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  • edge-23.1.1
    028a6826 · edge-23.1.1 (#10129) ·
    This edge release fixes a caching issue in the destination controller, converts
    deprecated policy resources, and introduces several changes to how the proxy
    A bug in the destination controller that could potentially lead to stale pods
    being considered in the load balancer has been fixed.
    Several Linkerd extensions were still using the now deprecated
    ServerAuthorization resource. These instances have now been converted to using
    AuthorizationPolicy. Additionally, removed several policy resources that
    authenticated probes, since probes are now authenticated by default.
    As part of ongoing policy work, there are several changes with how the proxy
    works. Routes are now lazily initialized so that service profile routes will
    not show up in metrics until the route is used. Furthermore, the proxy’s
    traffic splitting behavior has changed so that only available resources are
    used, resulting in less failfast errors.
    Finally, this edge release contains a number of fixes and improvements from our
    * Converted `ServerAuthorization` resources to `AuthorizationPolicy` resources
      in Linkerd extensions
    * Removed policy resources bound to admin servers in extensions (previously
      these resources were used to authorize probes but now are authorized by
    * Added a `resources` field in the linkerd-cni chart (thanks @jcogilvie!)
    * Fixed an issue in the CLI where `--identity-external-ca` would set an
      incorrect field (thanks @anoxape!)
    * Fixed an issue in the destination controller's cache that could result in
      stale endpoints when using EndpointSlice objects
    * Added namespace to namespace-metadata resources in Helm (thanks @joebowbeer!)
    * Added support for Pod Security Admission (Pod Security Policy resources are
      still supported but disabled by default)
    * Changed routes to be initialized lazily. Service Profile routes will no
      longer show up in metrics until the route is used (default routes are always
      available when no Service Profile is defined for a service)
    * Changed the proxy's behavior when traffic splitting so that only services
      that are not in failfast are used. This will enable the proxy to manage
      failover without external coordination
    * Updated tokio (async runtime) in the proxy which should reduce CPU usage,
      especially for proxy's pod local (i.e in the same network namespace)
    * Fixed an issue where `linkerd viz tap` would display wrong latency/duration
      value (thanks @olegy2008!)
  • stable-2.12.3
    5dc8f520 · Fix go lint warnings ·
    ## stable-2.12.3
    This stable release is packed with various fixes in both the core linkerd
    controllers and extensions.
    * CLI
      * Fixed `linkerd check` failing when the cluster had services of type
      * Fixed `linkerd multicluster install` not honoring the `gateway.UID` setting
      * Fixed flag `linkerd upgrade --from-manifests`
    * Destination Controller
      * Fixed race condition in destination controller
      * Fixed issue in the destination controller where `hostPort` mappings were
        being ignored
    * linkerd-proxy-init
      * Set the `noop` init container user to be the same as `proxy-init`'s to avoid
        errors when the security context disallows running as root
      * Introduced `proxyInit.privileged` setting to allow running
        `linkerd-proxy-init` without restrictions when required
      * Added port 6443 to default skipped ports to bypass proxy when ebpf CNIs
        override the API Server packet destination
    * Extensions
      * Removed unnecessary `proxyProtocol` restriction in the multicluster gateway
        Server (thanks @psmit!)
      * Added "Exists" toleration to the `linkerd-cni` DaemonSet to have it
        installed by default in tainted nodes
      * Make dashboard loading more robust when in the presence of browser plugins
        injecting script tags (thanks @junnplus!)
  • edge-22.12.1
    This edge release introduces static and dynamic port overrides for CNI eBPF
    socket-level load balancing. In certain installations when CNI plugins run in
    eBPF mode, socket-level load balancing rewrites packet destinations to port
    6443; as with 443 already, this port is now skipped as well on control plane
    components so that they can communicate with the Kubernetes API before their
    proxies are running.
    Additionally, a potential panic and false warning have been fixed in the
    destination controller.
    * Updated linkerd-jaeger's collector to expose port 4318 in order support HTTP
      alongside gRPC (thanks @uralsemih!)
    * Added a `proxyInit.privileged` setting to control whether the `proxy-init`
      initContainer runs as a privileged process
    * Fixed a potential panic in the destination controller caused by concurrent
      writes when dealing with Endpoint updates
    * Fixed false warning when looking up HostPort mappings on Pods
    * Added static and dynamic port overrides for CNI eBPF to work with socket-level
      load balancing
  • edge-22.11.3
    ## edge-22.11.3
    This edge release fixes connection errors to pods that use `hostPort`
    configurations. The CNI `network-validator` init container features
    improved error logging, and the default `linkerd-cni` DaemonSet
    configuration is updated to tolerate all node taints so that the CNI
    runs on all nodes in a cluster.
