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  1. 7月 07, 2020
  2. 7月 03, 2020
  3. 7月 02, 2020
    • Mikolaj Wawrzyniak's avatar
      Extract metrics prometheus api proxy into module · 3dc77500
      Mikolaj Wawrzyniak 创作于
      To avoid duplicated code when implementing prometheus api proxy
      behavior we need to extrac common logic into dedicated module
    • Steve Mokris's avatar
      Allow diffing changes in wiki history · 7e199a51
      Steve Mokris 创作于
      Introduces a new `diff` action on the wiki controllers which shows
      the diff for the selected file and commit.
      - Add `Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::WikiPage`.
      - Override diff helpers in wiki controller.
      - Unify wiki views:
        - Always use limited container width.
        - Always add breadcrumbs for wiki page path.
        - Show sidebar in diff view.
        - Align title in diff view with history view.
        - Add helpers for wiki page headers.
  4. 7月 01, 2020
    • Sean McGivern's avatar
      Update feature categories · feb1f923
      Sean McGivern 创作于
    • Dmitry Gruzd's avatar
      ES cluster reindexing feature · aac268e2
      Dmitry Gruzd 创作于
      This MR automates steps for the cluster reindexing process
      Elastic::ClusterReindexingService is the main class responsible for
      the reindexing process
    • Kamil Trzciński's avatar
      Introduce Feature Flag Definition · 885611a2
      Kamil Trzciński 创作于
      This adds a YAML-based definition of feature flags
      that are stored in `(ee/)configs/feature-flags/`.
      Currently none of feature flag types are required
      to have a present YAML definition.
      This definition contains information like:
      - what MR introduced FF
      - helps to create and has a issue that tracks
        the rollout and removal of FF
      - intentionally adds `default_enabled` to YAML
      - force checks the consistency of `default_enabled`
        between what is in code and what is in YAML
  5. 6月 30, 2020
    • Takuya Noguchi's avatar
      Move profiles/keys#get_keys to users#ssh_keys · a1ab9065
      Takuya Noguchi 创作于
      Move get_keys action in profiles/keys_controller to users_controller
      with renaming as ssh_keys to get easier to distinguish it from gpg_keys.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTakuya Noguchi <>
    • Rajendra Kadam's avatar
      parent 6c39d8d1 · 249c6841
      Rajendra Kadam 创作于
      author Rajendra Kadam <> 1580653953 +0530
      committer Rajendra Kadam <> 1586670416 +0530
      parent 6c39d8d1
      author Rajendra Kadam <> 1580653953 +0530
      committer Rajendra Kadam <> 1586670412 +0530
      parent 6c39d8d1
      author Rajendra Kadam <> 1580653953 +0530
      committer Rajendra Kadam <> 1586670402 +0530
      parent 6c39d8d1
      author Rajendra Kadam <> 1580653953 +0530
      committer Rajendra Kadam <> 1586670397 +0530
      parent 6c39d8d1
      author Rajendra Kadam <> 1580653953 +0530
      committer Rajendra Kadam <> 1586670392 +0530
      Add custom emoji schema and model spec
      Add custom emoji factory for specs
      Add migration file
      Add custom emoji model spec
      update emoji specs
      Fix failures in model
      Remove index creation using concurrent algorithm
      Change db/schema.rb
      Revert "Change db/schema.rb"
      This reverts commit a5d492f738b839b165dd7e3fff5f02bedb9aabab.
    • Drew Blessing's avatar
      Change from hybrid to JSON cookies serializer · 65e6eb1b
      Drew Blessing 创作于
      JSON has been the default serializer since Rails 4.1. Hybrid
      serializer was meant to allow backward compatibility when
      upgrading pre-Rails 4.1. It's been some time since we upgraded
      to Rails 4.1 so now we don't need the hybrid serializer anymore.
      This also causes security concerns since the previous serializer
      was Marshal.
  6. 6月 25, 2020
  7. 6月 24, 2020
  8. 6月 23, 2020
  9. 6月 22, 2020
  10. 6月 20, 2020
  11. 6月 19, 2020
  12. 6月 18, 2020
  13. 6月 17, 2020
    • Andreas Brandl's avatar
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Consolidate object storage config in one place · 95870df2
      Stan Hu 创作于
      Currently each object type has its own section in gitlab.yml. For
          path: tmp/tests/artifacts
          enabled: true
            enabled: false
            remote_directory: artifacts # The bucket name
            background_upload: false
              provider: AWS
              aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
              aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
              region: us-east-1
      External diffs, LFS, uploads, packages, etc. all have similar
      independent configuration object storage sections. While this redundancy
      makes it possible to configure each bucket with different providers or
      credentials, this causes a configuration explosion that makes GitLab
      hard to manage.
      This change preserves the legacy format but adds a new `gitlab.yml`
      section that enforces a single, common object storage provider for all
      object storage types. This will make it possible for the S3 client in
      Workhorse to operate with one credential and simplify the configuration
      for the end user. An example config:
          enabled: true
            provider: AWS
            aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
            region: us-east-1
          proxy_download: true
              bucket: artifacts
              proxy_download: false
              bucket: external-diffs
              bucket: lfs-objects
              bucket: uploads
              bucket: packages
              bucket: dependency_proxy
      Note that:
      1. The consolidated config only gets used if `object_store` is NOT
         defined within the types themselves.
      2. A bucket needs to be defined for each object type.
      3. Only bucket, enabled, and proxy_download can be overridden from the
      common configuration.
      Consolidating support for a single bucket for all types is a larger and
      more involved change.
      First step of
  14. 6月 16, 2020
  15. 6月 15, 2020
  16. 6月 12, 2020