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  • edge-21.5.1
    This edge release adds support for versioned hint URLs in `linkerd check` and
    support for traffic splitting through ServiceProfiles, among other fixes and
    improvements. Additionally, more options have been added to the
    linkerd-multicluster and linkerd-jaeger helm charts.
    * Added support for traffic splitting through a ServiceProfile's `dstOverrides`
    * Added `nodePorts` option to the multicluster helm chart (thanks @psmit!).
    * Added `nodeSelector` and toleration options to the linkerd-jaeger helm chart
      (thanks @aatarasoff!).
    * Added versioned hint URLs to the CLI `check` command when encountering an
      error; each major CLI version will now point to that version's relevant
      section in the Linkerd troubleshooting page.
    * Fixed an issue in the CLI `check` command where error messages for
      healthchecks that were being retried would be outputted repeatedly instead of
      just once.
    * Fixed an issue in the proxy injector where a namespace annotated with opaque
      ports would overwrite all service annotations.
    * Fixed a regression in the proxy that caused all logs to be output with ANSI
      control characters, by default logs are output in plaintext now.
    * Simplified proxy internals in order to distinguish endpoint-forwarding logic
      from the handling of load balanced services.
    * Simplified the ingress-mode outbound proxy by requiring the
      `l5d-dst-override` header and by failing non-HTTP communication. Proxies
      running in ingress-mode will not unexpectedly revert to insecure
      communication as a result.
  • stable-2.9.5
    This stable release fixes an issue where the destination service is throttled
    after overwhelming the Kubernetes API server with node topology queries. This
    results in the destination service failing requests and spiking in latency. By
    moving to a shared informer for these queries, the information is now fetched
  • edge-21.4.5
    This edge release adds a new `--short` flag to `linkerd check` to show a
    summary of the check output. This release also includes various proxy bug fixes
    and improvements.
    * Proxy
      * Fixed a task leak that would be triggered when clients disconnect a
        service in failfast.
      * Improved admin server protocol detection so that error messages are
        more descriptive about the underlying problem.
      * Fixed panics found in fuzz testing. These panics were extremely
        unlikely to occur in practice and would require very specific
        configuration overrides to be triggered.
    * CLI
      * Added support for a `--short` flag to the check command to output a summary
        of check results
  • edge-21.4.4
    This edge release further consolidates the control plane by removing the
    linkerd-controller deployment and moving the sp-validator container into the
    destination deployment.
    Annotation inheritance has been added so that all Linkerd annotations
    on a namespace resource will be inherited by pods within that namespace.
    In addition, the `` annotation has been added which
    enables the [linkerd-await](
    functionality by default, simplifying the implementation of the await behavior.
    Setting the annotation value to disabled will prevent this behavior.
    Some of the `linkerd check` functionality has been updated. The command
    ensures that annotations and labels are properly located in the YAML and adds
    proxy checks for the control plane and extension pods.
    Finally, the nginx container has been removed from the Multicluster gateway pod,
    which will impact upgrades. Please see the note below.
    **Upgrade note:** When the Multicluster extension is updated in both of the
    source and target clusters there won't be any downtime because this change only
    affects the readiness probe. The multicluster links must be re-generated with
    the `linkerd mc link` command and the `linkerd mc gateways` will show
    the target cluster as not alive until the `linkerd mc link` command is re-run,
    however that shouldn't affect existing endpoints pointing to the target cluster.
    * Added proxy checks for core control plane and extension pods
    * Added support for awaiting proxy readiness using an annotation
    * Added namespace annotation inheritance to pods
    * Removed the linkerd-controller pod
    * Moved sp-validator container into the destination deployment
    * Added check verifying that labels and annotations are not mixed up
      (thanks @szymongib)
    * Enabled support for extra initContainers to the linkerd-cni daemonset
      (thanks @mhulscher!)
