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This release brings a number of CLI fixes and Controller improvements.

  * Fixed a bug that caused pods to crash after upgrade if
    `--skip-outbound-ports` or `--skip-inbound-ports` were used
  * Added `unmeshed` flag to the `stat` command, such that unmeshed resources
    are only displayed if the user opts-in
  * Added a `--smi-metrics` flag to `install`, to allow installation of the
    experimental `linkerd-smi-metrics` component
  * Fixed a bug in `linkerd stat`, causing incorrect output formatting when using
    the `--o wide` flag
  * Fixed a bug, causing `linkerd uninstall` to fail when attempting to delete
* Controller
  * Improved the anti-affinity of `linkerd-smi-metrics` deployment to avoid
    pod scheduling problems during `upgrade`
  * Improved endpoints change detection in the `linkerd-destination` service, enabling
    mirrored remote services to change cluster gateways
  * Added `operationID` field to tap OpenAPI response to prevent issues during
    upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7
* Proxy
  * Added a new protocol detection timeout to prevent clients from consuming
    resources indefinitely when not sending any data