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  • edge-20.5.5
    This edge release adds refinements to the Linkerd multicluster implementation,
    adds new health checks for the tracing add-on, and addresses an issue in which
    outbound requests from the proxy result in looping behavior.
    * CLI
      * Added the `multicluster` command along with subcommands to configure and
        deploy Linkerd workloads which enable services to be mirrored across
      * Added health-checks for tracing add-on
    * Proxy
      * Added logic to prevent loops in outbound requests
  • edge-20.5.4
    05b9e4c7 · edge-20.5.4 (#4463) ·
    * CLI
      * Fixed the display of the meshed pod column for non-selector services in
        `linkerd stat` output
      * Added an `addon-overwrite` upgrade flag which allows users to overwrite the
        existing addon config rather than merging into it
      * Added a `--close-wait-timeout` inject flag which sets the
        `nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait` property which can be used to mitigate
        connection issues with application that hold half-closed sockets
    * Controller
      * Restricted the service-mirror's RBAC permissions so that it no longer is
        able to read secrets in all namespaces
      * Moved many multicluster components into the `linkerd-multicluster` namespace
        by default
      * Added multicluster gateway mirror services to allow multicluster liveness
        probes to work in private networks
      * Fixed an issue where multicluster gateway mirror services could be
        incorrectly deleted during a resync
    * Internal
      * Fixed many style issues in build scripts (thanks @joakimr-axis!)
    * Helm
      * Added `global.grafanaUrl` variable to allow using an existing Grafana
  • edge-20.5.3
    ## edge-20.5.3
    * Controller
      * Added a Grafana dashboard for tracking multi-cluster traffic metrics
      * Added health checks for the Grafana add-on, under a separate section
      * Fixed issues when updating a remote multi-cluster gateway
    * Proxy
      * Added special special handling for I/O errors in HTTP responses so that an
        `errno` label is included to describe the underlying errors in the proxy's
    * Internal
      * Started gathering stats of CI runs for aggregating CI health metrics
  • edge-20.5.2
    This edge release contains everything required to get up and running with
    multicluster. For a tutorial on how to do that, check out the
    * CLI
      * Added a section to the `linkerd check` that validates that all
        clusters part of a multicluster setup have compatible trust anchors
      * Modified the `inkerd cluster export-service` command to work by
        transforming yaml instead of modifying cluster state
      * Added functionality that allows the `linkerd cluster export-service`
        command to operate on lists of services
    * Controller
      * Changed the multicluster gateway to always require TLS on connections
        originating from outside the cluster
      * Removed admin server timeouts from control plane components, thereby
        fixing a bug that can cause liveness checks to fail
    * Helm
      * Moved Grafana templates into a separate add-on chart
    * Proxy
      * Improved latency under high-concurrency use cases.
  • edge-20.5.1
    * CLI
      * Fixed all commands to use kubeconfig's default namespace if specified
        (thanks @Matei207!)
      * Added multicluster checks to the `linkerd check` command
      * Hid development flags in the `linkerd install` command for release builds
    * Controller
      * Added ability to configure Prometheus Altermanager as well as recording
        and alerting rules on the Linkerd Prometheus (thanks @naseemkullah!)
      * Added ability to add more commandline flags to the Prometheus command
        (thanks @naseemkullah!)
    * Web UI
      * Fixed TrafficSplit detail page not loading
      * Added Jaeger links to the dashboard when the tracing addon is enabled
    * Proxy
      * Modified internal buffering to avoid idling out services as a request
        arrives, fixing failures for requests that are sent exactly once per
        minute--such as Prometheus scrapes
  • edge-20.4.5
    This edge release includes several new CLI commands for use with multi-cluster
    gateways, and adds liveness checks and metrics for gateways. Additionally, it
    makes the proxy's gRPC error-handling behavior more consistent with other
    implementations, and includes a fix for a bug in the web UI.
    * CLI
      * Added `linkerd cluster setup-remote` command for setting up a multi-cluster
      * Added `linkerd cluster gateways` command to display stats for multi-cluster
      * Changed `linkerd cluster export-service` to modify a provided YAML file and
        output it, rather than mutating the cluster
    * Controller
      * Added liveness checks and Prometheus metrics for multi-cluster gateways
      * Changed the proxy injector to configure proxies to do destination lookups
        for IPs in the private IP range
    * Web UI
      * Fixed errors when viewing resource detail pages
    * Internal
      * Created script and config to build a Linkerd CLI Chocolatey package for
        Windows users, which will be published with stable releases (thanks to
    * Proxy
      * Changed the proxy to set a `grpc-status: UNAVAILABLE` trailer when a gRPC
        response stream is interrupted by a transport error
  • edge-20.4.4
    64aff41f · Release edge-20.4.4 ·
    This edge release fixes a packaging issue in `edge-20.4.3`.
