNayar)
- Fix relative links in Markdown wiki when displayed in "Project" tab !7218
- Reduce the overhead to calculate number of open/closed issues and merge requests within the group or project
## 8.13.2 (2016-10-31)
- Fix encoding issues on pipeline commits. !6832
- Use Hash rocket syntax to fix cycle analytics under Ruby 2.1. !6977
- Modify GitHub importer to be retryable. !7003
- Fix refs dropdown selection with special characters. !7061
- Fix horizontal padding for highlight blocks. !7062
- Pass user instance to `Labels::FindOrCreateService` or `skip_authorization: true`. !7093
- Fix builds dropdown overlapping bug. !7124
- Fix applying labels for GitHub-imported MRs. !7139
- Fix importing MR comments from GitHub. !7139
- Fix project member access for group links. !7144
- API: Fix booleans not recognized as such when using the `to_boolean` helper. !7149
- Fix and improve `Sortable.highest_label_priority`. !7165
- Fixed sticky merge request tabs when sidebar is pinned. !7167
- Only remove right connector of first build of last stage. !7179
- Fix branch protection API. !6215
- Fix hidden pipeline graph on commit and MR page. !6895
- Fix Cycle analytics not showing correct data when filtering by date. !6906
- Ensure custom provider tab labels don't break layout. !6993
- Fix issue boards user link when in subdirectory. !7018
- Refactor and add new environment functionality to CI yaml reference. !7026
- Fix typo in project settings that prevents users from enabling container registry. !7037
- Fix events order in `users/:id/events` endpoint. !7039
- Remove extra line for empty issue description. !7045
- Don't append issue/MR templates to any existing text. !7050
- Fix error in generating labels. !7055
- Stop clearing the database cache on `rake cache:clear`. !7056
- Only show register tab if signup enabled. !7058
- Fix lightweight tags not processed correctly by GitTagPushService
- Expire and build repository cache after project import. !7064
- Fix bug where labels would be assigned to issues that were moved. !7065
- Fix reply-by-email not working due to queue name mismatch. !7068
- Fix 404 for group pages when GitLab setup uses relative url. !7071
- Fix `User#to_reference`. !7088
- Reduce overhead of `LabelFinder` by avoiding `#presence` call. !7094
- Fix unauthorized users dragging on issue boards. !7096
- Only schedule `ProjectCacheWorker` jobs when needed. !7099
- Fix save button on project pipeline settings page. (!6955)
- All Sidekiq workers now use their own queue
- Avoid race condition when asynchronously removing expired artifacts. (!6881)
- Improve Merge When Build Succeeds triggers and execute on pipeline success. (!6675)
- Respond with 404 Not Found for non-existent tags (Linus Thiel)
- Truncate long labels with ellipsis in labels page
- Improve tabbing usability for sign in page (ClemMakesApps)
- Enforce TrailingSemicolon and EmptyLineBetweenBlocks in scss-lint
- Adding members no longer silently fails when there is extra whitespace
- Update runner version only when updating contacted_at
- Add link from system note to compare with previous version
- Use gitlab-shell v3.6.6
- Ignore references to internal issues when using external issues tracker
- Ability to resolve merge request conflicts with editor !6374
- Add `/projects/visible` API endpoint (Ben Boeckel)
- Fix centering of custom header logos (Ashley Dumaine)
- Keep around commits only pipeline creation as pipeline data doesn't change over time
- Update duration at the end of pipeline
- ExpireBuildArtifactsWorker query builds table without ordering enqueuing one job per build to cleanup
- Add group level labels. (!6425)
- Add an example for testing a phoenix application with Gitlab CI in the docs (Manthan Mallikarjun)
- Cancelled pipelines could be retried. !6927
- Updating verbiage on git basics to be more intuitive
- Fix project_feature record not generated on project creation
- Clarify documentation for Runners API (Gennady Trafimenkov)
- Use optimistic locking for pipelines and builds
- The instrumentation for Banzai::Renderer has been restored
- Change user & group landing page routing from /u/:username to /:username
- Added documentation for .gitattributes files
- Move Pipeline Metrics to separate worker
- AbstractReferenceFilter caches project_refs on RequestStore when active
- Replaced the check sign to arrow in the show build view. !6501
- Add a /wip slash command to toggle the Work In Progress status of a merge request. !6259 (tbalthazar)
- ProjectCacheWorker updates caches at most once per 15 minutes per project
- Fix Error 500 when viewing old merge requests with bad diff data
- Create a new /templates namespace for the /licenses, /gitignores and /gitlab_ci_ymls API endpoints. !5717 (tbalthazar)
- Fix viewing merged MRs when the source project has been removed !6991
- Speed-up group milestones show page
- Fix inconsistent options dropdown caret on mobile viewports (ClemMakesApps)
- Extract project#update_merge_requests and SystemHooks to its own worker from GitPushService
- Fix discussion thread from emails for merge requests. !7010
- Don't include archived projects when creating group milestones. !4940 (Jeroen Jacobs)
- Add tag shortcut from the Commit page. !6543
- Keep refs for each deployment
- Close open tooltips on page navigation (Linus Thiel)
- Allow browsing branches that end with '.atom'
- Log LDAP lookup errors and don't swallow unrelated exceptions. !6103 (Markus Koller)
- Replace unique keyframes mixin with keyframe mixin with specific names (ClemMakesApps)
- Add more tests for calendar contribution (ClemMakesApps)
- Update Gitlab Shell to fix some problems with moving projects between storages
- Cache rendered markdown in the database, rather than Redis
- Add todo toggle event (ClemMakesApps)