    * Removed nginx container from multicluster gateway pod
    * Added an error message when there is nothing to uninstall
  • stable-2.10.1
    This stable release adds CLI support for Apple Silicon M1 chips and support for
    SMI's TrafficSplit `v1alpha2`.
    There are several proxy fixes: handling `FailedPrecondition` errors gracefully,
    inbound TLS detection from non-meshed workloads, and using the correct cached
    client when the proxy is in ingress mode. The logging infrastructure has also
    been improved to reduce memory pressure in high-connection environments.
    On the control-plane side, there have been several improvements to the
    destination service such as support for Host IP lookups and ignoring pods
    in "Terminating" state. It also updates the proxy-injector to add opaque ports
    annotation to pods if their namespace has it set.
    On the CLI side, `linkerd repair` has been updated to be aware about the control-plane
    version and suggest the relevant version to generate the right config. Various
    bugs have been fixed around `linkerd identity`, etc.
    **Upgrade notes**: Please refer [2.10 upgrade instructions](
    if you are upgrading from `2.9.x` or below versions.
    * Proxy:
      * Fixed an issue where proxies could infinitely retry failed requests to the
        `destination` controller when it returned a `FailedPrecondition`
      * The proxy's logging infrastructure has been updated to reduce memory pressure
        in high-connection environments.
      * Fixed a caching issue in the outbound proxy that would cause it to
        forward traffic to the wrong pod when running in ingress mode.
      * Fixed an issue where inbound TLS detection from non-meshed workloads
        could break
      * Fixed an issue where the admin server's HTTP detection would fail and
        not recover; these are now handled gracefully and without logging warnings
      * Control plane proxies no longer emit warnings about the resolution stream ending.
        This error was innocuous.
      * Bumped the proxy-init image to v1.3.11 which updates the go version to be 1.16.2
    * Control Plane:
      * Fixed an issue where the destination service would respond with too big of a
        header and result in http2 protocol errors
      * Fixed an issue where the destination control plane component sometimes returned
        endpoint addresses with a 0 port number while pods were undergoing a rollout
        (thanks @riccardofreixo!)
      * Fixed an issue where pod lookups by host IP and host port fail even though
        the cluster has a matching pod
      * Updated the IP Watcher in destination to ignore pods in "Terminating" state
        (thanks @Wenliang-CHEN!)
      * Modified the proxy-injector to add the opaque ports annotation to pods
        if their namespace has it set
      * Added Support for TrafficSplit `v1alpha2`
      * Updated all the control-plane components to use go `1.16.2`.
    * CLI:
      * Fixed an issue where the linkerd identity command returned the root
        certificate of a pod instead of its leaf certificates
      * Fixed an issue where the destination service would respond with too
        big of a header and result in http2 protocol errors
      * Updated the release process to build Linkerd CLI binaries for Apple
        Silicon M1 chips
      * Improved error messaging when trying to install Linkerd on a cluster
        that already had Linkerd installed
      * Added a loading spinner to the linkerd check command when running
        extension checks
      * Added installNamespace toggle in the jaeger extension's install.
        (thanks @jijeesh!)
      * Updated healthcheck pkg to have hintBaseURL configurable, useful
        for external extensions using that pkg
      * Fixed TCP read and write bytes/sec calculations to group by label
        based off inbound or outbound traffic
      * Fixed an issue in linkerd inject where the wrong annotation would
        be added when using --ingress flag
      * Updated `linkerd repair` to be aware of the client and server versions
      * Updated `linkerd uninstall` to print error message when there are no
        resources to uninstall.
    * Helm:
      * Aligned the Helm installation heartbeat schedule to match that of the CLI
    * Viz:
      * Fixed an issue where the topology graph in the dashboard was no
        longer draggable.