    _From `edge.20.4.3` release notes_:
    This edge release adds functionality to the CLI to output more detail and
    includes changes which support the multi-cluster functionality. Also, the helm
    support has been expanded to make installation more configurable. Finally, the
    HA reliability is improved by ensuring that control plane pods are restarted
    with a rolling strategy
    * CLI
      * Added output to the `linkerd check --proxy` command to list all data
        plane pods which are not up-to-date rather than just printing the first
        one it encounters
      * Added a `--proxy` flag to the `linkerd version` command which lists all
        proxy versions running in the cluster and the number of pods running
        each version
      * Lifted requirement of using --unmeshed for linkerd stat when querying
        TrafficSplit resources
      * Added support for multi-stage installs with Add-Ons
    * Controller
      * Added a rolling update strategy to Linkerd deployments that have
        multiple replicas during HA deployments to ensure that at most
        one pod begins terminating before a new pod ready is ready
      * Added a new label for the proxy injector to write to the template,
        `` which indicates the namespace of the workload/pod
    * Internal
      * Added a [security policy](
        to facilitate conversations around security
    * Helm
      * Changed charts to use downwardAPI to mount labels to the proxy container
        making them easier to identify
    * Proxy
      * Changed the Linkerd proxy endpoint for liveness to use the new `/live` admin
        endpoint instead of the `/metrics` endpoint, because the `/live` endpoint
        returns a smaller payload
      * Added a per-endpoint authority-override feature to support
        multi-cluster gateways
  • edge-20.4.3
    This edge release adds functionality to the CLI to output more detail and
    includes changes which support the multi-cluster functionality. Also, the helm
    support has been expanded to make installation more configurable. Finally, the
    HA reliability is improved by ensuring that control plane pods are restarted
    with a rolling strategy
    * CLI
      * Added output to the `linkerd check --proxy` command to list all data
        plane pods which are not up-to-date rather than just printing the first
        one it encounters
      * Added a `--proxy` flag to the `linkerd version` command which lists all
        proxy versions running in the cluster and the number of pods running
        each version
      * Lifted requirement of using --unmeshed for linkerd stat when querying
        TrafficSplit resources
      * Added support for multi-stage installs with Add-Ons
    * Controller
      * Added a rolling update strategy to Linkerd deployments that have
        multiple replicas during HA deployments to ensure that at most
        one pod begins terminating before a new pod ready is ready
      * Added a new label for the proxy injector to write to the template,
        `` which indicates the namespace of the workload/pod
    * Internal
      * Added a [security policy](
        to facilitate conversations around security
    * Helm
      * Changed charts to use downwardAPI to mount labels to the proxy container
        making them easier to identify
    * Proxy
      * Changed the Linkerd proxy endpoint for liveness to use the new `/live` admin
        endpoint instead of the `/metrics` endpoint, because the `/live` endpoint
        returns a smaller payload
      * Added a per-endpoint authority-override feature to support
        mutli-cluster gateways
  • edge-20.4.2
    This release brings a number of CLI fixes and Controller improvements.
    * CLI
      * Fixed a bug that caused pods to crash after upgrade if
        `--skip-outbound-ports` or `--skip-inbound-ports` were used
      * Added `unmeshed` flag to the `stat` command, such that unmeshed resources
        are only displayed if the user opts-in
      * Added a `--smi-metrics` flag to `install`, to allow installation of the
        experimental `linkerd-smi-metrics` component
      * Fixed a bug in `linkerd stat`, causing incorrect output formatting when using
        the `--o wide` flag
      * Fixed a bug, causing `linkerd uninstall` to fail when attempting to delete
    * Controller
      * Improved the anti-affinity of `linkerd-smi-metrics` deployment to avoid
        pod scheduling problems during `upgrade`
      * Improved endpoints change detection in the `linkerd-destination` service, enabling
        mirrored remote services to change cluster gateways
      * Added `operationID` field to tap OpenAPI response to prevent issues during
        upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7
    * Proxy
      * Added a new protocol detection timeout to prevent clients from consuming
        resources indefinitely when not sending any data
  • stable-2.7.1
  • edge-20.4.1
    ## edge-20.4.1
    This release introduces some cool new functionalities, all provided by our
    awesome community of contributors! Also two bugs were fixed that were introduced
    since edge-20.3.2.
