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- 2月 27, 2024
由 Andrew Evans 创作于
Displays a static error message when requests are rate-limited due to too many failed git authentication attempts. Extracts error class into its own file, since it now has more than just a class name to it. Changelog: added
由 Shubham Kumar 创作于
Changelog: removed
- 2月 26, 2024
由 Andrew Evans 创作于
Currently if a user joins a GitLab instance via oAuth, LDAP, or SCIM and their username begins with multiple `--` characters, these characters are removed to ensure a valid username can be created for the new user. Illegal characters such as `*&^()` are removed, and illegal extensions such as `.git` and `.atom` are also removed. This change extends the behavior to include all leading legal characters: `-` , `_` and `.` . It also trims from the end of the potential username, and removes consecutive legal characters so the resulting username will pass the check for `Gitlab::Regex.oci_repository_path_regex` . Changelog: changed
由 Avielle Wolfe 创作于
Boolean and number input types were not be respected by CI interpolation. They were being cast to strings when interpolated by `gsub`. This commit fixes that by replacing the entire node with the input value when the interpolation block is the entire length of the node. In other cases, we can assume that the input is being inserted into a string, so it's safe for us to use `gsub` to cast the value to a string and perform the insertion. This commit also ensures that the ability to match and replace multiple interpolation blocks in a single node is not affected. A previous attempt to fix this bug caused an incident because it only interpolated the first block in a node. Changelog: fixed Issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/434826
由 Sylvester Chin 创作于
This reverts commit d0c26297.
- 2月 24, 2024
由 Allison Browne 创作于
- Add spec for supports_canceling? - Fix pipeline feature spec and add an example - Fix merge train auto merge service spec - Consider a build retryable if canceling since users should not need to wait for the after_script to run to retry - Fix cancel pipeline service spec - Fix the cancel redundant pipelines service spec - Fix create pipeline service spec - Fix cancel redundant pipelines worker spec Fix 2 more specs: - spec/models/environment_spec.rb - spec/workers/ci/cancel_pipeline_worker_spec.rb
由 Oscar Tovar 创作于
The hash used to reference the example in valid_usage! used symbols to reference values by key. Since we were passing in a string, the lookup would always fail, and the example in the error message would fail to display as a result. To fix this, the `type` attribute is cast to a symbol so that we use the expected type of key (Symbol). The spec has also been changed to make a strict comparison, so that a regression for this is caught in the future.
由 Luke Duncalfe 创作于
This is a step towards the feature of supporting the GitLab for Slack app integration to be configured at group and instance-level. https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/391526 This change adds services and controller support for group-level and instance-level Slack app installation via OAuth with Slack. The changes are hidden behind a feature flag.
- 2月 23, 2024
由 Marius Bobin 创作于
由 gitlab-housekeeper 创作于
## What does this MR do and why? Add and backfill project_id for cluster_agent_tokens. This table has a [desired sharding key](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#defining-a-desired_sharding_key-for-automatically-backfilling-a-sharding_key) configured ([view configuration](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/db/docs/cluster_agent_tokens.yml)). This merge request is the first step towards transforming the desired sharding key into a [sharding key](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#defining-a-sharding-key-for-all-cell-local-tables). This involves three changes: - Adding a new column that will serve as the sharding key (along with the relevant index, foreign key and not null constraint). - Populating the sharding key when new records are created, by adding a `belongs_to` association on the model with a `default` value. - Scheduling a [batched background migration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/batched_background_migrations.html) to set the sharding key for existing records. Once the background migration has completed, a second merge request will be created to finalize the background migration and validate the not null constraint. ## How to verify We have assigned a random backend engineer from ~"group::environments" to review these changes. Please review this merge request from a ~backend perspective. The main thing we are looking to verify is that the added column and association match the values specified by the [desired sharding key](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/db/docs/cluster_agent_tokens.yml) configuration and that backfilling the column from this other table makes sense in the context of this feature. When you are finished, please: 1. Trigger the [database testing pipeline](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/database_migration_pipeline.html) as instructed by Danger. 1. Request a review from the ~backend maintainer and ~database reviewer suggested by Danger. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to @tigerwnz, @DylanGriffith or @manojmj. This merge request was generated by a once off keep implemented in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143774 This change was generated by [gitlab-housekeeper](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/master/gems/gitlab-housekeeper) using the Keeps::BackfillDesiredShardingKeySmallTable keep. To provide feedback on your experience with `gitlab-housekeeper` please comment in <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/442003>. Changelog: other
由 Maxime Orefice 创作于
This commit will raise an error when detecting multiple sequences owned by the same table. This will avoid weird situation where the id was not generated correctly for some instances.