      * Updated dashboard build to use webpack v5
      * Added CA certs to the Viz extension's metrics-api container so
        that it can validate the certifcate of an external Prometheus
      * Removed components from the control plane dashboard that now
        are part of the Viz extension
      * Changed web's base image from debian to scratch
    * Multicluster:
      * Fixed an issue with Multicluster's service mirror where its endpoint
        repair retries were not properly rate limited
    * Jaeger:
      * Fixed components in the Jaeger extension to set the correct Prometheus
        scrape values
  • edge-21.4.3
    This edge supersedes `edge-21.4.2` as a release candidate for `stable-2.10.1`!
    This release adds support for TrafficSplit `v1alpha2`. Additionally, It includes
    improvements to the web and `proxy-init` images.
    * Added Support for TrafficSplit `v1alpha2`
    * Changed web base image from debian to scratch
    * Bumped the `proxy-init` image to `v1.3.11` which updates
      the go version to be `1.16.2`
  • edge-21.4.2
    This edge release is another candidate for `stable-2.10.1`!
    It includes some CLI fixes and addresses an issue where the outbound proxy
    would forward traffic to the wrong pod when running in ingress mode.
    Thank you to all of our users that have helped test and identify issues in 2.10!
    * Fixed an issue in `linkerd inject` where the wrong annotation would be
      added when using `--ingress` flag
    * Fixed a nil pointer dereference in `linkerd repair` caused by a mismatch
      between CLI and server versions
    * Removed an unnecessary error handling condition in multicluster check
      (thanks @wangchenglong01!)
    * Fixed a caching issue in the outbound proxy that would cause it to
      forward traffic to the wrong pod when running in ingress mode.
    * Removed unsupported `matches` field from TrafficSplit CRD
  • edge-21.4.1
    This is a release candidate for `stable-2.10.1`!
    This includes several fixes for the core installation as well the Multicluster,
    Jaeger, and Viz extensions. There are two significant proxy fixes that address
    TLS detection and admin server failures.
    Thanks to all our 2.10 users who helped discover these issues!
    * Fixed TCP read and write bytes/sec calculations to group by label based off
      inbound or outbound traffic
    * Updated dashboard build to use webpack v5
    * Modified the proxy-injector to add the opaque ports annotation to pods if
      their namespace has it set
    * Added CA certs to the Viz extension's `metrics-api` container so that it can
      validate the certifcate of an external Prometheus
    * Fixed an issue where inbound TLS detection from non-meshed workloads could
    * Fixed an issue where the admin server's HTTP detection would fail and not
      recover; these are now handled gracefully and without logging warnings
    * Aligned the Helm installation heartbeat schedule to match that of the CLI
    * Fixed an issue with Multicluster's serivce mirror where it's endpoint repair
      retries were not properly rate limited
    * Removed components from the control plane dashboard that now are part of the
      Viz extension
    * Fixed components in the Jaeger extension to set the correct Prometheus scrape
  • edge-21.3.4
    332f7888 · edge-21.3.4 (#5950) ·
    This release fixes some issues around publishing of CLI binary
    for Apple Silicon M1 Chips. This release also includes some fixes and
    improvements to the dashboard, destination, and the CLI.
    * Fixed an issue where the topology graph in the dashboard was no longer
    * Updated the IP Watcher in destination to ignore pods in "Terminating" state
      (thanks @Wenliang-CHEN!)
    * Added `installNamespace` toggle in the jaeger extension's install.
      (thanks @jijeesh!)
    * Updated `healthcheck` pkg to have `hintBaseURL` configurable, useful
      for external extensions using that pkg
    * Added multi-arch support for RabbitMQ integration tests (thanks @barkardk!)
  • edge-21.3.3
    This release includes various bug fixes and improvements to the CLI, the
    identity and destination control plane components as well as the proxy. This
    release also ships with a new CLI binary for Apple Silicon M1 chips.
    * Added new RabbitMQ integration tests (thanks @barkardk!)