    * Fixed `destination` service to properly discover targets using a `hostPort`
      different than their `containerPort`, which was causing 502 errors
    * Upgraded the `network-validator` with better logging allowing users to
      determine whether failures occur as a result of their environment or the tool
    * Added default `Exists` toleration to the `linkerd-cni` DaemonSet, allowing it
      to be deployed in all nodes by default, regardless of taints
  • edge-22.11.2
    ## edge-22.11.2
    This edge release introduces the use of the Kubernetes metadata API in the
    proxy-injector and tap-injector components. This can reduce the IO and memory
    footprint for those components as they now only need to track the metadata for
    certain resources, rather than the entire resource itself. Similar changes will
    be made for the destination component in an upcoming release.
    * Bumped HTTP dependencies to fix a potential deadlock in HTTP/2 clients
    * Changed the proxy-injector and tap-injector components to use the metadata API
      which should result in less memory consumption
  • edge-22.11.1
    77fbe4d4 · edge-22.11.1 (#9815) ·
    This edge releases ships a few fixes in Linkerd's dashboard, and the
    multicluster extension. Additionally, a regression has been fixed in the CLI
    that blocked upgrades from versions older than 2.12.0, due to missing CRDs
    (even if the CRDs were present in-cluster). Finally, the release includes
    changes to the helm charts to allow for arbitrary (user-provided) labels on
    Linkerd workloads.
    * Fixed an issue in the CLI where upgrades from any version prior to
      stable-2.12.0 would fail when using the `--from-manifest` flag
    * Removed un-injectable namespaces, such as kube-system from unmeshed resource
      notification in the dashboard (thanks @MoSattler!)
    * Fixed an issue where the dashboard would respond to requests with 404 due to
      wrong root paths in the HTML script (thanks @junnplus!)
    * Removed the proxyProtocol field in the multicluster gateway policy; this has
      the effect of changing the protocol from 'HTTP/1.1' to 'unknown' (thanks
    * Fixed the multicluster gateway UID when installing through the CLI, prior to
      this change the 'runAsUser' field would be empty
    * Changed the helm chart for the control plane and all extensions to support
      arbitrary labels on resources (thanks @bastienbosser!)
  • edge-22.10.3
    This edge release adds `network-validator`, a new init container to be used when
    CNI is enabled. `network-validator` ensures that local iptables rules are
    working as expected. It will validate this before linkerd-proxy starts.
    `network-validator` replaces the `noop` container, runs as `nobody`, and drops
    all capabilities before starting.
    * Validate CNI `iptables` configuration during pod startup
    * Fix "cluster networks contains all services" fails with services with no
    * Remove kubectl version check from `linkerd check` (thanks @ziollek!)
    * Set `readOnlyRootFilesystem: true` in viz chart (thanks @mikutas!)
    * Fix `linkerd multicluster install` by re-adding `pause` container image
      in chart
    * linkerd-viz have hardcoded image value in namespace-metadata.yml template
      bug correction (thanks @bastienbosser!)
  • stable-2.12.2
    ## stable-2.12.2
    This stable release fixes an issue with CNI chaining that was preventing the
    Linkerd CNI plugin from working with other CNI plugins such as Cilium. It also
    fixes some sections of the Viz dashboard appearing blank, and adds an optional
    PodMonitor resource to the Helm chart to enable easier integration with the
    Prometheus Operator. Several other fixes are included.
    * Proxy
      * Fixed proxies emitting some duplicate inbound metrics
    * Control Plane
      * Fixed handling of `.conf` files in the CNI plugin so that the Linkerd CNI
        plugin can be used alongside other CNI plugins such as Cilium
      * Added a noop init container to injected pods when the CNI plugin is enabled
        to prevent certain scenarios where a pod can get stuck without an IP address
      * Fixed the `NotIn` label selector operator in the policy resources being
        erroneously treated as `In`.
      * Fixed a bug where the`` annotation could be
    * CLI
      * Added a `linkerd diagnostics policy` command to inspect Linkerd policy state
      * Added a check that ClusterIP services are in the cluster networks
      * Expanded the `linkerd authz` command to display AuthorizationPolicy
        resources that target namespaces (thanks @aatarasoff!)
