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标记 111

  • workflowin dev
    Issues that are actively being worked on by a developer
  • Issues that are undergoing code review by the development team and/or undergoing design review by the UX team
  • Merge request has been deployed to
  • (optional) PM and Design prioritized design backlog of the next issues to be done
  • Merge requests which are ready to be reviewed and can be reviewed by any team-member with sufficient knowledge in the given area. For reviewing the merge request just assign to yourself and remove this label.
  • Issues that need further input from team members in order for it to be "workflow::ready for development"
  • Issues that are ready for development but are not yet active (or have an associated release).
  • Workflow label for validating that the proposed technical solution is viable.
  • workflowstaging
    Merge request has been deployed to
  • Merge request is deployed to the staging canary environment.
  • Everything has been merged, waiting for verification after a deploy.