- Avoid database queries on Banzai::ReferenceParser::BaseParser for nodes without references
- Simplify Mentionable concern instance methods
- API: Ability to retrieve version information (Robert Schilling)
- Fix permission for setting an issue's due date
- API: Multi-file commit !6096 (mahcsig)
- Unicode emoji are now converted to images
- Revert "Label list shows all issues (opened or closed) with that label"
- Expose expires_at field when sharing project on API
- Fix VueJS template tags being rendered in code comments
- Added copy file path button to merge request diff files
- Fix issue with page scrolling to top when closing or pinning sidebar (lukehowell)
- Add Issue Board API support (andrebsguedes)
- Allow the Koding integration to be configured through the API
- Add new issue button to each list on Issues Board
- Execute specific named route method from toggle_award_url helper method
- Added soft wrap button to repository file/blob editor
- Update namespace validation to forbid reserved names (.git and .atom) (Will Starms)
- Show the time ago a merge request was deployed to an environment
- Add RTL support to markdown renderer (Ebrahim Byagowi)
- Add word-wrap to issue title on issue and milestone boards (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix todos page mobile viewport layout (ClemMakesApps)
- Make issues search less finicky
- Fix inconsistent highlighting of already selected activity nav-links (ClemMakesApps)
- Remove redundant mixins (ClemMakesApps)
- Added 'Download' button to the Snippets page (Justin DiPierro)
- Add visibility level to project repository
- Fix robots.txt disallowing access to groups starting with "s" (Matt Harrison)
- Close open merge request without source project (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Fix showing commits from source project for merge request !6658
- Fix that manual jobs would no longer block jobs in the next stage. !6604
- Add configurable email subject suffix (Fu Xu)
- Use defined colour for a language when available !6748 (nilsding)
- Added tooltip to fork count on project show page. (Justin DiPierro)
- Use a ConnectionPool for Rails.cache on Sidekiq servers
- Replace `alias_method_chain` with `Module#prepend`
- Enable GitLab Import/Export for non-admin users.
- Preserve label filters when sorting !6136 (Joseph Frazier)
- MergeRequest#new form load diff asynchronously
- Only update issuable labels if they have been changed
- Take filters in account in issuable counters. !6496
- Use custom Ruby images to test builds (registry.dev.gitlab.org/gitlab/gitlab-build-images:*)
- Replace static issue fixtures by script !6059 (winniehell)
- Append issue template to existing description !6149 (Joseph Frazier)
- Trending projects now only show public projects and the list of projects is cached for a day
- Memoize Gitlab Shell's secret token (!6599, Justin DiPierro)
- Revoke button in Applications Settings underlines on hover.
- Use higher size on Gitlab::Redis connection pool on Sidekiq servers
- Add missing values to linter !6276 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Revert avoid touching file system on Build#artifacts?
- Stop using a Redis lease when updating the project activity timestamp whenever a new event is created
- Add disabled delete button to protected branches (ClemMakesApps)
- Add broadcast messages and alerts below sub-nav
- Better empty state for Groups view
- API: New /users/:id/events endpoint
- Update ruby-prof to 0.16.2. !6026 (Elan Ruusamäe)
- Replace bootstrap caret with fontawesome caret (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix unnecessary escaping of reserved HTML characters in milestone title. !6533
- Add organization field to user profile
- Change user pages routing from /u/:username/PATH to /users/:username/PATH. Old routes will redirect to the new ones for the time being.
- Fix enter key when navigating search site search dropdown. !6643 (Brennan Roberts)
- Fix deploy status responsiveness error !6633
- Make searching for commits case insensitive
- Fix resolved discussion display in side-by-side diff view !6575
- Optimize GitHub importing for speed and memory
- API: expose pipeline data in builds API (!6502, Guilherme Salazar)
- Notify the Merger about merge after successful build (Dimitris Karakasilis)
- Reduce queries needed to find users using their SSH keys when pushing commits
- Prevent rendering the link to all when the author has no access (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Fix broken repository 500 errors in project list
- Fix the diff in the merge request view when converting a symlink to a regular file
- Fix Pipeline list commit column width should be adjusted
- Close todos when accepting merge requests via the API !6486 (tonygambone)
- Ability to batch assign issues relating to a merge request to the author. !5725 (jamedjo)
- Changed Slack service user referencing from full name to username (Sebastian Poxhofer)
- Retouch environments list and deployments list
- Add multiple command support for all label related slash commands !6780 (barthc)
- Add Container Registry on/off status to Admin Area !6638 (the-undefined)
- Add Nofollow for uppercased scheme in external urls !6820 (the-undefined)
- Allow empty merge requests !6384 (Artem Sidorenko)
- Grouped pipeline dropdown is a scrollable container
- Cleanup Ci::ApplicationController. !6757 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fixes padding in all clipboard icons that have .btn class
- Fix a typo in doc/api/labels.md
- Fix double-escaping in activities tab (Alexandre Maia)
- API: all unknown routing will be handled with 404 Not Found
- Add docs for request profiling
- Delete dynamic environments
- Fix buggy iOS tooltip layering behavior.
