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  • edge-21.1.3
    This edge release improves proxy diagnostics and recovery in situations where
    the proxy is temporarily unable to route requests. Additionally, the `viz` and
    `multicluster` CLI sub-commands have been updated for consistency.
    Full release notes:
    * Added Helm-style `set`, `set-string`, `values`, `set-files` customization
      flags for the `linkerd install` and `linkerd multicluster install` commands
    * Fixed an issue where `linkerd metrics` could return metrics for the incorrect
      set of pods when there are overlapping label selectors
    * Added tap-injector to linkerd-viz which is responsible for adding the tap
      service name environment variable to the Linkerd proxy container
    * Improved diagnostics when the proxy is temporarily unable to route requests
    * Made proxy recovery for a service more robust when the proxy is unable to
      route requests, even when new requests are being received
    * Added `client` and `server` prefixes in the proxy logs for socket-level errors
      to indicate which side of the proxy encountered the error
    * Improved jaeger-injector reliability in environments with many resources by
      adding watch RBAC permissions
    * Added check to confirm whether the jaeger-injector pod is in running state
      (thanks @yashvardhan-kukreja!)
    * Fixed a crash in the destination controller when EndpointSlices are enabled
      (thanks @oleh-ozimok!)
    * Added a `linkerd viz check` sub-command to verify the states of the
      `linkerd-viz` components
    * Added a `log-format` flag to optionally output the control plane component log
      output as JSON (thanks @mo4islona!)
    * Updated the logic in the `metrics` and `profile` subcommands to use the
      `namespace` specified by the `current-context` of the KUBECONFIG so that it is
      no longer necessary to use the `--namespace` flag to query resources in the
      current namespace. Queries for resources in namespaces other than the
      current namespace still require the `--namespace` flag
    * Added new pod 'linkerd-metrics-api' set up by `linkerd viz install` that
      manages all functionality dependent on Prometheus, thus removing most of the
      dependencies on Prometheus from the linkerd core installation
    * Removed need to have linkerd-viz installed for the
      `linkerd multicluster check` command to properly work.
  • edge-21.1.2
    This edge release continues the work on decoupling non-core Linkerd components.
    Commands that use the viz extension i.e, `dashboard`, `edges`, `routes`,
    `stat`, `tap` and `top` are moved to the `viz` sub-command. These commands are still
    available under root but are marked as deprecated and will be removed in a
    later stable release.
    This release also upgrades the proxy's dependencies to the Tokio v1 ecosystem.
    * Moved sub-commands that use the viz extension under `viz`
    * Started ignoring pods with `Succeeded` status when watching IP addresses
      in destination. This allows the re-use of IPs of terminated pods
    * Support Bring your own Jaeger use-case by adding `collector.jaegerAddr` in
      the Jaeger extension.
    * Fixed an issue with the generation of working manifests in the
      `podAntiAffinity` use-case
    * Added support for the modification of proxy resources in the viz
      extension through `values.yaml` in Helm and flags in CLI.
    * Improved error reporting for port-forward logic with namespace
      and pod data, used across dashboard, checks, etc
      (thanks @piyushsingariya)
    * Added support to disable the rendering of `linkerd-viz` namespace
      resource in the viz extension (thanks @nlamirault)
    * Made service-profile generation work offline with `--ignore-cluster`
      flag (thanks @piyushsingariya)
    * Upgraded the proxy's dependencies to the Tokio v1 ecosystem
  • stable-2.9.2
    This stable release fixes an issue that stops traffic to a pod when there is an
    IP address conflict with another pod that is not in a running state.
    It also fixes an upgrade issue when using HA that would lead to values being
  • edge-21.1.1
    This edge release introduces a new "opaque transport" feature that allows the
    proxy to securely transport server-speaks-first and otherwise opaque TCP
    traffic. Using the `` annotation on pods and
    namespaces, users can configure ports that should skip the proxy's protocol
    Additionally, a new `linkerd-viz` extension has been introduced that separates
    the installation of the Grafana, Prometheus, web, and tap components. This
    extension closely follows the Jaeger and multicluster extensions; users can
    `install` and `uninstall` with the `linkerd viz ..` command as well as configure
    for HA with the `--ha` flag.