      * Fixed warning logic in the "linkerd-viz ClusterRoles exist" and "linkerd-viz
        ClusterRoleBindings exist" checks in `linkerd viz check`
      * Fixed the CLI ignoring the `--api-addr` flag (thanks @mikutas!)
    * Helm
      * Added an optional PodMonitor resource to the main Helm chart (thanks
    * Dashboard
      * Fixed the dashboard sections Tap, Top, and Routes appearing blank (thanks
      * Updated Grafana dashboards to use variable duration parameter so that they
        can be used when Prometheus has a longer scrape interval (thanks @TarekAS)
  • edge-22.10.2
    c8a79841 · edge-22.10.2 (#9597) ·
    This edge release fixes an issue with CNI chaining that was preventing the
    Linkerd CNI plugin from working with other CNI plugins such as Cilium. It also
    includes several other fixes.
    * Updated Grafana dashboards to use variable duration parameter so that they can
      be used when Prometheus has a longer scrape interval (thanks @TarekAS)
    * Fixed handling of .conf files in the CNI plugin so that the Linkerd CNI plugin
      can be used alongside other CNI plugins such as Cilium
    * Added a `linkerd diagnostics policy` command to inspect Linkerd policy state
    * Added a check that ClusterIP services are in the cluster networks
    * Added a noop init container to injected pods when the CNI plugin is enabled
      to prevent certain scenarios where a pod can get stuck without an IP address
    * Fixed a bug where the`` annotation could be empty
  • edge-22.10.1
    ## edge-22.10.1
    This edge release fixes some sections of the Viz dashboard appearing blank, and
    adds an optional PodMonitor resource to the Helm chart to enable easier
    integration with the Prometheus Operator. It also includes many fixes submitted
    by our contributors.
    * Fixed the dashboard sections Tap, Top, and Routes appearing blank (thanks
    * Added an optional PodMonitor resource to the main Helm chart (thanks
    * Fixed the CLI ignoring the `--api-addr` flag (thanks @mikutas!)
    * Expanded the `linkerd authz` command to display AuthorizationPolicy resources
      that target namespaces (thanks @aatarasoff!)
    * Fixed the `NotIn` label selector operator in the policy resources, being
      erroneously treated as `In`.
    * Fixed warning logic around the "linkerd-viz ClusterRoles exist" and
      "linkerd-viz ClusterRoleBindings exist" checks in `linkerd viz check`
    * Fixed proxies emitting some duplicate inbound metrics
  • stable-2.12.1
    93dbb8b3 · stable-2.12.1 (#9453) ·
    ## stable-2.12.1
    This release includes several control plane and proxy fixes for `stable-2.12.0`.
    In particular, it fixes issues related to control plane HTTP servers' header
    read timeouts resulting in decreased controller success rates, lowers the
    inbound connection pool idle timeout in the proxy, and fixes an issue where the
    jaeger injector would put pods into an error state when upgrading from
    Additionally, this release adds the `` annotation to
    all injected workloads allowing predictable comparison of all workloads' trust
    anchors via the Kubernetes API.
    For Windows users, note that the Linkerd CLI's `nupkg` file for Chocolatey is
    once again included in the release assets (it was previously removed in
    * Proxy
      * Lowered inbound connection pool idle timeout to 3s
    * Control Plane
      * Updated AdmissionRegistration API version usage to v1
      * Added `` annotation on all injected workloads
        to indicate certifcate bundle
      * Updated fields in `AuthorizationPolicy` and `MeshTLSAuthentication` to
        conform to specification (thanks @aatarasoff!)
      * Updated the identity controller to not require a `ClusterRoleBinding`
        to read all deployment resources
      * Increased servers' header read timeouts so they no longer match default
        probe and Prometheus scrape intervals
    * Helm
      * Restored `namespace` field in Linkerd helm charts
      * Updated `PodDisruptionBudget` `apiVersion` from `policy/v1beta1` to
        `policy/v1` (thanks @Vrx555!)
    * Extensions
      * Fixed jaeger injector interfering with upgrades to 2.12.x
  • stable-2.11.5
    This release lowers the inbound connection pool idle timeout to 3s. This should
    help avoid socket errors, especially for Kubernetes probes. Additionally, it
    upgrades the version of Go used by the control plane and CLI from 1.17 to 1.18.