- Make guests unable to view MRs on private projects
- Fix broken Project API docs (Takuya Noguchi)
- Migrate invalid project members (owner -> master)
- Prevent running `GfmAutocomplete` setup for each diff note. !6569
- Fix long commit messages overflow viewport in file tree. !6573
- Use `gitlab-markup` gem instead of `github-markup` to fix `.rst` file rendering. !6659
- Prevent flash alert text from being obscured when container is fluid. !6694
- Fix due date being displayed as `NaN` in Safari. !6797
- Fix JS bug with select2 because of missing `data-field` attribute in select box. !6812
- Do not alter `force_remove_source_branch` options on MergeRequest unless specified. !6817
- Fix GFM autocomplete setup being called several times. !6840
- Handle case where deployment ref no longer exists. !6855
- Switch from request to env in ::API::Helpers. !6615
- Update the mail_room gem to 0.8.1 to fix a race condition with the mailbox watching thread. !6714
- Improve issue load time performance by avoiding ORDER BY in find_by call. !6724
- Add a new gitlab:users:clear_all_authentication_tokens task. !6745
- Don't send Private-Token (API authentication) headers to Sentry
- Share projects via the API only with groups the authenticated user can access
- Fix "Copy to clipboard" tooltip to say "Copied!" when clipboard button is clicked. !6294 (lukehowell)
- Fix padding in build sidebar. !6506
- Changed compare dropdowns to dropdowns with isolated search input. !6550
- Fix race condition on LFS Token. !6592
- Fix type mismatch bug when closing Jira issue. !6619
- Fix lint-doc error. !6623
- Skip wiki creation when GitHub project has wiki enabled. !6665
- Fix issues importing services via Import/Export. !6667
- Restrict failed login attempts for users with 2FA enabled. !6668
- Fix failed project deletion when feature visibility set to private. !6688
- Prevent claiming associated model IDs via import.
- Set GitLab project exported file permissions to owner only
- Improve the way merge request versions are compared with each other
- Update Gitlab Shell to support low IO priority for storage moves
- Fix Import/Export not recognising correctly the imported services.
- Fix "Create project" button layout when visibility options are restricted
- Fix List-Unsubscribe header in emails
- Fix IssuesController#show degradation including project on loaded notes
- Fix an issue with the "Commits" section of the cycle analytics summary. !6513

James Lopez
- Fix errors importing project feature and milestone models using GitLab project import
- Make JWT messages Docker-compatible
- Fix duplicate branch entry in the merge request version compare dropdown
- Respect the fork_project permission when forking projects
- Only update issuable labels if they have been changed
- Fix bug where 'Search results' repeated many times when a search in the emoji search form is cleared (Xavier Bick) (@zeiv)
- Fix resolve discussion buttons endpoint path
- Refactor remnants of CoffeeScript destructured opts and super !6261
- Fix a memory leak in HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter::WHITELIST
- Removes inconsistency regarding tagging immediatelly as merged once you create a new branch. !6408
- Update the rouge gem to 2.0.6, which adds highlighting support for JSX, Prometheus, and others. !6251
- Only check :can_resolve permission if the note is resolvable
- Bump fog-aws to v0.11.0 to support ap-south-1 region
- Add ability to fork to a specific namespace using API. (ritave)
- Allow to set request_access_enabled for groups and projects

Stan Hu
- Only create a protected branch upon a push to a new branch if a rule for that branch doesn't exist
- Prune events older than 12 months. (ritave)
- Prepend blank line to `Closes` message on merge request linked to issue (lukehowell)
- Fix issues/merge-request templates dropdown for forked projects
- Update gitlab shell secret file also when it is empty. !3774 (glensc)
- Give project selection dropdowns responsive width, make non-wrapping.
- Fix note form hint showing slash commands supported for commits.
- Make push events have equal vertical spacing.
- API: Ensure invitees are not returned in Members API.
- Preserve applied filters on issues search.
- Add two-factor recovery endpoint to internal API !5510
- Pass the "Remember me" value to the U2F authentication form
- Display stages in valid order in stages dropdown on build page
- Only update projects.last_activity_at once per hour when creating a new event
- Remove vendor prefixes for linear-gradient CSS (ClemMakesApps)
- Move pushes_since_gc from the database to Redis
- Limit number of shown environments on Merge Request: show only environments for target_branch, source_branch and tags
- Add font color contrast to external label in admin area (ClemMakesApps)
- Use Search::GlobalService.new in the `GET /projects/search/:query` endpoint
- Fix long comments in diffs messing with table width
- Add spec covering 'Gitlab::Git::committer_hash' !6433 (dandunckelman)
- Honor "fixed layout" preference in more places !6422
- Fix download artifacts button links !6407
- Sort project variables by key. !6275 (Diego Souza)
- Ensure specs on sorting of issues in API are deterministic on MySQL
- Added ability to use predefined CI variables for environment name
- Added ability to specify URL in environment configuration in gitlab-ci.yml
- Escape search term before passing it to Regexp.new !6241 (winniehell)
- Fix pinned sidebar behavior in smaller viewports !6169
- Fix file permissions change when updating a file on the Gitlab UI !5979
- Added horizontal padding on build page sidebar on code coverage block. !6196 (Vitaly Baev)
- Change merge_error column from string to text type
- Fix issue with search filter labels not displaying
- Reduce contributions calendar data payload (ClemMakesApps)
- Show all pipelines for merge requests even from discarded commits !6414
- Replace contributions calendar timezone payload with dates (ClemMakesApps)

Luke Bennett
- Changed MR widget build status to pipeline status !6335
- Add `web_url` field to issue, merge request, and snippet API objects (Ben Boeckel)
- Move parsing of sidekiq ps into helper !6245 (pascalbetz)
- Added go to issue boards keyboard shortcut
- Expose `sha` and `merge_commit_sha` in merge request API (Ben Boeckel)
- Emoji can be awarded on Snippets !4456

Mike Greiling
- Set path for all JavaScript cookies to honor GitLab's subdirectory setting !5627 (Mike Greiling)
- Spec testing if issue authors can read issues on private projects
- Fix bug where pagination is still displayed despite all todos marked as done (ClemMakesApps)
- Request only the LDAP attributes we need !6187
- Center build stage columns in pipeline overview (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix bug with tooltip not hiding on discussion toggle button
- Rename behaviour to behavior in bug issue template for consistency (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix bug stopping issue description being scrollable after selecting issue template
- Remove suggested colors hover underline (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix jump to discussion button being displayed on commit notes
- Increase ci_builds artifacts_size column to 8-byte integer to allow larger files
- Add textarea autoresize after comment (ClemMakesApps)
- Do not write SSH public key 'comments' to authorized_keys !6381
- Refresh todos count cache when an Issue/MR is deleted