    The `linkerd viz install` command does not have any cli flags to customize the
    install directly, but instead follows the Helm way of customization by using
    flags such as `set`, `set-string`, `values`, `set-files`.
    Finally, a new `/shutdown` admin endpoint that may only be accessed over the
    loopback network has been added. This allows batch jobs to gracefully terminate
    the proxy on completion. The `linkerd-await` utility can be used to automate
    * Added a new `linkerd multicluster check` command to validate that the
      `linkerd-multicluster` extension is working correctly
    * Fixed description in the `linkerd edges` command (thanks @jsoref!)
    * Moved the Grafana, Prometheus, web, and tap components into a new Viz chart,
      following the same extension model that multicluster and Jaeger follow
    * Introduced a new "opaque transport" feature that allows the proxy to securely
      transport server-speaks-first and otherwise opaque TCP traffic
    * Removed the check comparing the `ca.crt` field in the identity issuer secret
      and the trust anchors in the Linkerd config; these values being different is
      not a failure case for the `linkerd check` command (thanks @cypherfox!)
    * Removed the Prometheus check from the `linkerd check` command since it now
      depends on a component that is installed with the Viz extension
    * Fixed error messages thrown by the cert checks in `linkerd check` (thanks
    * Added PodDisruptionBudgets to the control plane components so that they cannot
      be all terminated at the same time during disruptions (thanks @tustvold!)
    * Fixed an issue that displayed the wrong `` when it is
      overridden by annotations (thanks @mateiidavid!)
    * Added support for custom registries in the `linkerd-viz` helm chart (thanks
    * Renamed `proxy-mutator` to `jaeger-injector` in the `linkerd-jaeger` extension
    * Added a new `/shutdown` admin endpoint that may only be accessed over the
      loopback network allowing batch jobs to gracefully terminate the proxy on
    * Introduced the `linkerd identity` command, used to fetch the TLS certificates
      for injected pods (thanks @jimil749)
    * Fixed an issue with the CNI plugin where it was incorrectly terminating and
      emitting error events (thanks @mhulscher!)
    * Re-added support for non-LoadBalancer service types in the
      `linkerd-multicluster` extension
  • edge-20.12.4
    This edge release adds support for the ``
    annotation on pods and namespaces, to configure ports that should skip the
    proxy's protocol detection. In addition, it adds new CLI commands related to the
    `linkerd-jaeger` extension, fixes bugs in the CLI `install` and `upgrade`
    commands and Helm charts, and fixes a potential false positive in the proxy's
    HTTP protocol detection. Finally, it includes improvements in proxy performance
    and memory usage, including an upgrade for the proxy's dependency on the Tokio
    async runtime.
    * Added support for the `` annotation on pods and
      namespaces, to indicate to the proxy that some ports should skip protocol
    * Fixed an issue where `linkerd install --ha` failed to honor flags
    * Fixed an issue where `linkerd upgrade --ha` can override existing configs
    * Added missing label to the `linkerd-config-overrides` secret to avoid breaking
      upgrades performed with the help of `kubectl apply --prune`
    * Added a missing icon to Jaeger Helm chart
    * Added new `linkerd jaeger check` CLI command to validate that the
      `linkerd-jaeger` extension is working correctly
    * Added new `linkerd jaeger uninstall` CLI command to print the `linkerd-jaeger`
      extension's resources so that they can be piped into `kubectl delete`
    * Fixed an issue where the `linkerd-cni` daemgitonset may not be installed on all
      intended nodes, due to missing tolerations to the `linkerd-cni` Helm chart
      (thanks @rish-onesignal!)