  • edge-22.9.2
    566721c7 · edge-22.9.2 (#9432) ·
    This release fixes an issue where the jaeger injector would put pods into an
    error state when upgrading from stable-2.11.x.
    * Updated AdmissionRegistration API version usage to v1
    * Fixed jaeger injector interfering with upgrades to 2.12.x
  • edge-22.9.1
    This release adds the `` annotation to all injected
    workloads allowing predictable comparison of all workloads' trust anchors via
    the Kubernetes API.
    Additionally, this release lowers the inbound connection pool idle timeout to
    3s. This should help avoid socket errors, especially for Kubernetes probes.
    * Added `` annotation on all injected workloads
      to indicate certifcate bundle
    * Lowered inbound connection pool idle timeout to 3s
    * Restored `namespace` field in Linkerd helm charts
    * Updated fields in `AuthorizationPolicy` and `MeshTLSAuthentication` to
      conform to specification (thanks @aatarasoff!)
    * Updated the identity controller to not require a `ClusterRoleBinding`
      to read all deployment resources.
  • edge-22.8.3
    Increased control plane HTTP servers' read timeouts so that they no longer
    match the default probe intervals. This was leading to closed connections
    and decreased controller success rate.
  • stable-2.12.0
    This release introduces route-based policy to Linkerd, allowing users to define
    and enforce authorization policies based on HTTP routes in a fully zero-trust
    way. These policies are built on Linkerd's strong workload identities, secured
    by mutual TLS, and configured using types from the Kubernetes [Gateway
    The 2.12 release also introduces optional request logging ("access logging"
    after its name in webservers), optional support for `iptables-nft`, and a host
    of other improvements and performance enhancements.
    Additionally, the `linkerd-smi` extension is now required to use TrafficSplit,
    and the installation process has been updated to separate management of the
    Linkerd CRDs from the main installation process. With the CLI, you'll need to
    `linkerd install --crds` before running `linkerd install`; with Helm, you'll
    install the new `linkerd-crds` chart, then the `linkerd-control-plane` chart.
    These charts are now versioned using [SemVer]( independently
    of Linkerd releases. For more information, see the [upgrade
    **Upgrade notes**: Please see the [upgrade instructions][upgrade-2120].
    * Proxy
      * Added a `` annotation to limit the
        duration that the proxy may wait for graceful shutdown
      * Added a `` annotation to enable logging of
        workload requests
      * Added a new `iptables-nft` mode for the `proxy-init` initContainer
      * Added support for non-HTTP traffic forwarding within the mesh in `ingress`
      * Added the `/env.json` log diagnostic endpoint
      * Added a new `process_uptime_seconds_total` metric to track proxy uptime in
      * Added support for dynamically discovering policies for ports that are not
        documented in a pod's `containerPorts`
      * Added support for route-based inbound HTTP metrics
      * Added a new annotation to configure skipping subnets in the init container
        (``), needed e.g. in Docker-in-Docker
        workloads (thanks @michaellzc!)
    * Control Plane
      * Added support for per-route policy by supporting AuthorizationPolicy
        resources which can target HttpRoute or Server resources
      * Added support for bound service account token volumes for the control plane
        and injected workloads
      * Removed kube-system exclusions from watchers to fix service discovery for
        workloads in the kube-system namespace (thanks @JacobHenner!)
      * Updated healthcheck to ignore `Terminated` state for pods (thanks
      * Updated the default policy controller log level to `info`; the controller
        will now emit INFO level logs for some of its dependencies
      * Added probe authorization by default, allowing clusters that use a default
        `deny` policy to not explicitly need to authorize probes
      * Fixed an issue where the proxy-injector would break when using
        `nodeAffinity` values for the control plane
      * Fixed an issue where certain control plane components were not restarting as
        necessary after a trust root rotation
      * Removed SMI functionality in the default Linkerd installation; this is now
        part of the `linkerd-smi` extension
    * CLI
      * Fixed the `linkerd check` command crashing when unexpected pods are found in
        a Linkerd namespace
      * Updated the `linkerd authz` command to support AuthorizationPolicy and
        HttpRoute resources
      * Updated `linkerd check` to allow RSA signed trust anchors (thanks
      * `linkerd install --crds` must be run before `linkerd install`
      * `linkerd upgrade --crds` must be run before `linkerd upgrade`
      * Fixed invalid yaml syntax in the viz extension's tap-injector template
        (thanks @wc-s!)
