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This releases introduces default probe authorization. This means that on
clusters that use a default `deny` policy, probes do not have to be explicitly
authorized using policy resources. Additionally, the
`policyController.probeNetworks` Helm value has been added, which allows users
to configure the networks that probes are expected to be performed from.

Additionally, the `linkerd authz` command has been updated to support the policy
resources AuthorizationPolicy and HttpRoute.

Finally, some smaller changes include allowing to disable `linkerd-await` on
control plane components (using the existing `proxy.await` configuration) and
changing the default iptables mode back to `legacy` to support more cluster
environments by default.

* Updated the `linkerd authz` command to support AuthorizationPolicy and
  HttpRoute resources
* Changed the `proxy.await` Helm value so that users can now disable
  `linkerd-await` on control plane components
* Added probe authorization by default allowing clusters that use a default
  `deny` policy to not explicitly need to authorize probes
* Added ability to run the Linkerd CNI plugin in non-chained (stand-alone) mode
* Added the `policyController.probeNetworks` Helm value for configuring the
  networks that probes are expected to be performed from
* Changed the default iptables mode to `legacy`