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This release includes various bug fixes and improvements to the CLI, the
identity and destination control plane components as well as the proxy. This
release also ships with a new CLI binary for Apple Silicon M1 chips.

* Added new RabbitMQ integration tests (thanks @barkardk!)
* Updated the Go version to 1.16.2
* Fixed an issue where the `linkerd identity` command returned the root
  certificate of a pod instead of its leaf certificate
* Fixed an issue where the destination service would respond with too big of a
  header and result in http2 protocol errors
* Updated the release process to build Linkerd CLI binaries for Apple Silicon
  M1 chips
* Improved error messaging when trying to install Linkerd on a cluster that
  already had Linkerd installed
* Fixed an issue where the `destination` control plane component sometimes
  returned endpoint addresses with a `0` port number while pods were
  undergoing a rollout (thanks @riccardofreixo!)
* Added a loading spinner to the `linkerd check` command when running extension
* Fixed an issue where pod lookups by host IP and host port fail even though
  the cluster has a matching pod
* Control plane proxies no longer emit warnings about the resolution stream
  ending. This error was innocuous.
* Fixed an issue where proxies could infinitely retry failed requests to the
  `destination` controller when it returned a `FailedPrecondition`
* The proxy's logging infrastructure has been updated to reduce memory pressure
  in high-connection environments.