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This edge release introduces support for multicluster TCP!

The `repair` command was added which will repopulate resources needed for
upgrading from a `2.9.x` installation. There will be an error message during the
upgrade process indicating that this command should be run so that users do not
need to guess.

Lastly, it contains a breaking change for Helm users. The `global` field has
been removed from the Helm chart now that it is no longer needed. Users will
need to pass in the identity certificates again—along with any other
customizations, no longer rooted at `global`.

* **Breaking change**: Removed the `Global` field from the Linkerd Helm chart
  now that it is unused because of the extension model
* Added the `repair` command which will repopulate resources needed for properly
  upgrading a Linkerd installation
* Fixed the spelling of the `sidecarContainers` key in the Viz extension Helm
  chart to match that of the template (thanks @n-oden!)
* Added the `tapInjector.logLevel` key to the Viz extension helm chart so that
  the log level of the component can be configured
* Removed the `--disable-tap` flag from the `inject` command now that tap is no
  longer part of the core installation (thanks @mayankshah1607!)
* Changed proxy configuration to use fully-qualified DNS names to avoid extra
  search paths in DNS resolutions
* Changed the `check` command to include each installed extension's `check`
  output; this allows users to check for proper configuration and installation
  of Linkerd without running a command for each extension
* Added proxy support for TCP traffic to the multicluster gateways