由 Erick Bajao 创作于
由 Manoj M J 创作于
由 Brian Williams 创作于
Currently, events have indifferent access when being consumed but not when being published. This caused a bug when trying to access event data in a `store.subscribe if:` lambda.
由 Gabriel Mazetto 创作于
Added task.id to respond the same as class defined `id`
由 Stan Hu 创作于
Exceptions may occur in gems used by GitLab. This change makes it possible to see exactly where the error occurred. By default, filter only for GitLab code in `Gitlab::BacktraceCleaner` but allow the default Rails backtrace cleaner to include gem code. Changelog: changed
- 2月 22, 2024
由 Rodrigo Tomonari 创作于
This commit introduces instrumentation for exclusive locks within the modules `Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseGuard` and `Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseHelpers`, enabling better monitoring and visibility into lock usage. When utilizing the `Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseHelpers#in_lock` method, the following metrics are now tracked: - exclusive_lock_count` - exclusive_lock_wait_duration_s - exclusive_lock_hold_duration_s Similarly, when using the `Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseHelpers#try_obtain_lease` method, the following metrics are captured: - exclusive_lock_count - exclusive_lock_hold_duration_s Notably, in the latter method, `exclusive_lock_wait_duration_s` is not captured as the method returns immediately if the lease is already held, thus no waiting time is incurred.
由 Brett Walker 创作于
由 Gabriel Mazetto 创作于
In addition mentions of `task_name` became `task_id`
由 Daniel Haß 创作于
由 Joseph Wambua 创作于
Currently, it is impossible to unsubscribe from design management notifications. Clicking the unsubscribe link in the emails leads to a 404 error. Changelog: changed
- 2月 21, 2024
由 Avielle Wolfe 创作于
Two past incidents could have been caught if we had more complete test converage of CI inputs. It has been hard to improve test coverage because the problem space is very large, but this commit attempts to improve coverage using a more complex file with several inputs used in many locations. Issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/442332
由 Rodrigo Tomonari 创作于
Introduce export_reduce_relation_batch_size feature flag to reduce the export batch size for selected projects or groups. Changelog: added
由 Huzaifa Iftikhar 创作于
由 Manoj M J 创作于
由 Jonas Larsen 创作于
由 Adie (she/her) 创作于
Previously, we put GitlabAPIClient#repository details behind a Gitlab.com check and a migration state guard. The migration is done and now we want to enable the use of this method for self-managed as well. Changelog: changed
由 Kassio Borges 创作于
由 Dmitry Gruzd 创作于
Changelog: changed
由 Zamir Martins 创作于
cyclonedx report dependsOn attribute. EE: true
- 2月 20, 2024
由 Terri Chu 创作于
由 Miguel Rincon 创作于
This change removes enable_new_sentry_clientside_integration in favor of enable_new_sentry_integration to have a single feature flag that defined the sentry compatibility state. Changelog: other
由 Sylvester Chin 创作于
Gitlab::Redis::ClusterRepositoryCache will connect to a Redis Cluster for .com deployment and help migrate repository cache workload from Gitlab::Redis::RepositoryCache. Changelog: other
由 Erick Bajao 创作于
由 Piotr Skorupa 创作于
由 Chris Stone 创作于
由 James Fargher 创作于
The goal is to colocate where gitaly is configured and the directories it uses. Factors out repos_paths since this is derived from the storages configuration which soon will not know about gitaly paths.
由 David Fernandez 创作于
* target_audience for the JWT claim. * identity_provider_resource_name for the credentials audience.
由 Aleksei Lipniagov 创作于
Use CloudConnector::AccessService as SSoT.
- 2月 19, 2024
由 Jonas Larsen 创作于