    * Updated the Go version to 1.16.2
    * Fixed an issue where the `linkerd identity` command returned the root
      certificate of a pod instead of its leaf certificate
    * Fixed an issue where the destination service would respond with too big of a
      header and result in http2 protocol errors
    * Updated the release process to build Linkerd CLI binaries for Apple Silicon
      M1 chips
    * Improved error messaging when trying to install Linkerd on a cluster that
      already had Linkerd installed
    * Fixed an issue where the `destination` control plane component sometimes
      returned endpoint addresses with a `0` port number while pods were
      undergoing a rollout (thanks @riccardofreixo!)
    * Added a loading spinner to the `linkerd check` command when running extension
    * Fixed an issue where pod lookups by host IP and host port fail even though
      the cluster has a matching pod
    * Control plane proxies no longer emit warnings about the resolution stream
      ending. This error was innocuous.
    * Fixed an issue where proxies could infinitely retry failed requests to the
      `destination` controller when it returned a `FailedPrecondition`
    * The proxy's logging infrastructure has been updated to reduce memory pressure
      in high-connection environments.
  • stable-2.10.0
    b10356a8 · stable-2.10.0 (#5859) ·
    This release introduces Linkerd extensions. The default control plane no longer
    includes Prometheus, Grafana, the dashboard, or several other components that
    previously shipped by default.  This results in a much smaller and simpler set
    of core functionalities.  Visibility and metrics functionality is now available
    in the Viz extension under the `linkerd viz` command.  Cross-cluster
    communication functionality is now available in the Multicluster extension
    under the `linkerd multicluster` command.  Distributed tracing functionality is
    now available in the Jaeger extension under the `linkerd jaeger` command.
    This release also introduces the ability to mark certain ports as "opaque",
    indicating that the proxy should treat the traffic as opaque TCP instead of
    attempting protocol detection.  This allows the proxy to provide TCP metrics
    and mTLS for server-speaks-first protocols.  It also enables support for
    TCP traffic in the Multicluster extension.
    **Upgrade notes**: Please see the [upgrade
    * Proxy
      * Updated the proxy to use TLS version 1.3; support for TLS 1.2 remains
        enabled for compatibility with prior proxy versions
      * Improved support for server-speaks-first protocols by allowing ports to be
        marked as opaque, causing the proxy to skip protocol detection.  Ports can
        be marked as opaque by setting the ``
        annotation on the Pod and Service or by using the `--opaque-ports` flag with
        `linkerd inject`
      * Ports `25,443,587,3306,5432,11211` have been removed from the default skip
        ports; all traffic through those ports is now proxied and handled opaquely
        by default
      * Fixed an issue that could cause proxies in "ingress mode"
        (` ingress`) to use an excessive amount of memory
      * Improved diagnostic logging around "fail fast" and "max-concurrency
        exhausted" error messages
      * Added a new `/shutdown` admin endpoint that may only be accessed over the
        loopback network allowing batch jobs to gracefully terminate the proxy on
    * Control Plane
      * Removed all components and functionality related to visibility, tracing,
        or multicluster.  These have been moved into extensions
      * Changed the identity controller to receive the trust anchor via environment
        variable instead of by flag; this allows the certificate to be loaded from a
        config map or secret (thanks @mgoltzsche!)
      * Added PodDisruptionBudgets to the control plane components so that they
        cannot be all terminated at the same time during disruptions
        (thanks @tustvold!)
    * CLI
      * Changed the `check` command to include each installed extension's `check`
        output; this allows users to check for proper configuration and installation
        of Linkerd without running a command for each extension
      * Moved the `metrics`, `endpoints`, and `install-sp` commands into subcommands
        under the `diagnostics` command
      * Added an `--opaque-ports` flag to `linkerd inject` to easily mark ports
        as opaque.
