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- 2月 02, 2024
由 Marcel Amirault 创作于
由 Mario Celi 创作于
Add NPM settings to the dependency proxy See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/140848 Merged-by:
Mario Celi <mcelicalderon@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Kasia Misirli <kmisirli@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Mario Celi <mcelicalderon@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eulyeon Ko <5961404-euko@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Greg Myers <gmyers@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Greg Myers <gmyers@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
David Fernandez <dfernandez@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Eulyeon Ko <5961404-euko@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Brian Williams <bwilliams@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Kasia Misirli <kmisirli@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
David Fernandez <dfernandez@gitlab.com>
由 David Fernandez 创作于
Add url, basic auth and auth token settings to the dependency proxy for packages Setting object. NPM has two different ways to authenticate and we need to support both. Changelog: added EE: true Blah
由 Jon Glassman 创作于
Doc update for advanced search code indexing concurrency setting See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143448 Merged-by:
Jon Glassman <jglassman@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jon Glassman <jglassman@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Dmitry Gruzd <dgruzd@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Changzheng Liu <cliu@gitlab.com>
由 Changzheng Liu 创作于
由 Savas Vedova 创作于
VSD - Group merge request throughput should include subgroups See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143377 Merged-by:
Savas Vedova <svedova@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sharmad Nachnolkar <snachnolkar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Savas Vedova <svedova@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Alex Pennells <apennells@gitlab.com>
由 Marius Bobin 创作于
Update database file pipeline variables See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143528 Merged-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Maxime Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com>
由 Maxime Orefice 创作于
由 Marcel Amirault 创作于
Remove Limited Availability See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143544 Merged-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Jackie Porter <jporter@gitlab.com>
由 Jackie Porter 创作于
由 Eduardo Sanz García 创作于
Merge branch '436090-activity-note-connector-displayed-incorrectly-in-dark-mode-when-work-item-open-in-modal' into 'master' Fix Activity style when it appears in dark mode modal See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143128 Merged-by:
Eduardo Sanz García <esanz-garcia@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Annabel Dunstone Gray <annabel.dunstone@gmail.com> Approved-by:
James Rushford <jrushford@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Eduardo Sanz García <esanz-garcia@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Chad Lavimoniere <clavimoniere@gitlab.com>
由 Chad Lavimoniere 创作于
When a timeline entry on an issuable or work item appears in a modal while the user is in dark mode, apply a different color to the timeline entry line that connects notes. Changelog: fixed
由 Bob Van Landuyt 创作于
Hide keyboard shortcuts in tooltips when disabled See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143067 Merged-by:
Bob Van Landuyt <bob@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Scott Hampton <shampton@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Libor Vanc <5022246-lvanc@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Lorenz van Herwaarden <lvanherwaarden@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Bob Van Landuyt <bob@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Pedro Moreira da Silva <hi@pedroms.com> Reviewed-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Lorenz van Herwaarden <lvanherwaarden@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Pedro Moreira da Silva <hi@pedroms.com>
由 Gabriel Mazetto 创作于
Ensure Organization is set while creating a new Group See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142155 Merged-by:
Gabriel Mazetto <brodock@gmail.com> Approved-by:
Doug Stull <dstull@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Gabriel Mazetto <brodock@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Gabriel Mazetto <brodock@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Doug Stull <dstull@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Rutger Wessels <rwessels@gitlab.com>
由 Rutger Wessels 创作于
由 Laura Montemayor 创作于
Update Ci catalog Version model to use denormalized `released_at` column See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143455 Merged-by:
Laura Montemayor <lmontemayor@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Laura Montemayor <lmontemayor@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
lma-git <lma@gitlab.com>
- 2月 01, 2024
由 Lysanne Pinto 创作于
Clarify what exactly are excluded for calculating pipeline duration See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142823 Merged-by:
Lysanne Pinto <lpinto@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Tianwen Chen <tchen@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Lysanne Pinto <lpinto@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Lin Jen-Shin <jen-shin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Tianwen Chen <tchen@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Lin Jen-Shin <jen-shin@gitlab.com>
由 Lin Jen-Shin 创作于
It means all the jobs which had been retried will be excluded, and the new jobs created by retrying will be counted instead.
由 David Pisek 创作于
Reorganize vulnerability list spec See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142963 Merged-by:
David Pisek <dpisek@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
David Pisek <dpisek@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Lorenz van Herwaarden <lvanherwaarden@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
David Pisek <dpisek@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Lorenz van Herwaarden <lvanherwaarden@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Samantha Ming <sming@gitlab.com>
由 Samantha Ming 创作于
Group all the specs related to badges together.
