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  1. 1月 09, 2024
  2. 11月 16, 2023
    • bmarjanovic's avatar
      Clean ZeroLengthPredicate Rubocop TODO · 33fc3f19
      bmarjanovic 创作于
    • Kassio Borges's avatar
      Add `PagesDeployment` upload_finished field · 40519e00
      Kassio Borges 创作于
      Before [serving pages directly from pages_deployments], we were creating
      an `PagesDeployment` and in the commit callback, the ZIP file was
      uploaded. Only after the `PagesDeployment` entry was committed to the
      database, we would update the `ProjectPagesMetadatum` to indicate the
      deployment was ready.
      Now, [serving pages directly from pages_deployments], created a problem
      where we're starting to serve a `PagesDeployment` before its upload is
      To fix that, a new `upload_ready` column will be introduced, to
      signalize when the new `PagesDeployment` upload is finished and we
      start to serve it.
      [serving pages directly from pages_deployments]:
      Changelog: fixed
  3. 11月 08, 2023
  4. 10月 09, 2023
    • Moaz Khalifa's avatar
      Index nuget symbol files · 7117bfa2
      Moaz Khalifa 创作于
          In order to be able to consume symbol files from the server, each uploaded symbol package should undergo an indexing process. This indexing process involves extracting the symbol files (.pdb) from the compressed package file and indexing their information for efficient symbol lookup and retrieval. The indexing service should create a record in the packages_nuget_symbols table for each .pdb file, storing relevant details such as the symbol's signature and file.
      Changelog: added
  5. 9月 09, 2023
  6. 8月 02, 2023
  7. 7月 19, 2023
    • Erick Bajao's avatar
      Fix completion of pending direct upload · a3e85cee
      Erick Bajao 创作于
      This fixes the bug of pending direct uploads not being
      properly cleared off the Redis hash even on successful upload.
      The cause of the problem was that the redis key pattern being used
      to delete the redis field still includes the bucket prefix.
      Changelog: fixed
  8. 7月 11, 2023
  9. 6月 14, 2023
  10. 5月 17, 2023
  11. 5月 09, 2023
  12. 5月 08, 2023
  13. 4月 25, 2023
    • Kassio Borges's avatar
      Remove Settingslogic gem · c4d5c77c
      Kassio Borges 创作于
      - For better backward compatibility use string keys on
      - Remove all the Settingslogic references from code (not comments)
      - Ensure to use GitlabSettings::Options when pushing new options to
        Array values
      - Instead of inheriting from Hash, wrap a hash in
        GitlabSettings::Options and make it respond to all the requirements.
          * PROS: This provides more autonomy on what needs to be done
          * CONS: Some places were checking by Hash, we need to tackle these
      - Ensure to deep_merge return nested Options
      - Use the _raw_ version of options when passing to Fog::Storage
      - Ensure to load required active_support libraries
      - Show the option name in the GitlabSettings::MissingSetting error
      - Ensure to have an option `source` for the path of the `gitlab.yml`
      - Fix GitlabSettings::Options#deep_merge and
        GitlabSettings::Options#merge to return a new GitlabSettings::Options
        object with the options deep_merged/merged
      - Add GitlabSettings#reload! for backward compatibility
      - Make file/namespace initializer arguments
      - Avoid mutating Settings in sidekiq_cluster/cli tests
      - Fix configuration stubbing
      Related to:
  14. 4月 24, 2023
  15. 3月 31, 2023
  16. 3月 18, 2023
  17. 3月 14, 2023
  18. 2月 16, 2023
  19. 2月 14, 2023
  20. 2月 02, 2023
  21. 12月 23, 2022
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Fix Maven packages not working on FIPS kernels · e65e8a1b
      Stan Hu 创作于
      On a FIPS kernel with a non-FIPS GitLab build, Maven package uploads
      previously would fail with 422 Unprocessible Entity errors. This
      occurred because Workhorse was generating an MD5 sum for the
      accelerated upload, but the Rails API rejects any use of MD5 in FIPS
      Workhorse was generating an MD5 sum because its on check for FIPS
      involves more conditions:
      1. The binary has been compiled with the `fips` build tag.
      2. The platform is amd64 running on a Linux runtime.
      3. The kernel has FIPS enabled (e.g. `/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled` is 1).
      4. A system OpenSSL can be dynamically loaded via ldopen().
      On a standard GitLab installation, 1 is not true, so Workhorse
      believed it was working in a standard environment. However, GitLab
      Rails only checks whether the OpenSSL library is FIPS-enabled.
