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This edge release continues the work on decoupling non-core Linkerd components.
Commands that use the viz extension i.e, `dashboard`, `edges`, `routes`,
`stat`, `tap` and `top` are moved to the `viz` sub-command. These commands are still
available under root but are marked as deprecated and will be removed in a
later stable release.

This release also upgrades the proxy's dependencies to the Tokio v1 ecosystem.

* Moved sub-commands that use the viz extension under `viz`
* Started ignoring pods with `Succeeded` status when watching IP addresses
  in destination. This allows the re-use of IPs of terminated pods
* Support Bring your own Jaeger use-case by adding `collector.jaegerAddr` in
  the Jaeger extension.
* Fixed an issue with the generation of working manifests in the
  `podAntiAffinity` use-case
* Added support for the modification of proxy resources in the viz
  extension through `values.yaml` in Helm and flags in CLI.
* Improved error reporting for port-forward logic with namespace
  and pod data, used across dashboard, checks, etc
  (thanks @piyushsingariya)
* Added support to disable the rendering of `linkerd-viz` namespace
  resource in the viz extension (thanks @nlamirault)
* Made service-profile generation work offline with `--ignore-cluster`
  flag (thanks @piyushsingariya)
* Upgraded the proxy's dependencies to the Tokio v1 ecosystem