- Fix branches page dropdown sort alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Hides merge request button on branches page is user doesn't have permissions
- Add white background for no readme container (ClemMakesApps)
- API: Expose issue confidentiality flag. (Robert Schilling)
- Fix markdown anchor icon interaction (ClemMakesApps)
- Test migration paths from 8.5 until current release !4874
- Replace animateEmoji timeout with eventListener (ClemMakesApps)
- Show badges in Milestone tabs. !5946 (Dan Rowden)
- Optimistic locking for Issues and Merge Requests (title and description overriding prevention)
- Add `wiki_page_events` to project hook APIs (Ben Boeckel)
- Loads GFM autocomplete source only when required
- Fix issue with slash commands not loading on new issue page
- Fix inconsistent background color for filter input field (ClemMakesApps)
- Remove prefixes from transition CSS property (ClemMakesApps)
- Merge request tabs are fixed when scrolling page
- Use 'git update-ref' for safer web commits !6130
- Sort pipelines requested through the API

Mike Greiling
- Automatically expand hidden discussions when accessed by a permalink !5585 (Mike Greiling)
- Fix issue boards loading on large screens
- Change pipeline duration to be jobs running time instead of simple wall time from start to end !6084
- Show queued time when showing a pipeline !6084
- Fix issue board label filtering appending already filtered labels
- Scroll active tab into view on mobile
- Fix groups sort dropdown alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Add horizontal scrolling to all sub-navs on mobile viewports (ClemMakesApps)
- Use JavaScript tooltips for mentions !5301 (winniehell)
- Add hover state to todos !5361 (winniehell)
- Fix icon alignment of star and fork buttons !5451 (winniehell)
- Fix alignment of icon buttons !5887 (winniehell)
- Added Ubuntu 16.04 support for packager.io (JonTheNiceGuy)
- Add last commit time to repo view (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix accessibility and visibility of project list dropdown button !6140
- Fix missing flash messages on service edit page (airatshigapov)
- Added project-specific enable/disable setting for LFS !5997
- Added group-specific enable/disable setting for LFS !6164
- Add optional 'author' param when making commits. !5822 (dandunckelman)
- Don't expose a user's token in the `/api/v3/user` API (!6047)
- Remove redundant js-timeago-pending from user activity log (ClemMakesApps)
- Ability to manage project issues, snippets, wiki, merge requests and builds access level
- Remove inconsistent font weight for sidebar's labels (ClemMakesApps)
- Align add button on repository view (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix contributions calendar month label truncation (ClemMakesApps)
- Import release note descriptions from GitHub (EspadaV8)
- Add a button to download latest successful artifacts for branches and tags !5142
- Remove redundant pipeline tooltips (ClemMakesApps)
- Expire commit info views after one day, instead of two weeks, to allow for user email updates
- Add delimiter to project stars and forks count (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix badge count alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Remove green outline from `New branch unavailable` button on issue page !5858 (winniehell)
- Change update interval of contacted_at
- Fix branch title trailing space on hover (ClemMakesApps)
- Don't include 'Created By' tag line when importing from GitHub if there is a linked GitLab account (EspadaV8)
- Award emoji tooltips containing more than 10 usernames are now truncated !4780 (jlogandavison)
- Fix duplicate "me" in award emoji tooltip !5218 (jlogandavison)
- Order award emoji tooltips in order they were added (EspadaV8)
- Fix spacing and vertical alignment on build status icon on commits page (ClemMakesApps)
- Update merge_requests.md with a simpler way to check out a merge request. !5944
- Fix button missing type (ClemMakesApps)
- Move to project dropdown with infinite scroll for better performance
- Fix leaking of submit buttons outside the width of a main container !18731 (originally by @pavelloz)
- Load branches asynchronously in Cherry Pick and Revert dialogs.
- Convert datetime coffeescript spec to ES6 (ClemMakesApps)
- Add merge request versions !5467
- Change using size to use count and caching it for number of group members. !5935
- Replace play icon font with svg (ClemMakesApps)
- Added 'only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds' project setting in the API. !5930 (Duck)
- Reduce number of database queries on builds tab
- Capitalize mentioned issue timeline notes (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix inconsistent checkbox alignment (ClemMakesApps)
- Use the default branch for displaying the project icon instead of master !5792 (Hannes Rosenögger)
- Adds response mime type to transaction metric action when it's not HTML
- Fix hover leading space bug in pipeline graph !5980
- Avoid conflict with admin labels when importing GitHub labels
- User can edit closed MR with deleted fork (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska) !5496
- Fix repository page ui issues
- Avoid protected branches checks when verifying access without branch name
- Add information about user and manual build start to runner as variables !6201 (Sergey Gnuskov)
- Fixed invisible scroll controls on build page on iPhone
- Fix error on raw build trace download for old builds stored in database !4822
- Refactor the triggers page and documentation !6217
- Show values of CI trigger variables only when clicked (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Use default clone protocol on "check out, review, and merge locally" help page URL

James Lopez
- Let the user choose a namespace and name on GitHub imports
- API for Ci Lint !5953 (Katarzyna Kobierska Urszula Budziszewska)
- Allow bulk update merge requests from merge requests index page
- Ensure validation messages are shown within the milestone form
- Add notification_settings API calls !5632 (mahcsig)
- Remove duplication between project builds and admin builds view !5680 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Deleting source project with existing fork link will close all related merge requests !6177 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszeska)
- Return 204 instead of 404 for /ci/api/v1/builds/register.json if no builds are scheduled for a runner !6225
- Fix Gitlab::Popen.popen thread-safety issue
- Add specs to removing project (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Clean environment variables when running git hooks
- Fix Import/Export issues importing protected branches and some specific models
- Fix non-master branch readme display in tree view
- Add UX improvements for merge request version diffs
- Don't send Private-Token (API authentication) headers to Sentry
- Share projects via the API only with groups the authenticated user can access
- Respect the fork_project permission when forking projects
- Set a restrictive CORS policy on the API for credentialed requests
- API: disable rails session auth for non-GET/HEAD requests
- Escape HTML nodes in builds commands in CI linter
- Avoid conflict with admin labels when importing GitHub labels. !6158
- Restores `fieldName` to allow only string values in `gl_dropdown.js`. !6234
- Allow the Rails cookie to be used for API authentication.