由 Erick Bajao 创作于
Move feature flag to ops type See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/136030 Merged-by:
Erick Bajao <fbajao@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Erick Bajao <fbajao@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Albert Salim <asalim@gitlab.com>
由 Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski 创作于
Docs update info for SSH certificates availability See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143481 Merged-by:
Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski <msedlakjakubowski@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski <msedlakjakubowski@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Igor Drozdov <idrozdov@gitlab.com>
由 Igor Drozdov 创作于
由 Jon Glassman 创作于
Deprecation announcement: omniauth-azure-oauth2 See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/139278 Merged-by:
Jon Glassman <jglassman@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Adil Farrukh <afarrukh@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Adil Farrukh <afarrukh@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski <msedlakjakubowski@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Hannah Sutor <hsutor@gitlab.com>
由 Hannah Sutor 创作于
由 Terri Chu 创作于
Fix the remaining flakiness in the spec See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143508 Merged-by:
Terri Chu <tchu@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Siddharth Dungarwal <sdungarwal@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
rkumar555 <rkumar@gitlab.com>
由 Peter Leitzen 创作于
Update dependency gitlab_quality-test_tooling to '~> 1.14.2' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143396 Merged-by:
Peter Leitzen <pleitzen@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Peter Leitzen <pleitzen@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski 创作于
Update Code Owners troubleshooting section See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143163 Merged-by:
Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski <msedlakjakubowski@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski <msedlakjakubowski@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski <msedlakjakubowski@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Ben King <bking@gitlab.com>
由 Phillip Wells 创作于
docs: Make the leading slash requirement for filepath clear See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142997 Merged-by:
Phillip Wells <pwells@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jaime Martinez <jmartinez@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Phillip Wells <pwells@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Olliver Schinagl <oliver@schinagl.nl>
由 Olliver Schinagl 创作于
Filepath _currently_ requires a leading slash, most likely because the trailing slash after `downloads` is missing somewhere. While we wait for this bug to be fixed (if ever, due to backwards compatibility), make this extremely clear in the documentation. Technically, this is not just a documentation clarification, but also a documentation bug, as the link is not `...downloads/:filepath` which would indicate the result would resolve to `...downloads//<path>`. Signed-off-by:
Olliver Schinagl <oliver@schinagl.nl>
由 Kushal Pandya 创作于
Fixes auto merge state showing in widget See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142797 Merged-by:
Kushal Pandya <kushal@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Kushal Pandya <kushal@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Phil Hughes <me@iamphill.com>
由 Kamil Trzciński 创作于
Increase MAX_PARALLEL_REMOTE_REQUESTS to 4 See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143483 Merged-by:
Kamil Trzciński <ayufan@ayufan.eu> Approved-by:
Kamil Trzciński <ayufan@ayufan.eu> Reviewed-by:
Kamil Trzciński <ayufan@ayufan.eu> Co-authored-by:
Furkan Ayhan <furkanayhn@gmail.com>
由 Sashi Kumar Kumaresan 创作于
Merge branch '435297-feature-flag-rollout-of-scan_result_policy_merge_base_pipeline-feature-flag-removal' into 'master' Remove `scan_result_policy_merge_base_pipeline` feature flag See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142830 Merged-by:
Sashi Kumar Kumaresan <skumar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sashi Kumar Kumaresan <skumar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Russell Dickenson <rdickenson@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Andy Soiron <asoiron@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Russell Dickenson <rdickenson@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Dominic Bauer <dbauer@gitlab.com>
由 Dominic Bauer 创作于
Changelog: changed
由 Peter Hegman 创作于
Remove remaining `@include` directives from SCSS files See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/142716 Merged-by:
Peter Hegman <phegman@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Peter Hegman <phegman@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Savas Vedova <svedova@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt <paul.gascvail@gmail.com>
由 Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt 创作于
This replaces some more `@include` rules with their actual CSS definitions. This is done in preparation for moving to Tailwind CSS, which won't let us include utilities the same way due to our inability to support the `@apply` directive. The `@include` approach was already questioned in the past as it doesn't have much value over explicit style definitions and just adds an unnecessary abstraction layer.
由 Sashi Kumar Kumaresan 创作于
Adds `jira_connect_public_key_storage_enabled` field See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143265 Merged-by:
Sashi Kumar Kumaresan <skumar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sashi Kumar Kumaresan <skumar@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Bojan Marjanovic <bmarjanovic@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Sam Word <sword@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
bmarjanovic <bmarjanovic@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com>
由 Bojan Marjanovic 创作于
Changelog: changed
由 Alex Pennells 创作于
Enables `includeSubgroups` for the merge request throughput group metric on the Value stream dashboard. Changelog: fixed EE: true