    * Fixed an issue where the `tap` APIServer would not refresh its certs
      automatically when provided externally—like through cert-manager
    * Changed the proxy's cache eviction strategy to reduce memory consumption,
      especially for busy HTTP/1.1 clients
    * Fixed an issue in the proxy's HTTP protocol detection which could cause false
      positives for non-HTTP traffic
    * Increased the proxy's default dispatch timeout to 5 seconds to accomodate
      connection pools which might open conenctions without immediately making a
    * Updated the proxy's Tokio dependency to v0.3
  • edge-20.12.3
    This edge release is functionally the same as `edge-20.12.2`. It fixes an issue
    that prevented the release build from occurring.
  • edge-20.12.2
    * Fixed an issue where the `proxy-injector` and `sp-validator` did not refresh
      their certs automatically when provided externally—like through cert-manager
    * Added support for overrides flags to the `jaeger install` command to allow
      setting Helm values when installing the Linkerd-jaeger extension
    * Added missing Helm values to the multicluster chart (thanks @DaspawnW!)
    * Moved tracing functionality to the `linkerd-jaeger` extension
    * Fixed various issues in developer shell scripts (thanks @joakimr-axis!)
    * Fixed an issue where `install --ha` was only partially applying the high
      availability config
    * Updated RBAC API versions in the CNI chart (thanks @glitchcrab!)
    * Fixed an issue where TLS credentials are changed during upgrades, but the
      Linkerd webhooks would not restart, leaving them to use older credentials and
      fail requests
    * Stopped publishing the multicluster link chart as its primary use case is in
      the `multicluster link` command and not being installed through Helm
    * Added service mirror error logs for when the multicluster gateway's hostname
      cannot be resolved.
  • stable-2.9.1
    ## stable-2.9.1
    This stable release contains a number of proxy enhancements: better support for
    high-traffic workloads, improved performance by eliminating unnecessary endpoint
    resolutions for TCP traffic and properly tearing down serverside connections
    when errors occur, and reduced memory consumption on proxies which maintain many
    idle connections (such as Prometheus' proxy).
    On the CLI and control plane sides, it relaxes checks on root and intermediate
    certificates (following X509 best practices), and fixes two issues: one that
    prevented installation of the control plane into a custom namespace and one
    which failed to update endpoint information when a headless service was
    * Proxy:
      * Addressed some issues reported around clients seeing max-concurrency errors
        by increasing the default in-flight request limit to 100K pending requests
      * Reduced the default idle connection timeout to 5s for outbound clients and
        for inbound clients to reduce the proxy's memory footprint, especially on
          Prometheus instances
      * Fixed an issue where the proxy did not receive updated endpoint information
        when a headless service was modified
      * Added HTTP/2 keepalive PING frames
      * Removed logic to avoid redundant TCP endpoint resolution
      * Fixed an issue where serverside connections were not torn down when an error
    * CLI / Helm / Control Plane:
      * Fixed a CLI issue where the `linkerd-namespace` flag was not honored when
        passed to the `install` and `upgrade` commands
      * Fixed installing HA through the CLI (`linkerd install --ha`) that wasn't
        honoring some of the default settings found in `values-ha.yml`
      * Force the webhook pods (proxy-injector, sp-validator and tap) to be
        restarted when upgrading through the CLI, if a secret they rely on changes
      * Fixed multicluster installation using Helm
      * Updated `linkerd check` so that it doesn't attempt to validate the subject
        alternative name (SAN) on root and intermediate certificates. SANs for leaf
        certificates will continue to be validated
      * Fixed an issue in the destination service where endpoints always included a
        protocol hint, regardless of the controller label being present or not
      * Removed the `get` and `logs` command from the CLI
      * No longer panic in rare cases when `linkerd-config` doesn't have an entry
        for `Global` configs (thanks @hodbn!)
  • edge-20.12.1
    8ad546b3 · edge-20.12.1 (#5324) ·
    This edge release continues the work of decoupling non-core Linkerd components
    by moving more tracing related functionality into the Linkerd-jaeger extension.
    * Continued work on moving tracing functionality from the main control plane
      into the `linkerd-jaeger` extension
    * Fixed a potential panic in the proxy when looking up a socket's peer address
      while under high load
    * Added automatic readme generation for charts (thanks @GMarkfjard!)