      * Fixed an issue where the `--default-inbound-policy` setting was not being
      * Added support for AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute to `viz authz` command
      * Added support for AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute to `viz stat` command
      * Added support for policy metadata in `linkerd viz tap`
    * Helm
      * Split the `linkerd2` chart into `linkerd-crds` and `linkerd-control-plane`
      * Charts are now versioned using [SemVer]( independently of
        Linkerd releases
      * Added missing port in the Linkerd viz chart documentation (thanks @haswalt!)
      * Changed the `proxy.await` Helm value so that users can now disable
        `linkerd-await` on control plane components
      * Added the `policyController.probeNetworks` Helm value for configuring the
        networks that probes are expected to be performed from
    * Extensions
      * Added annotations to allow Linkerd extension deployments to be evicted by
        the autoscaler when necessary
      * Added ability to run the Linkerd CNI plugin in non-chained (stand-alone)
      * Added a ServiceAccount token Secret to the multicluster extension to support
        Kubernetes versions >= v1.24
    This release includes changes from a massive list of contributors, including
    engineers from Adidas, Intel, Red Hat, Shopify, Sourcegraph, Timescale, and
    others. A special thank-you to everyone who helped make this release possible:
    [@AgrimPrasad]( Ahmed Al-Hulaibi
    [@ahmedalhulaibi]( Aleksandr Tarasov
    [@aatarasoff]( Alexander Berger
    [@alex-berger]( Ao Chen
    [@chenaoxd]( Badis Merabet
    [@badis]( Bjørn [@Crevil](
    [@bdun1013]( Christian Schlotter
    [@chrischdi]( Dani Baeyens
    [@danibaeyens]( David Symons
    [@multimac]( Dmitrii Ermakov
    [@ErmakovDmitriy]( Elvin Efendi
    [@ElvinEfendi]( Evan Hines
    [@evan-hines-firebolt]( Eng Zer Jun
    [@Juneezee]( Gustavo Fernandes de Carvalho
    [@gusfcarvalho]( Harry Walter
    [@haswalt]( Israel Miller
    [@imiller31]( Jack Gill
    [@jackgill]( Jacob Henner
    [@JacobHenner]( Jacob Lorenzen
    [@Jaxwood]( Joakim Roubert
    [@joakimr-axis]( Josh Ault
    [@jault-figure]( João Soares
    [@jasoares]( jtcarnes
    [@jtcarnes]( Kim Christensen
    [@kichristensen]( Krzysztof Dryś
    [@krzysztofdrys]( Lior Yantovski
    [@lioryantov]( Martin Anker Have
    [@mahlunar]( Michael Lin
    [@michaellzc]( Michał Romanowski
    [@michalrom089]( Naveen Nalam
    [@nnalam]( Nick Calibey
    [@ncalibey]( Nikola Brdaroski
    [@nikolabrdaroski]( Or Shachar
    [@or-shachar]( Pål-Magnus Slåtto
    [@dev-slatto]( Raman Gupta
    [@rocketraman]( Ricardo Gândara Pinto
    [@rmgpinto]( Roberth Strand
    [@roberthstrand]( Sankalp Rangare
    [@sankalp-r]( Sascha Grunert
    [@saschagrunert]( Steve Gray
    [@steve-gray]( Steve Zhang
    [@zhlsunshine]( Takumi Sue
    [@mikutas]( Tanmay Bhat
    [@tanmay-bhat]( Táskai Dominik
    [@dtaskai]( Ujjwal Goyal
    [@importhuman]( Weichung Shaw
    [@wc-s]( Wim de Groot
    [@wim-de-groot]( Yannick Utard
    [@utay]( Yurii Dzobak
  • stable-2.12.0-rc2
    ## stable-2.12.0-rc2
    This release is the second release candidate for stable-2.12.0.
