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## stable-2.12.3

This stable release is packed with various fixes in both the core linkerd
controllers and extensions.

  * Fixed `linkerd check` failing when the cluster had services of type
  * Fixed `linkerd multicluster install` not honoring the `gateway.UID` setting
  * Fixed flag `linkerd upgrade --from-manifests`

* Destination Controller
  * Fixed race condition in destination controller
  * Fixed issue in the destination controller where `hostPort` mappings were
    being ignored

* linkerd-proxy-init
  * Set the `noop` init container user to be the same as `proxy-init`'s to avoid
    errors when the security context disallows running as root
  * Introduced `proxyInit.privileged` setting to allow running
    `linkerd-proxy-init` without restrictions when required
  * Added port 6443 to default skipped ports to bypass proxy when ebpf CNIs
    override the API Server packet destination

* Extensions
  * Removed unnecessary `proxyProtocol` restriction in the multicluster gateway
    Server (thanks @psmit!)
  * Added "Exists" toleration to the `linkerd-cni` DaemonSet to have it
    installed by default in tainted nodes
  * Make dashboard loading more robust when in the presence of browser plugins
    injecting script tags (thanks @junnplus!)