- Fix unnecessary horizontal scroll area in pipeline visualizations. !6005
- Make merge conflict file size limit 200 KB, to match the docs. !6052
- Fix an error where we were unable to create a CommitStatus for running state. !6107
- Optimize discussion notes resolving and unresolving. !6141
- Fix GitLab import button. !6167
- Restore SSH Key title auto-population behavior. !6186
- Fix DB schema to match latest migration. !6256
- Exclude some pending or inactivated rows in Member scopes.
- Optimize branch lookups and force a repository reload for Repository#find_branch. !6087
- Fix member expiration date picker after update. !6184
- Fix suggested colors options for new labels in the admin area. !6138
- Optimize discussion notes resolving and unresolving
- Fix confidential issues being exposed as public using gitlab.com export
- Remove gitorious from import_sources. !6180
- Scope webhooks/services that will run for confidential issues
- Remove gitorious from import_sources
- Fix confidential issues being exposed as public using gitlab.com export
- Fix resolving conflicts on forks. !6082
- Fix diff commenting on merge requests created prior to 8.10. !6029
- Fix pipelines tab layout regression. !5952
- Fix "Wiki" link not appearing in navigation for projects with external wiki. !6057
- Do not enforce using hash with hidden key in CI configuration. !6079
- Fix hover leading space bug in pipeline graph !5980
- Fix sorting issues by "last updated" doesn't work after import from GitHub
- GitHub importer use default project visibility for non-private projects
- Creating an issue through our API now emails label subscribers !5720
- Block concurrent updates for Pipeline
- Don't create groups for unallowed users when importing projects
- Fix issue boards leak private label names and descriptions
- Fix broken gitlab:backup:restore because of bad permissions on repo storage !6098 (Dirk Hörner)
- Remove gitorious. !5866
- Allow compare merge request versions
- Allow system info page to handle case where info is unavailable
- Label list shows all issues (opened or closed) with that label
- Don't show resolve conflicts link before MR status is updated
- Don't prevent viewing the MR when git refs for conflicts can't be found on disk
- Fix external issue tracker "Issues" link leading to 404s
- Don't try to show merge conflict resolution info if a merge conflict contains non-UTF-8 characters
- Automatically expand hidden discussions when accessed by a permalink !5585 (Mike Greiling)
- Show "Create Merge Request" widget for push events to fork projects on the source project. !5978
- Use gitlab-workhorse 0.7.11 !5983
- Does not halt the GitHub import process when an error occurs. !5763
- Fix file links on project page when default view is Files !5933
- Fixed enter key in search input not working !5888

Paco Guzman
- Pulled due to packaging error.
- Use test coverage value from the latest successful pipeline in badge. !5862
- Add test coverage report badge. !5708
- Remove the http_parser.rb dependency by removing the tinder gem. !5758 (tbalthazar)
- Add Koding (online IDE) integration
- Ability to specify branches for Pivotal Tracker integration (Egor Lynko)
- Fix don't pass a local variable called `i` to a partial. !20510 (herminiotorres)
- Fix rename `add_users_into_project` and `projects_ids`. !20512 (herminiotorres)
- Fix adding line comments on the initial commit to a repo !5900
- Fix the title of the toggle dropdown button. !5515 (herminiotorres)
- Rename `markdown_preview` routes to `preview_markdown`. (Christopher Bartz)
- Allow resolving merge conflicts in the UI !5479
- Improve diff performance by eliminating redundant checks for text blobs
- Ensure that branch names containing escapable characters (e.g. %20) aren't unescaped indiscriminately. !5770 (ewiltshi)
- Convert switch icon into icon font (ClemMakesApps)
- API: Endpoints for enabling and disabling deploy keys
- API: List access requests, request access, approve, and deny access requests to a project or a group. !4833
- Use long options for curl examples in documentation !5703 (winniehell)
- Added tooltip listing label names to the labels value in the collapsed issuable sidebar
- Remove magic comments (`# encoding: UTF-8`) from Ruby files. !5456 (winniehell)
- GitLab Performance Monitoring can now track custom events such as the number of tags pushed to a repository
- Add support for relative links starting with ./ or / to RelativeLinkFilter (winniehell)
- Ignore URLs starting with // in Markdown links !5677 (winniehell)
- Fix CI status icon link underline (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix commit mention font inconsistency (ClemMakesApps)
- Do not escape URI when extracting path !5878 (winniehell)
- Fix filter label tooltip HTML rendering (ClemMakesApps)
- Cache the commit author in RequestStore to avoid extra lookups in PostReceive
- Expand commit message width in repo view (ClemMakesApps)
- Cache highlighted diff lines for merge requests
- Pre-create all builds for a Pipeline when the new Pipeline is created !5295
- Allow merge request diff notes and discussions to be explicitly marked as resolved
- API: Add deployment endpoints
- API: Add Play endpoint on Builds

Valery Sizov
- Fix of 'Commits being passed to custom hooks are already reachable when using the UI'
- Show member roles to all users on members page
- Project.visible_to_user is instrumented again
- Fix awardable button mutuality loading spinners (ClemMakesApps)

Stan Hu
- Add support for using RequestStore within Sidekiq tasks via SIDEKIQ_REQUEST_STORE env variable
- Optimize maximum user access level lookup in loading of notes
- Send notification emails to users newly mentioned in issue and MR edits !5800
- Add "No one can push" as an option for protected branches. !5081
- Improve performance of AutolinkFilter#text_parse by using XPath
- Add experimental Redis Sentinel support !1877
- Rendering of SVGs as blobs is now limited to SVGs with a size smaller or equal to 2MB
- Fix branches page dropdown sort initial state (ClemMakesApps)
- Various redundant database indexes have been removed
- Update `timeago` plugin to use multiple string/locale settings
- Get issue and merge request description templates from repositories
- Enforce 2FA restrictions on API authentication endpoints !5820
- Limit git rev-list output count to one in forced push check