    * Fixed zsh completion for the CLI (thanks @jiraguha!)
    * Added support for multicluster gateways of types other than LoadBalancer
      (thanks @DaspawnW!)
  • edge-20.11.5
    ## edge-20.11.5
    This edge release improves the proxy's support high-traffic workloads. It also
    contains the first steps towards decoupling non-core Linkerd components, the
    first iteration being a new `linkerd jaeger` sub-command for installing tracing.
    Please note this is still a work in progress.
    * Addressed some issues reported around clients seeing max-concurrency errors by
      increasing the default in-flight request limit to 100K pending requests
    * Have the proxy appropriately set `content-type` when synthesizing gRPC error
    * Bumped the `proxy-init` image to `v1.3.8` which is based off of
      `buster-20201117-slim` to reduce potential security vulnerabilities
    * No longer panic in rare cases when `linkerd-config` doesn't have an entry for
      `Global` configs (thanks @hodbn!)
    * Work in progress: the `/jaeger` directory now contains the charts and commands
      for installing the tracing component.
  • edge-20.11.4
    * Fixed an issue in the destination service where endpoints always included a
      protocol hint, regardless of the controller label being present or not
  • edge-20.11.3
    c0a64946 · edge-20.11.3 changes (#5255) ·
    This edge release improves support for CNI by properly handling parameters
    passed to the `nsenter` command, relaxes checks on root and intermediate
    certificates (following X509 best practices), and fixes two issues: one that
    prevented installation of the control plane into a custom namespace and one
    which failed to update endpoint information when a headless service is modified.
    This release also improves linkerd proxy performance by eliminating unnecessary
    endpoint resolutions for TCP traffic and properly tearing down serverside
    connections when an errors occur.
    * Added HTTP/2 keepalive PING frames
    * Removed logic to avoid redundant TCP endpoint resolution
    * Fixed an issue where serverside connections where not torn down when an error
    * Updated `linkerd check` so that it doesn't attempt to validate the subject
      alternative name (SAN) on root and intermediate certificates. SANs for leaf
      certificates will continue to be validated
    * Fixed a CLI issue where the `linkerd-namespace` flag is not honored when
      passed to the `install` and `upgrade` commands
    * Fixed an issue where the proxy does not receive updated endpoint information
      when a headless service is modified
    * Updated the control plane Docker images to use `buster-20201117-slim` to
      reduce potential security vulnerabilities
    * Updated the proxy-init container to `v1.3.7` which fixes CNI issues in certain
      environments by properly parsing `nsenter` args
  • edge-20.11.2
    This edge release reduces memory consumption of Linkerd proxies which maintain
    many idle connections (such as Prometheus).  It also removes some obsolete
    commands from the CLI and allows setting custom annotations on multicluster
    * Reduced the default idle connection timeout to 5s for outbound clients and
      20s for inbound clients to reduce the proxy's memory footprint, especially on
      Prometheus instances
    * Added support for setting annotations on the multicluster gateway in Helm
      which allows setting the load balancer as internal (thanks @shaikatz!)
