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标记 111

  • ReliabilityP2
    jihulab / SRE Team
  • ReliabilityP3
    jihulab / SRE Team
  • ReliabilityP4
    jihulab / SRE Team
  • ReliabilityP5
    jihulab / SRE Team
  • RootCauseConfigChange
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a configuration change (a change other than a feature flag being toggled)
  • RootCauseDatabaseFailov
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a database failover event
  • RootCauseExternalAgentMalic
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of ostensibly malicious behavior by an external agent
  • RootCauseExternalDependency
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause resulting from the failure of a dependency external to GitLab, including various service providers.
  • RootCauseFeatureFlag
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a feature flag toggled in some way (off or on or a new percentage or target was chosen for the feature flag)
  • RootCauseIndeterminate
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes an incident has been investigated, but the root cause continues to be unknown (an investigative issue is opened elsewhere) or an agreement has been formed to not pursue any further investigation.
  • RootCauseMaliciousTraf
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of deliberate malicious activity targeted at GitLab or customers of GitLab (e.g. DDoS)
  • RootCauseReleaseCompatibility
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of forward- or backwards-compatibility issues between subsequent releases of the software running concurrently, and sharing state, in a single environment (ie, Canary and Main stage releases)
  • RootCauseSPoF
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of the failure of a service or component which is an architectural SPoF (Single Point of Failure)
  • RootCauseSaturation
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a failure resulting from a service or component which failed to scale in response to increasing demand (whether or not it was expected)
  • RootCauseSecurity
    jihulab / SRE Team
    an incident where the SIRT team was engaged, generally via a request originating from the SIRT team or in a situation where Reliability has paged SIRT to assist in the mitigation of an incident not caused by `~RootCause::Malicious-Traffic`
  • RootCauseSoftwareChan
    jihulab / SRE Team
    Denotes a precipitating root cause of a feature or other code change
  • SaaSHongKong
    jihulab / SRE Team
    极狐 GitLab 香港 SaaS
  • SaaSMainland
    jihulab / SRE Team
    极狐 GitLab 大陆 SaaS
  • Service Towerfox
    jihulab / SRE Team