    * CLI
      * Added `linkerd uninstall` command to uninstall the control plane (thanks
      * Fixed a bug causing `linkerd routes -o wide` to not show the proper actual
        success rate
    * Controller
      * Fail proxy injection if the pod spec has `automountServiceAccountToken`
        disabled (thanks @mayankshah1607!)
    * Web UI
      * Added a route dashboard to Grafana (thanks @lundbird!)
    * Proxy
      * Fixed a bug causing the proxy's inbound to spuriously return 503 timeouts
  • edge-20.3.4
    27a4c8a0 · edge-20.3.4 (#4204) ·
    This release introduces several fixes and improvements to the CLI.
    * CLI
      * Added support for kubectl-style label selectors in many CLI commands (thanks
      * Fixed the path regex in service profiles generated from proto files without
        a package name (thanks @amariampolskiy!)
      * Fixed an error when injecting Cronjobs that have no metadata
      * Relaxed the clock skew check to match the default node heartbeat interval
        on Kubernetes 1.17 and made this check a warning
      * Fixed a bug where the linkerd-smi-metrics pod could not be created on
        clusters with pod security policy enabled
    * Internal
      * Upgraded tracing components to more recent versions and improved resource
        defaults (thanks @Pothulapati!)
  • edge-20.3.3
    This release introduces new experimental CLI commands for querying metrics using
    the Service Mesh Interface (SMI) and for multi-cluster support via service
    If you would like to learn more about service mirroring or SMI, or are
    interested in experimenting with these features, please join us in
    [Linkerd Slack]( for help and feedback.
    * CLI
      * Added experimental `linkerd cluster` commands for managing multi-cluster
        service mirroring
      * Added the experimental `linkerd alpha clients` command, which uses the
        smi-metrics API to display client-side metrics from each of a resource's
      * Added retries to some `linkerd check` checks to prevent spurious failures
        when run immediately after cluster creation or Linkerd installation
  • edge-20.3.2
    This release introduces substantial proxy improvements as well as
    new observability and security functionality.
    * CLI
      * Added the `linkerd alpha stat` command, which uses the smi-metrics
        API; the latter enables access to metrics to be controlled with RBAC
    * Controller
      * Added support for configuring service profile timeouts
        `(x-linkerd-timeout)` via OpenAPI spec (thanks @lewiscowper!)
    * Web UI
      * Improved the Grafana dashboards to use a globing operator for Prometheus in
        order to avoid producing queries that are too large (thanks @mmiller1!)
    * Helm
      * Improved the `linkerd2` chart README (thanks @lundbird!)
    * Proxy
      * Fixed a bug that could cause log levels to be processed incorrectly
  • edge-20.3.1
    This release introduces new functionality mainly focused around
    observability and multi-cluster support via `service mirroring`.
    If you would like to learn more about `service mirroring` or are interested in
    experimenting with this feature, please join us in
    [Linkerd Slack]( for help and feedback.
    * CLI
      * Improved the `linkerd check` command to check for extension server
        certificate (thanks @christyjacob4!)
    * Controller
      * Removed restrictions preventing Linkerd from injecting proxies into
        Contour (thanks @alfatraining!)
      * Added an experimental version of a service mirroring controller, allowing
        discovery of services on remote clusters.
    * Web UI
      * Fixed a bug causing incorrect Grafana links to be rendered in the web
    * Proxy
      * Fixed a bug that could cause the proxy's load balancer to stop processing
        updates from service discovery.
  • edge-20.2.3
    This release introduces the first optional add-on `tracing`, added through the
    new add-on model!
    The existing optional `tracing` components Jaeger and OpenCensus can now be
    installed as add-on components.
    There will be more information to come about the new add-on model, but please
    refer to the details of [#3955]( for how to get started.
    * CLI
      * Added the `linkerd diagnostics` command to get metrics only from the
        control plane, excluding metrics from the data plane proxies (thanks
      * Added the `linkerd install --prometheus-image` option for installing a
        custom Prometheus image (thanks @christyjacob4!)
      * Fixed an issue with `linkerd upgrade` where changes to the `Namespace`
        object were ignored (thanks @supra08!)
    * Controller
      * Added the `tracing` add-on which installs Jaeger and OpenCensus as add-on
        components (thanks @Pothulapati!!)
    * Proxy
      * Increased the inbound router's default capacity from 100 to 10k to
        accommodate environments that have a high cardinality of virtual hosts
        served by a single pod
    * Web UI
      * Fixed styling in the CallToAction banner (thanks @aliariff!)
  • edge-20.2.2
  • stable-2.7.0
    b9caae0c · stable-2.7.0 (#4019) ·
  • edge-20.2.1
    770da05b · edge-20.2.1 (#4012) ·
  • edge-20.1.4