      * Added the `repair` command which will repopulate resources needed for
        properly upgrading a Linkerd installation
      * Added Helm-style `set`, `set-string`, `values`, `set-files` customization
        flags for the `linkerd install` and `linkerd upgrade` commands
      * Introduced the `linkerd identity` command, used to fetch the TLS certificates
        for injected pods (thanks @jimil749)
      * Removed the `get` and `logs` command from the CLI
    * Helm
      * Changed many Helm values, please see the upgrade notes
    * Viz
      * Introduced the `linkerd viz` subcommand which contains commands for
        installing the viz extension and all visibility commands
      * Updated the Web UI to only display the "Gateway" sidebar link when the
        multicluster extension is active
      * Added a `linkerd viz list` command to list pods with tap enabled
      * Fixed an issue where the `tap` APIServer would not refresh its certs
        automatically when provided externally—like through cert-manager
    * Multicluster
      * Introduced the `linkerd multicluster` subcommand which contains commands for
        installing the multicluster extension and all multicluster commands
      * Added support for cross-cluster TCP traffic
      * Updated the service mirror controller to copy the
        `` annotation when mirroring services so that
        cross-cluster traffic can be correctly handled as opaque
      * Added support for multicluster gateways of types other than LoadBalancer
        (thanks @DaspawnW!)
    * Jaeger
      * Introduced the `linkerd jaeger` subcommand which contains commands for
        installing the jaeger extension and all tracing commands
      * Added a `linkerd jaeger list` command to list pods with tracing enabled
    This release includes changes from a massive list of contributors. A special
    thank-you to everyone who helped make this release possible:
    [Lutz Behnke](
    [Björn Wenzel](
    [Filip Petkovski](
    [Simon Weald](
    [Hu Shuai](
    [Jimil Desai](
    [Joakim Roubert](
    [Josh Soref](
    [Kelly Campbell](
    [Matei David](
    [Mayank Shah](
    [Max Goltzsche](
    [Mitch Hulscher](
    [Eugene Formanenko](
    [Nathan J Mehl](
    [Nicolas Lamirault](
    [Oleh Ozimok](
    [Piyush Singariya](
    [Naga Venkata Pradeep Namburi](
    [Shai Katz](
    [Takumi Sue](
    [Raphael Taylor-Davies](
    [Yashvardhan Kukreja](
  • edge-21.3.2
    This edge release is another release candidate for stable 2.10 and fixes some
    final bugs found in testing. A big thank you to users who have helped us
    identity these issues!
    * Fixed an issue with the service profile validating webhook that prevented
      service profiles from being added or updated
    * Updated the `check` command output hint anchors to match Linkerd component
    * Fixed a permission issue with the Viz extension's tap admin cluster role by
      adding namespace listing to the allowed actions
    * Fixed an issue with the proxy where connections would not be torn down when
      communicating with a defunct endpoint
    * Improved diagnostic logging in the proxy
    * Fixed an issue with the Viz extension's Prometheus template that prevented
      users from specifying a log level flag for that component (thanks @n-oden!)
    * Fixed a template parsing issue that prevented users from specifying additional
      ignored inbound parts through Helm's `--set` flag
    * Fixed an issue with the proxy where non-HTTP streams could sometimes hang due
      to TLS buffering
  • edge-21.3.1
    ## edge-21.3.1
    This edge release is another release candidate, bringing us closer to
    `stable-2.10.0`! It fixes the Helm install/upgrade procedure and ships some new
    CLI commands, among other improvements.
    * Fixed Helm install/upgrade, which was failing when not explicitly setting
    * Added a warning in the dashboard when viewing tap streams from resources that
      don't have tap enabled
    * Added the command `linkerd viz list` to list meshed pods and indicate which can
      be tapped, which need to be restarted before they can be tapped, and which
      have tap disabled
    * Similarly, added the command `linkerd jaeger list` to list meshed pods and
      indicate which will participate in tracing
    * Added the `--opaque-ports` flag to `linkerd inject` to specify the list of
      opaque ports when injecting pods (and services)
    * Simplified the output of `linkerd jaeger check`, combining the checks for the
      status of each component into a single check
    * Changed the destination component to receive the list of default opaque ports
      set during install so that it's properly reflected during discovery
    * Moved the level of the proxy server's I/O-related "Connection closed" messages
      from info to debug, which were not providing actionable information
  • edge-21.2.4
    This release wraps up most of the functional changes planned for the upcoming
    `stable-2.10.0` release. Try this edge release in your staging cluster and
    let us know if you see anything unexpected!