    * Removed the `get` and `logs` command from the CLI
  • stable-2.9.0
    ## stable-2.9.0
    This release extends Linkerd's zero-config mutual TLS (mTLS) support to all TCP
    connections, allowing Linkerd to transparently encrypt and authenticate all TCP
    connections in the cluster the moment it's installed. It also adds ARM support,
    introduces a new multi-core proxy runtime for higher throughput, adds support
    for Kubernetes service topologies, and lots, lots more, as described below:
    * Proxy
      * Performed internal improvements for lower latencies under high concurrency
      * Reduced performance impact of logging, especially when the `debug` or
        `trace` log levels are disabled
      * Improved error handling for DNS errors encountered when discovering control
        plane addresses; this can be common during installation before all
        components have been started, allowing linkerd to continue to operate
        normally in HA during node outages
    * Control Plane
      * Added support for [topology-aware service
        to the Destination controller; when providing service discovery updates to
        proxies the Destination controller will now filter endpoints based on the
        service's topology preferences
      * Added support for the new Kubernetes
        resource to the Destination controller; Linkerd can be installed with
        `--enable-endpoint-slices` flag to use this resource rather than the
        Endpoints API in clusters where this new API is supported
    * Dashboard
      * Added new Spanish translations (please help us translate into your
      * Added new section for exposing multicluster gateway metrics
    * CLI
      * Renamed the `--addon-config` flag to `--config` to clarify this flag can be
        used to set any Helm value
      * Added fish shell completions to the `linkerd` command
    * Multicluster
      * Replaced the single `service-mirror` controller with separate controllers
        that will be installed per target cluster through `linkerd multicluster
      * Changed the mechanism for mirroring services: instead of relying on
        annotations on the target services, now the source cluster should specify
        which services from the target cluster should be exported by using a label
      * Added support for creating multiple service accounts when installing
        multicluster with Helm to allow more granular revocation
      * Added a multicluster `unlink` command for removing multicluster links
    * Prometheus
      * Moved Linkerd's bundled Prometheus into an add-on (enabled by default); this
        makes the Linkerd Prometheus more configurable, gives it a separate upgrade
        lifecycle from the rest of the control plane, and allows users to
        disable the bundled Prometheus instance
      * The long-awaited Bring-Your-Own-Prometheus case has been finally addressed:
        added `global.prometheusUrl` to the Helm config to have linkerd use an
        external Prometheus instance instead of the one provided by default
      * Added an option to persist data to a volume instead of memory, so that
        historical metrics are available when Prometheus is restarted
      * The helm chart can now configure persistent storage and limits
    * Other
      * Added a new ` ingress` annotation and accompanying
        `--ingress` flag to the `inject` command, to configure the proxy to support
        service profiles and enable per-route metrics and traffic splits for HTTP
        ingress controllers
      * Changed the type of the injector and tap API secrets to ``
        so they can be provisioned by cert-manager
      * Changed default docker image repository to `` from ``; **Users
        who pull the images into private repositories should take note of this
      * Introduced support for authenticated docker registries
      * Simplified the way that Linkerd stores its configuration; configuration is
        now stored as Helm values in the `linkerd-config` ConfigMap
      * Added support for Helm configuration of per-component proxy resources
    This release includes changes from a massive list of contributors. A special
    thank-you to everyone who helped make this release possible: [Abereham G
    Wodajie](, [Alexander
    Berger](, [Ali
    Ariff](, [Arthur Silva
    Sens](, [Chris
    Campbell](, [Daniel
    Lang](, [David Tyler](,
    [Desmond Ho](, [Dominik
    Münch](, [George
    Garces](, [Herrmann
    Hinz](, [Hu Shuai](,
    [Jeffrey N. Davis](, [Joakim
    Roubert](, [Josh
    Soref](, [Lutz Behnke](,
    [MaT1g3R](, [Marcus Vaal](,
    [Markus](, [Matei
    David](, [Matt
    Miller](, [Mayank
    [Naseem](, [Nil](,
    [OlivierB](, [Olukayode
    Bankole](, [Paul
    Balogh](, [Rajat
    Jindal](, [Raphael
    Taylor-Davies](, [Simon
    Weald](, [Steve
    Gray](, [Suraj
    Deshmukh](, [Tharun
    Rajendran](, [Wei Lun](,
    [Zhou Hao](, [ZouYu](,
    [iohenkies](, [memory](,
    and [tbsoares](
  • edge-20.11.1
    This edge supersedes edge-20.10.6 as a release candidate for stable-2.9.0.
