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fix: Do not translate "ConfigMap" into "配置" and "Secret" into "密钥". #2035

Created by: live77

What type of PR is this?

/kind bug

What this PR does / why we need it:

Do not translate "ConfigMap" into "配置" and "Secret" into "密钥". #2035 (closed)

"密钥" means a private key or public key used to encrypt or decrypt certain information. "配置" means a software or hardware configuration. Both are too general and misleading. ConfigMap and Secret are concepts unique to Kubernetes, and we should not translate them.

Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

Fixes # 2035

Special notes for reviewers:

Does this PR introduced a user-facing change?

Additional documentation, usage docs, etc.:

/assign @Patrick-LuoYu @harrisonliu5 Here is the logic of "Do Not Translate"

Do Translation Rules

保密字典 -> Secrets, Secret 
密钥 -> Secret
密鑰 -> Secret

配置字典 -> ConfigMap, ConfigMaps
配置 -> ConfigMap (in some cases)