    At this point the Helm charts can be retrieved from the stable repo:
    helm repo add linkerd
    helm repo up
    helm install linkerd-crds -n linkerd --create-namespace linkerd/linkerd-crds
    helm install linkerd-control-plane \
      -n linkerd \
      --set-file identityTrustAnchorsPEM=ca.crt \
      --set-file identity.issuer.tls.crtPEM=issuer.crt \
      --set-file identity.issuer.tls.keyPEM=issuer.key \
    The following lists all the changes since edge-22.8.2:
    * Fixed inheritance of the `` annotation from Namespace to
      Workloads when its value is `ingress`
    * Added the ` all-authenticated`
      annotation to linkerd-multicluster’s Gateway deployment so that all clients
      are required to be authenticated
    * Added a `ReadHeaderTimeout` of 10s to all the go `http.Server` instances, to
      avoid being vulnerable to "slowrolis" attacks
    * Added check in `linkerd viz check --proxy` to warn in case namespace have the
      ` deny` annotation, which would not
      authorize scrapes coming from the linkerd-viz Prometheus instance
    * Added validation for accepted values for the `--default-inbound-policy` flag
    * Fixed invalid URL in the `linkerd install --help` output
    * Added `--destination-pod` flag to `linkerd diagnostics endpoints` subcommand
    * Added `proxyInit.runAsUser` in `values.yaml` defaulting to non-zero, to
      complement the new default `proxyInit.runAsRoot: false` that was rencently
  • edge-22.8.2
    5427446d · edge-22.8.2 (#9138) ·
    This release is considered a release candidate for stable-2.12.0 and we
    encourage you to try it out! It includes an update to the multicluster extension
    which adds support for Kubernetes v1.24 and also updates many CLI commands to
    support the new policy resources: ServerAuthorization and HTTPRoute.
    * Updated linkerd check to allow RSA signed trust anchors (thanks @danibaeyens)
    * Fixed some invalid yaml in the viz extension's tap-injector template (thanks @wc-s)
    * Added support for AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute to viz authz command
    * Added support for AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute to viz stat
    * Added support for policy metadata in linkerd tap
    * Fixed an issue where certain control plane components were not restarting as
      necessary after a trust root rotation
    * Added a ServiceAccount token Secret to the multicluster extension to support
      Kubernetes versions >= v1.24
    * Fixed an issuer where the --default-inbound-policy setting was not being
  • edge-22.8.1
    This releases introduces default probe authorization. This means that on
    clusters that use a default `deny` policy, probes do not have to be explicitly
    authorized using policy resources. Additionally, the
    `policyController.probeNetworks` Helm value has been added, which allows users
    to configure the networks that probes are expected to be performed from.
    Additionally, the `linkerd authz` command has been updated to support the policy
    resources AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute.
    Finally, some smaller changes include allowing to disable `linkerd-await` on
    control plane components (using the existing `proxy.await` configuration) and
    changing the default iptables mode back to `legacy` to support more cluster
    environments by default.
    * Updated the `linkerd authz` command to support AuthorizationPolicy and
      HttpRoute resources
    * Changed the `proxy.await` Helm value so that users can now disable
      `linkerd-await` on control plane components
    * Added probe authorization by default allowing clusters that use a default
      `deny` policy to not explicitly need to authorize probes
    * Added ability to run the Linkerd CNI plugin in non-chained (stand-alone) mode
    * Added the `policyController.probeNetworks` Helm value for configuring the
      networks that probes are expected to be performed from
    * Changed the default iptables mode to `legacy`
  • edge-22.7.3
    26f696da · edge-22.7.3 (#9030) ·
    This release adds a new `nft` iptables mode, used by default in proxy-init.
    When used, firewall configuration will be set-up through the `iptables-nft`
    binary; this should allow hosts that do not support `iptables-legacy` (such as
    RHEL based environments) to make use of the init container. The older
    `iptables-legacy` mode is still supported, but it must be explictly turned on.
    Moreover, this release also replaces the `HTTPRoute` CRD with Linkerd's own
    version, and includes a number of fixes and improvements.
    * Added a new `iptables-nft` mode for proxy-init. When running in this mode,
      the firewall will be configured with `nft` kernel API; this should allow
      users to run the init container on RHEL-family hosts
    * Fixed an issue where the proxy-injector would break when using `nodeAffinity`
      values for the control plane
    * Updated healthcheck to ignore `Terminated` state for pods (thanks
    * Replaced `HTTRoute` CRD version from `` with a
      similar version from the `` API group. While the CRD is
      similar, it does not support the `Gateway` type, does not contain the
      `backendRefs` fields, and does not support `RequestMirror` and `ExtensionRef`
      filter types.
    * Updated the default policy controller log level to `info`; the controller
      will now emit INFO level logs for some of its dependencies
    * Added validation to ensure `HTTPRoute` paths are absolute; relative paths are
      not supported by the proxy and the policy controller admission server will
      reject any routes that use paths which do not start with `/`