    * Fixed issue where the `check` command would error when there is no Prometheus
    * Fixed recent regression that caused multicluster on EKS to not work properly
    * Changed the `check` command to warn instead of error when webhook certificates
      are near expiry
    * Added the `--ingress` flag to the `inject` command which adds the recently
      introduced ` ingress` annotation
    * Fixed issue with upgrades where external certs would be fetched and stored
      even though this does not happen on fresh installs with externally created
    * Fixed issue with upgrades where the issuer cert expiration was being reset
    * Removed the `--registry` flag from the `multicluster install` command
    * Removed default CPU limits for the proxy and control plane components in HA
  • edge-20.10.6
    This edge supersedes edge-20.10.5 as a release candidate for stable-2.9.0. It
    adds a new ` ingress` annotation to support service profiles
    and enable per-route metrics and traffic splits for HTTP ingress controllers
    * Added a new ` ingress` annotation to configure the
      proxy to support service profiles and enable per-route metrics and traffic
      splits for HTTP ingress controllers
    * Reduced performance impact of logging in the proxy, especially when the
      `debug` or `trace` log levels are disabled
    * Fixed spurious warnings logged by the `linkerd profile` CLI command
  • edge-20.10.5
    This edge supersedes edge-20.10.4 as a release candidate for stable-2.9.0. It
    adds a fix for updating the destination service when ther are no endpoints
    * Added a fix to clear the EndpointTranslator state when it gets a
      `NoEndpoints` message. This ensures that the clients get the correct set of
      endpoints during an update.
  • edge-20.10.4
    This edge release is a release candidate for stable-2.9.0. For the proxy, there
    have been changes to improve performance, remove unused code, and configure
    ports that can be ignored by default. Also, this edge release adds enhancements
    to the multicluster configuration and observability, adds more translations to
    the dashboard, and addresses a bug in the CLI.
    * Added more Spanish translations to the dashboard and more labels that can be
    * Added support for creating multiple service accounts when installing
      multicluster with Helm to allow more granular revocation
    * Renamed `global.proxy.destinationGetNetworks` to `global.clusterNetworks`.
      This is a cluster-wide setting and can no longer be overridden per-pod
    * Fixed an empty multicluster Grafana graph which used a deprecated label
    * Added the control plane tracing ServiceAccounts to the linkerd-psp
      RoleBinding so that it can be used in environments where PodSecurityPolicy
      is enabled
    * Enhanced EKS support by adding `` to the set of discoverable
    * Fixed a bug in the way that the `--all-namespaces` flag is handled by the
      `linkerd edges` command
    * Added a default set of ports to bypass the proxy for server-first, https,
      and memcached traffic
  • edge-20.10.3
    This edge release is a release candidate for stable-2.9.0.  It overhauls the
    discovery and routing logic implemented by the proxy, simplifies the way that
    Linkerd stores configuration, and adds new Helm values to configure additional
    labels, annotations, and namespace selectors for webhooks.
    * Added podLabels and podAnnotations Helm values to allow adding additional
      labels or annotations to Linkerd control plane pods (thanks @tustvold!)
    * Added namespaceSelector Helm value for configuring the namespace selector
      used by admission webhooks (thanks @tustvold!)
    * Expanded the 'linkerd edges' command to show TCP connections
    * Overhauled the discovery and routing logic implemented by the proxy:
      * The `l5d-dst-override` header is no longer honored
      * When the application attempts to connect to a pod IP, the proxy no
        longer load balances these requests among all pods in the service.
        The proxy will now honor session-stickiness as selected by an
        application-level load balancer
      * `TrafficSplits` are only applied when a client targets a service's IP
      * The proxy no longer performs DNS "canonicalization" to translate
        relative host header names to a fully-qualified form
    * Simplified the way that Linkerd stores its configuration.  Configuration is
      now stored as Helm values in the linkerd-config ConfigMap
    * Renamed the --addon-config flag to --config to clarify this flag can be used
      to set any Helm value
  • edge-20.10.2
    ## edge-20.10.2
    This edge release adds more improvements for mTLS for all TCP traffic.
    It also includes significant internal improvements to the way Linkerd
    configuration is stored within the cluster.
    * Changed TCP metrics exported by the proxy to ensure that peer
      identities are encoded via the `client_id` and `server_id` labels.
    * Removed the dependency of control plane components on `linkerd-config`
    * Updated the data structure `proxy-injector` uses to derive the configuration
      used when injecting workloads