- Show deployment status on merge requests with external URLs
- Fix issue on empty project to allow developers to only push to protected branches if given permission
- Optimize generating of cache keys for issues and notes
- Fix repository push email formatting in Outlook
- Improve performance of syntax highlighting Markdown code blocks
- Update to gitlab_git 10.4.1 and take advantage of preserved Ref objects
- Remove delay when hitting "Reply..." button on page with a lot of discussions
- Retrieve rendered HTML from cache in one request
- Fix renaming repository when name contains invalid chararacters under project settings
- Upgrade Grape from 0.13.0 to 0.15.0. !4601
- Trigram indexes for the "ci_runners" table have been removed to speed up UPDATE queries
- Fix devise deprecation warnings.
- Check for 2FA when using Git over HTTP and only allow PersonalAccessTokens as password in that case !5764
- Update version_sorter and use new interface for faster tag sorting
- Optimize checking if a user has read access to a list of issues !5370
- Store all DB secrets in secrets.yml, under descriptive names !5274
- Fix syntax highlighting in file editor
- Support slash commands in issue and merge request descriptions as well as comments. !5021
- Nokogiri's various parsing methods are now instrumented
- Add archived badge to project list !5798
- Add simple identifier to public SSH keys (muteor)
- Admin page now references docs instead of a specific file !5600 (AnAverageHuman)
- Include old revision in merge request update hooks (Ben Boeckel)
- Add build event color in HipChat messages (David Eisner)
- Document that webhook secret token is sent in X-Gitlab-Token HTTP header !5664 (lycoperdon)
- All created issues, API or WebUI, can be submitted to Akismet for spam check !5333
- Allow users to import cross-repository pull requests from GitHub
- The overhead of instrumented method calls has been reduced
- Remove `search_id` of labels dropdown filter to fix 'Missleading URI for labels in Merge Requests and Issues view'. !5368 (Scott Le)
- Load project invited groups and members eagerly in `ProjectTeam#fetch_members`
- Bump gitlab_git to speedup DiffCollection iterations
- Rewrite description of a blocked user in admin settings. (Elias Werberich)
- Make branches sortable without push permission !5462 (winniehell)
- Check for Ci::Build artifacts at database level on pipeline partial
- Convert image diff background image to CSS (ClemMakesApps)
- Make "New issue" button in Issue page less obtrusive !5457 (winniehell)
- Gitlab::Metrics.current_transaction needs to be public for RailsQueueDuration
- Fix search for notes which belongs to deleted objects
- Allow Akismet to be trained by submitting issues as spam or ham !5538
- Add GitLab Workhorse version to admin dashboard (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Allow branch names ending with .json for graph and network page !5579 (winniehell)
- Improve OAuth2 client documentation (muteor)
- Fix diff comments inverted toggle bug (ClemMakesApps)
- Multiple trigger variables show in separate lines (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Profile requests when a header is passed
- Avoid calculation of line_code and position for _line partial when showing diff notes on discussion tab.
- Speedup DiffNote#active? on discussions, preloading noteables and avoid touching git repository to return diff_refs when possible
- Add commit stats in commit api. !5517 (dixpac)
- Add CI configuration button on project page
- Fix merge request new view not changing code view rendering style
- edit_blob_link will use blob passed onto the options parameter
- The performance of the project dropdown used for moving issues has been improved
- Fix skip_repo parameter being ignored when destroying a namespace
- Change requests_profiles resource constraint to catch virtually any file
- Bump gitlab_git to lazy load compare commits
- Reduce number of queries made for merge_requests/:id/diffs
- Add the option to set the expiration date for the project membership when giving a user access to a project. !5599 (Adam Niedzielski)
- Sensible state specific default sort order for issues and merge requests !5453 (tomb0y)
- Fix bug where destroying a namespace would not always destroy projects
- Fix RequestProfiler::Middleware error when code is reloaded in development
- Allow horizontal scrolling of code blocks in issue body
- Catch what warden might throw when profiling requests to re-throw it
- Avoid commit lookup on diff_helper passing existing local variable to the helper method
- Add description to new_issue email and new_merge_request_email in text/plain content type. !5663 (dixpac)
- Speed up and reduce memory usage of Commit#repo_changes, Repository#expire_avatar_cache and IrkerWorker
- Add unfold links for Side-by-Side view. !5415 (Tim Masliuchenko)
- Adds support for pending invitation project members importing projects
- Add pipeline visualization/graph on pipeline page
- Update devise initializer to turn on changed password notification emails. !5648 (tombell)
- Avoid to show the original password field when password is automatically set. !5712 (duduribeiro)
- Fix importing GitLab projects with an invalid MR source project
- Sort folders with submodules in Files view !5521
- Each `File::exists?` replaced to `File::exist?` because of deprecate since ruby version 2.2.0
- Add auto-completition in pipeline (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Fix notification_service argument error of declined invitation emails
- Fix a memory leak caused by Banzai::Filter::SanitizationFilter
- Speed up todos queries by limiting the projects set we join with
- Ensure file editing in UI does not overwrite commited changes without warning user
- Eliminate unneeded calls to Repository#blob_at when listing commits with no path
- Simplify SQL queries of marking a todo as done

Sid Sijbrandij
- Don't send Private-Token (API authentication) headers to Sentry
- Share projects via the API only with groups the authenticated user can access
- Respect the fork_project permission when forking projects
- Set a restrictive CORS policy on the API for credentialed requests
- API: disable rails session auth for non-GET/HEAD requests
- Escape HTML nodes in builds commands in CI linter
- Allow the Rails cookie to be used for API authentication.