    * **Breaking change**: Changed the multicluster `Service`-export annotation
      from `` to ``
    * Updated the proxy-injector to to set the ``
      annotation on newly-created `Service` objects when the annotation is set on
      its parent `Namespace`
    * Updated the proxy-injector to ignore pods that have disabled
      `automountServiceAccountToken` (thanks @jimil749)
    * Updated the proxy to log warnings when control plane components are
    * Updated the Destination controller to cache node topology metadata (thanks
    * Updated the CLI to handle API errors without printing the CLI usage (thanks
    * Updated the Web UI to only display the "Gateway" sidebar link when the
      multicluster extension is active
    * Fixed the Web UI on Chrome v88 (thanks @kellycampbell)
    * Improved `install` and `uninstall` behavior for extensions to prevent
      control-plane components from being left in a broken state
    * Docker images are now hosted on the `` registry
    * Updated base docker images to buster-20210208-slim
    * Updated the Go version to 1.14.15
    * Updated the proxy to prevent outbound connections to localhost to protect
      against traffic loops
  • stable-2.9.4
    ## stable-2.9.4
    This stable release fixes an issue that prevented the proxy from being able to
    speak HTTP/1 with older versioned proxies (announced in 2.9.3 but the fix wasn't
    actually included).
    * Fixed an issue that could cause the inbound proxy to fail meshed HTTP/1
      requests from older proxies (from the stable-2.8.x vintage)
    * Fixed `linkerd install` command so that it can properly detect and avoid
      overwriting already installed linkerd instances from versions previous to 2.9
    * Docker images are now hosted on the `` registry
    * Updated base docker images to buster-20210208-slim
  • edge-21.2.3
    This release wraps up most of the functional changes planned for the upcoming
    `stable-2.10.0` release. Try this edge release in your staging cluster and
    let us know if you see anything unexpected!
    * **Breaking change**: Changed the multicluster `Service`-export annotation
      from `` to ``
    * Updated the proxy-injector to to set the ``
      annotation on newly-created `Service` objects when the annotation is set on
      its parent `Namespace`
    * Updated the proxy-injector to ignore pods that have disabled
      `automountServiceAccountToken` (thanks @jimil749)
    * Updated the proxy to log warnings when control plane components are
    * Updated the Destination controller to cache node topology metadata (thanks
    * Updated the CLI to handle API errors without printing the CLI usage (thanks
    * Updated the Web UI to only display the "Gateway" sidebar link when the
      multicluster extension is active
    * Fixed the Web UI on Chrome v88 (thanks @kellycampbell)
    * Improved `install` and `uninstall` behavior for extensions to prevent
      control-plane components from being left in a broken state
    * Docker images are now hosted on the `` registry
    * Updated base docker images to buster-20210208-slim
    * Updated the Go version to 1.14.15
    * Updated the proxy to prevent outbound connections to localhost to protect
      against traffic loops
  • edge-21.2.2
    This edge release introduces support for multicluster TCP!
    The `repair` command was added which will repopulate resources needed for
    upgrading from a `2.9.x` installation. There will be an error message during the
    upgrade process indicating that this command should be run so that users do not
    need to guess.
    Lastly, it contains a breaking change for Helm users. The `global` field has
    been removed from the Helm chart now that it is no longer needed. Users will
    need to pass in the identity certificates again—along with any other
    customizations, no longer rooted at `global`.
    * **Breaking change**: Removed the `Global` field from the Linkerd Helm chart
      now that it is unused because of the extension model
    * Added the `repair` command which will repopulate resources needed for properly
      upgrading a Linkerd installation
    * Fixed the spelling of the `sidecarContainers` key in the Viz extension Helm
      chart to match that of the template (thanks @n-oden!)
