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This edge release adds support for the ``
annotation on pods and namespaces, to configure ports that should skip the
proxy's protocol detection. In addition, it adds new CLI commands related to the
`linkerd-jaeger` extension, fixes bugs in the CLI `install` and `upgrade`
commands and Helm charts, and fixes a potential false positive in the proxy's
HTTP protocol detection. Finally, it includes improvements in proxy performance
and memory usage, including an upgrade for the proxy's dependency on the Tokio
async runtime.

* Added support for the `` annotation on pods and
  namespaces, to indicate to the proxy that some ports should skip protocol
* Fixed an issue where `linkerd install --ha` failed to honor flags
* Fixed an issue where `linkerd upgrade --ha` can override existing configs
* Added missing label to the `linkerd-config-overrides` secret to avoid breaking
  upgrades performed with the help of `kubectl apply --prune`
* Added a missing icon to Jaeger Helm chart
* Added new `linkerd jaeger check` CLI command to validate that the
  `linkerd-jaeger` extension is working correctly
* Added new `linkerd jaeger uninstall` CLI command to print the `linkerd-jaeger`
  extension's resources so that they can be piped into `kubectl delete`
* Fixed an issue where the `linkerd-cni` daemgitonset may not be installed on all
  intended nodes, due to missing tolerations to the `linkerd-cni` Helm chart
  (thanks @rish-onesignal!)
* Fixed an issue where the `tap` APIServer would not refresh its certs
  automatically when provided externally—like through cert-manager
* Changed the proxy's cache eviction strategy to reduce memory consumption,
  especially for busy HTTP/1.1 clients
* Fixed an issue in the proxy's HTTP protocol detection which could cause false
  positives for non-HTTP traffic
* Increased the proxy's default dispatch timeout to 5 seconds to accomodate
  connection pools which might open conenctions without immediately making a
* Updated the proxy's Tokio dependency to v0.3