- Exclude some pending or inactivated rows in Member scopes
- Fix information disclosure in issue boards.
- Fix privilege escalation in project import.
- Upgrade Hamlit to 2.6.1. !5873
- Upgrade Doorkeeper to 4.2.0. !5881
- Upgrade Rails to for security fixes. !5781
- Restore "Largest repository" sort option on Admin > Projects page. !5797
- Fix privilege escalation via project export.
- Require administrator privileges to perform a project import.

Sid Sijbrandij
- Add a data migration to fix some missing timestamps in the members table. !5670
- Revert the "Defend against 'Host' header injection" change in the source NGINX templates. !5706
- Cache project count for 5 minutes to reduce DB load. !5746 & !5754
- Don't close referenced upstream issues from a forked project.
- Fixes issue with dropdowns `enter` key not working correctly. !5544
- Fix Import/Export project import not working in HA mode. !5618
- Fix Import/Export error checking versions. !5638

Sid Sijbrandij
- Fix Import/Export issue importing milestones and labels not associated properly. !5426
- Fix timing problems running imports on production. !5523
- Add a log message when a project is scheduled for destruction for debugging. !5540
- Fix hooks missing on imported GitLab projects. !5549
- Properly abort a merge when merge conflicts occur. !5569
- Fix importer for GitHub Pull Requests when a branch was removed. !5573
- Ignore invalid IPs in X-Forwarded-For when trusted proxies are configured. !5584
- Trim extra displayed carriage returns in diffs and files with CRLFs. !5588
- Fix label already exist error message in the right sidebar.
- Page is now properly rendered after committing the first file and creating the first branch. !5399
- Fix backup restore. !5459
- Use project ID in repository cache to prevent stale data from persisting across projects. !5460
- Fix issue with autocomplete search not working with enter key. !5466
- Add iid to MR API response. !5468
- Disable MySQL foreign key checks before dropping all tables. !5472
- Ensure relative paths for video are rewritten as we do for images. !5474
- Ensure current user can retry a build before showing the 'Retry' button. !5476
- Add ENV variable to skip repository storages validations. !5478
- Added `*.js.es6 gitlab-language=javascript` to `.gitattributes`. !5486
- Don't show comment button in gutter of diffs on MR discussion tab. !5493
- Rescue Rugged::OSError (lock exists) when creating references. !5497
- Fix expand all diffs button in compare view. !5500
- Show release notes in tags list. !5503
- Fix a bug where forking a project from a repository storage to another would fail. !5509
- Fix missing schema update for `20160722221922`. !5512
- Update `gitlab-shell` version to 3.2.1 in the 8.9->8.10 update guide. !5516

Stan Hu
- Refactor repository storages documentation. !5428
- Gracefully handle case when keep-around references are corrupted or exist already. !5430
- Add detailed info on storage path mountpoints. !5437
- Fix Error 500 when creating Wiki pages with hyphens or spaces. !5444
- Fix bug where replies to commit notes displayed in the MR discussion tab wouldn't show up on the commit page. !5446
- Ignore invalid trusted proxies in X-Forwarded-For header. !5454
- Add links to the real markdown.md file for all GFM examples. !5458
- Fix profile activity heatmap to show correct day name (eanplatter)
- Speed up ExternalWikiHelper#get_project_wiki_path
- Expose {should,force}_remove_source_branch (Ben Boeckel)
- Disable PostgreSQL statement timeout during migrations
- Fix projects dropdown loading performance with a simplified api cal. !5113
- Fix commit builds API, return all builds for all pipelines for given commit. !4849
- Replace Haml with Hamlit to make view rendering faster. !3666
- Allow to disable request access button on projects/groups
- Refactor repository paths handling to allow multiple git mount points
- Optimize system note visibility checking by memoizing the visible reference count. !5070
- Delete award emoji when deleting a user
- Remove pinTo from Flash and make inline flash messages look nicer. !4854 (winniehell)
- Add an API for downloading latest successful build from a particular branch or tag. !5347
- Avoid data-integrity issue when cleaning up repository archive cache.
- Wrap code blocks on Activies and Todos page. !4783 (winniehell)
- Align flash messages with left side of page content. !4959 (winniehell)
- Display tooltip for "Copy to Clipboard" button. !5164 (winniehell)
- Use default cursor for table header of project files. !5165 (winniehell)
- Store when and yaml variables in builds table
- Display last commit of deleted branch in push events. !4699 (winniehell)
- Escape file extension when parsing search results. !5141 (winniehell)
- Add "passing with warnings" to the merge request pipeline possible statuses, this happens when builds that allow failures have failed. !5004
- Apply the trusted_proxies config to the rack request object for use with rack_attack
- Added the ability to block sign ups using a domain blacklist. !5259
- Deprecate APIs "projects/:id/keys/...". Use "projects/:id/deploy_keys/..." instead
- Add API "deploy_keys" for admins to get all deploy keys
- Allow to pull code with deploy key from public projects
- Use limit parameter rather than hardcoded value in `ldap:check` rake task (Mike Ricketts)
- Add Sidekiq queue duration to transaction metrics.