    * Added the `tapInjector.logLevel` key to the Viz extension helm chart so that
      the log level of the component can be configured
    * Removed the `--disable-tap` flag from the `inject` command now that tap is no
      longer part of the core installation (thanks @mayankshah1607!)
    * Changed proxy configuration to use fully-qualified DNS names to avoid extra
      search paths in DNS resolutions
    * Changed the `check` command to include each installed extension's `check`
      output; this allows users to check for proper configuration and installation
      of Linkerd without running a command for each extension
    * Added proxy support for TCP traffic to the multicluster gateways
  • stable-2.9.3
    f38ce611 · stable-2.9.3 (#5675) ·
    This stable release fixes an issue that prevented the proxy from being able
    to speak HTTP/1 with older versioned proxies. It also fixes an issue where the
    `linkerd-config-overrides` secret would be deleted during upgrade and provides
    a `linkerd repair` command for restoring it if it has been deleted.
    * Fixed an issue that could cause the inbound proxy to fail meshed HTTP/1
      requests from older proxies (from the stable-2.8.x vintage)
    * Fixed an issue where the Linkerd webhooks and apiservices would not refresh
      their certs automatically when provided externally — like through cert-manager
    * Added missing label `` to the
     `linkerd-config-overrides` secret to prevent it from being pruned during
    * Added `linkerd repair` command to restore the `linkerd-config-overrides`
      secret if it has been pruned
    * Added port 5432 which is used by Amazon RDS and Postgres to the default list
      of skipped ports
  • edge-21.2.1
    565f32d4 · ## edge-21.2.1 (#5667) ·
    ## edge-21.2.1
    This edge release continues improving the proxy's diagnostics and also avoids
    timing out when the HTTP protocol detection fails. Additionally, old resource
    versions were upgraded to avoid warnings in k8s v1.19. Finally, it comes with
    lots of CLI improvements detailed below.
    * Improved the proxy's diagnostic metrics to help us get better insights into
      services that are in fail-fast
    * Improved the proxy's HTTP protocol detection to prevent timeout errors
    * Upgraded CRD and webhook config resources to get rid of warnings in k8s v1.19
      (thanks @mateiidavid!)
    * Added viz components into the Linkerd Health Grafana charts
    * Had the tap injector add a `` annotation when
      injecting a pod, which allowed providing clearer feedback for the `linkerd
      tap` command
    * Had the jaeger injector add a `` annotation
      when injecting a pod, which also allowed providing better feedback for the
      `linkerd jaeger check` command
    * Improved the `linkerd uninstall` command so it fails gracefully when there
      still are injected resources in the cluster (a `--force` flag was provided
    * Moved the `linkerd profile --tap` functionality into a new command `linkerd
      viz profile --tap`, given tap now belongs to the viz extension
    * Expanded the `linkerd viz check` command to include data-plane checks
    * Cleaned-up YAML in templates that was incompatible with SOPS (thanks
  • edge-21.1.4
    07a2f074 · edge-21.1.4 (#5633) ·
    This edge release continues to polish the Linkerd extension model and improves
    the robustness of the opaque transport.
    * Improved the consistency of behavior of the `check` commands between
      Linkerd extensions
    * Fixed an issue where Linkerd extension commands could be run before the
      extension was fully installed
    * Renamed some extension Helm charts for consistency:
      * jaeger -> linkerd-jaeger
      * linkerd2-multicluster -> linkerd-multicluster
      * linkerd2-multicluster-link -> linkerd-multicluster-link
    * Fixed an issue that could cause the inbound proxy to fail meshed HTTP/1
      requests from older proxies (from the stable-2.8.x vintage)
    * Changed opaque-port transport to be advertised via ALPN so that new proxies
      will not initiate opaque-transport connections to proxies from prior edge
    * Added inbound proxy transport metrics with `tls="passhtru"` when forwarding
      non-mesh TLS connections
    * Thanks to @hs0210 for adding new unit tests!