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This stable release adds CLI support for Apple Silicon M1 chips and support for
SMI's TrafficSplit `v1alpha2`.

There are several proxy fixes: handling `FailedPrecondition` errors gracefully,
inbound TLS detection from non-meshed workloads, and using the correct cached
client when the proxy is in ingress mode. The logging infrastructure has also
been improved to reduce memory pressure in high-connection environments.

On the control-plane side, there have been several improvements to the
destination service such as support for Host IP lookups and ignoring pods
in "Terminating" state. It also updates the proxy-injector to add opaque ports
annotation to pods if their namespace has it set.

On the CLI side, `linkerd repair` has been updated to be aware about the control-plane
version and suggest the relevant version to generate the right config. Various
bugs have been fixed around `linkerd identity`, etc.

**Upgrade notes**: Please refer [2.10 upgrade instructions](
if you are upgrading from `2.9.x` or below versions.

* Proxy:
  * Fixed an issue where proxies could infinitely retry failed requests to the
    `destination` controller when it returned a `FailedPrecondition`
  * The proxy's logging infrastructure has been updated to reduce memory pressure
    in high-connection environments.
  * Fixed a caching issue in the outbound proxy that would cause it to
    forward traffic to the wrong pod when running in ingress mode.
  * Fixed an issue where inbound TLS detection from non-meshed workloads
    could break
  * Fixed an issue where the admin server's HTTP detection would fail and
    not recover; these are now handled gracefully and without logging warnings
  * Control plane proxies no longer emit warnings about the resolution stream ending.
    This error was innocuous.
  * Bumped the proxy-init image to v1.3.11 which updates the go version to be 1.16.2

* Control Plane:
  * Fixed an issue where the destination service would respond with too big of a
    header and result in http2 protocol errors
  * Fixed an issue where the destination control plane component sometimes returned
    endpoint addresses with a 0 port number while pods were undergoing a rollout
    (thanks @riccardofreixo!)
  * Fixed an issue where pod lookups by host IP and host port fail even though
    the cluster has a matching pod
  * Updated the IP Watcher in destination to ignore pods in "Terminating" state
    (thanks @Wenliang-CHEN!)
  * Modified the proxy-injector to add the opaque ports annotation to pods
    if their namespace has it set
  * Added Support for TrafficSplit `v1alpha2`
  * Updated all the control-plane components to use go `1.16.2`.

* CLI:
  * Fixed an issue where the linkerd identity command returned the root
    certificate of a pod instead of its leaf certificates
  * Fixed an issue where the destination service would respond with too
    big of a header and result in http2 protocol errors
  * Updated the release process to build Linkerd CLI binaries for Apple
    Silicon M1 chips
  * Improved error messaging when trying to install Linkerd on a cluster
    that already had Linkerd installed
  * Added a loading spinner to the linkerd check command when running
    extension checks
  * Added installNamespace toggle in the jaeger extension's install.
    (thanks @jijeesh!)
  * Updated healthcheck pkg to have hintBaseURL configurable, useful
    for external extensions using that pkg
  * Fixed TCP read and write bytes/sec calculations to group by label
    based off inbound or outbound traffic
  * Fixed an issue in linkerd inject where the wrong annotation would
    be added when using --ingress flag
  * Updated `linkerd repair` to be aware of the client and server versions
  * Updated `linkerd uninstall` to print error message when there are no
    resources to uninstall.

* Helm:
  * Aligned the Helm installation heartbeat schedule to match that of the CLI

* Viz:
  * Fixed an issue where the topology graph in the dashboard was no
    longer draggable.
  * Updated dashboard build to use webpack v5
  * Added CA certs to the Viz extension's metrics-api container so
    that it can validate the certifcate of an external Prometheus
  * Removed components from the control plane dashboard that now
    are part of the Viz extension
  * Changed web's base image from debian to scratch

* Multicluster:
  * Fixed an issue with Multicluster's service mirror where its endpoint
    repair retries were not properly rate limited

* Jaeger:
  * Fixed components in the Jaeger extension to set the correct Prometheus
    scrape values