- Display tooltip for mentioned users and groups. !5261 (winniehell)
- Allow build email service to be tested
- Added day name to contribution calendar tooltips
- Make images fit to the size of the viewport. !4810
- Fix check for New Branch button on Issue page. !4630 (winniehell)
- Fix GFM autocomplete not working on wiki pages
- Fixed enter key not triggering click on first row when searching in a dropdown
- Updated dropdowns in issuable form to use new GitLab dropdown style
- Make images fit to the size of the viewport !4810
- Fix check for New Branch button on Issue page !4630 (winniehell)
- Support U2F devices in Firefox. !5177
- Fix issue, preventing users w/o push access to sort tags. !5105 (redetection)
- Add Spring EmojiOne updates.
- Fix fetching LFS objects for private CI projects
- Add the new 2016 Emoji! Adds 72 new emoji including bacon, facepalm, and selfie. !5237
- Fix viewing notification settings when a project is pending deletion
- Updated compare dropdown menus to use GL dropdown
- Allow to define manual actions/builds on Pipelines and Environments
- Fix pagination when sorting by columns with lots of ties (like priority)
- The Markdown reference parsers now re-use query results to prevent running the same queries multiple times. !5020
- Fix compare view not changing code view rendering style
- Exclude email check from the standard health check
- Updated layout for Projects, Groups, Users on Admin area. !4424
- Fix changing issue state columns in milestone view
- Update health_check gem to version 2.1.0
- Add notification settings dropdown for groups
- Render inline diffs for multiple changed lines following eachother
- Wildcards for protected branches. !4665
- Allow importing from Github using Personal Access Tokens. (Eric K Idema)
- API: Expose `due_date` for issues (Robert Schilling)
- API: Todos. !3188 (Robert Schilling)
- API: Expose shared groups for projects and shared projects for groups. !5050 (Robert Schilling)
- API: Expose `developers_can_push` and `developers_can_merge` for branches. !5208 (Robert Schilling)
- Add "Enabled Git access protocols" to Application Settings
- Diffs will create button/diff form on demand no on server side
- Reduce size of HTML used by diff comment forms
- Protected branches have a "Developers can Merge" setting. !4892 (original implementation by Mathias Vestergaard)
- Fix user creation with stronger minimum password requirements. !4054 (nathan-pmt)
- Only show New Snippet button to users that can create snippets.
- Actually render old and new sections of parallel diff next to each other
- Throttle the update of `project.pushes_since_gc` to 1 minute.
- Add support for inline videos in GitLab Flavored Markdown. !5215 (original implementation by Eric Hayes)
- Fix creation of deployment on build that is retried, redeployed or rollback

Paco Guzman
- Don't parse Rinku returned value to DocFragment when it didn't change the original html string.
- Check for conflicts with existing Project's wiki path when creating a new project.
- Show last push widget in upstream after push to fork
- Cache todos pending/done dashboard query counts.
- Don't instantiate a git tree on Projects show default view
- Remove unused front-end variable -> default_issues_tracker
- ObjectRenderer retrieve renderer content using Rails.cache.read_multi
- Better caching of git calls on ProjectsController#show.
- Avoid to retrieve MR closes_issues as much as possible.
- Hide project name in project activities. !5068 (winniehell)
- Add API endpoint for a group issues. !4520 (mahcsig)
- Add Bugzilla integration. !4930 (iamtjg)
- Be explicit to define merge request discussion variables
- Use cache for todos counter calling TodoService
- Metrics for Rouge::Plugins::Redcarpet and Rouge::Formatters::HTMLGitlab
- RailsCache metris now includes fetch_hit/fetch_miss and read_hit/read_miss info.
- Allow [ci skip] to be in any case and allow [skip ci]. !4785 (simon_w)
- Made project list visibility icon fixed width
- Memoize MR merged/closed events retrieval
- Don't render discussion notes when requesting diff tab through AJAX
- Add basic system information like memory and disk usage to the admin panel
- Don't garbage collect commits that have related DB records like comments
- Allow to setup event by channel on slack service
- More descriptive message for git hooks and file locks
- Aliases of award emoji should be stored as original name. !5060 (dixpac)
- Handle custom Git hook result in GitLab UI
- Allow to access Container Registry for Public and Internal projects
- Fix importer for GitHub Pull Requests when a branch was reused across Pull Requests
- Add date when user joined the team on the member page
- Fix 404 redirect after validation fails importing a GitLab project
- Added setting to set new users by default as external. !4545 (Dravere)
- Add min value for project limit field on user's form. !3622 (jastkand)
- Reset project pushes_since_gc when we enqueue the git gc call
- Add reminder to not paste private SSH keys. !4399 (Ingo Blechschmidt)
- Collapsed diffs lines/size don't acumulate to overflow diffs.
- Remove duplicate `description` field in `MergeRequest` entities (Ben Boeckel)
- Style of import project buttons were fixed in the new project page. !5183 (rdemirbay)
- Fix GitHub client requests when rate limit is disabled
- Optimistic locking for Issues and Merge Requests (Title and description overriding prevention)
- Fix commenting issue in side by side diff view for unchanged lines
- Fix markdown rendering for: consecutive labels references, label references that begin with a digit or contains `.`
- Project export filename now includes the project and namespace path
- Fix last update timestamp on issues not preserved on gitlab.com and project imports
- Prevent toggling sidebar when clipboard icon clicked