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This release is considered a release candidate for stable-2.12.0 and we
encourage you to try it out! It includes an update to the multicluster extension
which adds support for Kubernetes v1.24 and also updates many CLI commands to
support the new policy resources: ServerAuthorization and HTTPRoute.

* Updated linkerd check to allow RSA signed trust anchors (thanks @danibaeyens)
* Fixed some invalid yaml in the viz extension's tap-injector template (thanks @wc-s)
* Added support for AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute to viz authz command
* Added support for AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute to viz stat
* Added support for policy metadata in linkerd tap
* Fixed an issue where certain control plane components were not restarting as
  necessary after a trust root rotation
* Added a ServiceAccount token Secret to the multicluster extension to support
  Kubernetes versions >= v1.24
* Fixed an issuer where the --default-inbound-policy setting was not being