      To resolve this discrepancy, we now:
      1. Pass `UploadHashFunctions` to indicate which hashes should be used
         in the Workhorse `/authorize` response.
      2. Workhorse will use this list to determine which hashes to compute.
         If the list is empty, Workhorse will assume all hashes can be used.
      Relates to
      Changelog: fixed
  22. 12月 12, 2022
    • Mehmet Emin INAC's avatar
      Use `finding_data` to generate response · 441cad8a
      Mehmet Emin INAC 创作于
      This commit introduces a new finder class to be used while we are
      transitioning from using artifacts to utilizing data stored in the DB.
      This new finder class will mainly use the data stored in the database
      except the remediations are still read from report artifacts by using
      the `multi_read` method.
      With this change, we will also no longer show the findings of purged
      security scans.
      Changelog: fixed
      EE: true
  23. 12月 07, 2022
  24. 12月 03, 2022
  25. 11月 30, 2022
  26. 11月 22, 2022
  27. 11月 17, 2022
  28. 11月 10, 2022
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Support Google Cloud CDN for Web UI artifacts downloads · 587a5956
      Stan Hu 创作于
      This is a follow-up merge request to, which
      enabled job artifacts to be served by Google Cloud CDN for specific
      API endpoints. This extends this functionality to artifact downloads
      from the Web UI via the `Download` artifact button.
      This functionality is behind the
      `use_cdn_with_job_artifacts_ui_downloads` feature flag. This feature
      should not only make artifacts downloads faster for users, but it also
      helps reduce network egress bandwidth costs.
      Since UI downloads can have `response-content-disposition` and
      `response-content-type` query parameters, we also need to modify the
      Cloud CDN implementation to allow passing of query parameters to
      Google Cloud Storage. Note that Cloud CDN requires that the `Expires`,
      `KeyName`, and `Signature` query parameters appear at the end of the
      URL, or the request will fail with a 403 error.
      Relates to
      Changelog: added
  29. 11月 02, 2022
  30. 10月 04, 2022
  31. 10月 03, 2022
  32. 9月 20, 2022
  33. 9月 14, 2022
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Move Google IP fetch into a separate service with rate limiting · 0535ff53
      Stan Hu 创作于
      Previously the initial merge request in the Google CDN code would
      fetch the list of Google IPs within the same thread as the process
      that attempts to serve out a Google CDN-frontend URL. However, there
      are several issues with this:
      1. If the HTTP endpoint is slow or down for some reason, this will
      delay the response handling.
      2. There is no throttling to prevent excessive requests to this
      To improve the reliability, we move the fetching of this URL to a
      background Sidekiq job that has an application rate limit to prevent
      too many requests. The initial limit is 10 requests in a minute, which
      should should be adequate since we only need one worker to populate
      the cache for a whole day.
      Relates to
      Changelog: changed
  34. 9月 09, 2022
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Add support for Google CDN · 191f65c2
      Stan Hu 创作于
      This commit adds base support for using Google CDN in front of an
      object storage bucket to save costs. Note that this commit does not
      actually enable the use of the CDN yet; additional configuration and
      changes to the callers must be made for this to work.
      To enable a bucket to use the Google CDN:
      1. A CarrierWave uploader should `include ObjectStorage::CDN::Concern`.
      2. Instead of calling `#url`, a caller can now call `#use_cdn?` and
      At the moment, transfers within the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
      network between Google Cloud Storage and virutal machines are free, so
      serving out artifacts to GCP machines would waste money in the form of
      egress traffic.
      To avoid that, `#use_cdn?` will fetch the list of valid, public Google
      IP ranges and exclude IPs that are private or within the public Google
      `#cdn_signed_url` will create a pre-signed URL valid for 10 minutes by
      default. The Google CDN must be set up so that a Google Cloud
      Storage bucket is behind a unique URL.
      Relates to
      Changelog: added
  35. 8月 31, 2022