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- 3月 10, 2025
由 Igor Drozdov 创作于
由 Lorenz van Herwaarden 创作于
Add WorkItemWidgetVulnerabilities with related vulnerabilities See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183548 Merged-by:
Lorenz van Herwaarden <lvanherwaarden@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Gregory Havenga <11164960-ghavenga@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Alexandru Croitor <acroitor@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Alexandru Croitor <acroitor@gitlab.com>
由 Lorenz van Herwaarden 创作于
This adds a new work item widget for vulnerabilities. It contains related vulnerabilities of the work item. It's only applicable for the work item type issue. Changelog: added EE: true
由 Fred de Gier 创作于
Merge branch '523333-activerecord-recordnotunique-pg-uniqueviolation-error-duplicate-key-value-violates-unique' into 'master' Capture model experiment creation RecordNotUnique error See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183515 Merged-by:
Fred de Gier <fdegier@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Aman Luthra <aluthra@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Fred de Gier <fdegier@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Alper Akgun <aakgun@gitlab.com>
由 Vitaly Slobodin 创作于
Pass duoChatSubFeaturesEnabled prop to Duo Self-hosted frontend See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183786 Merged-by:
Vitaly Slobodin <vslobodin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Vitaly Slobodin <vslobodin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Julie Huang <julhuang@gitlab.com>
由 Eduardo Bonet 创作于
Fix gitlab:duo:setup rake task See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183963 Merged-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Tan Le <tle@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Shinya Maeda <shinya@gitlab.com>
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
Merge branch 'backfill-desired-sharding-key-small-table-approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers' into 'master' Add and backfill project_id for approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183352 Merged-by:
Dylan Griffith <dyl.griffith@gmail.com> Approved-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Dylan Griffith <dyl.griffith@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Krasimir Angelov <kangelov@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Shubham Kumar <shukumar@gitlab.com>
由 Shubham Kumar 创作于
## What does this MR do and why? Add and backfill project_id for approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers. This table has a [desired sharding key](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#define-a-desired_sharding_key-to-automatically-backfill-a-sharding_key) configured ([view configuration](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/db/docs/approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers.yml)). This merge request is the first step towards transforming the desired sharding key into a [sharding key](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#defining-a-sharding-key-for-all-cell-local-tables). This involves three changes: - Adding a new column that will serve as the sharding key (along with the relevant index and foreign key). - Populating the sharding key when new records are created by adding a database function and trigger. - Scheduling a [batched background migration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/batched_background_migrations.html) to set the sharding key for existing records. Once the background migration has completed, a second merge request will be created to finalize the background migration and validate the not null constraint. ## How to verify We have assigned a random backend engineer from ~"group::code review" to review these changes. Please review this merge request from a ~backend perspective. The main thing we are looking to verify is that the added column and association match the values specified by the [desired sharding key](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/db/docs/approval_merge_request_rules_approved_approvers.yml) configuration and that backfilling the column from this other table makes sense in the context of this feature. When you are finished, please: 1. Trigger the [database testing pipeline](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/database_migration_pipeline.html) as instructed by Danger. 1. Request a review from the ~backend maintainer and ~database reviewer suggested by Danger. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to `@tigerwnz` or @shubhamkrai. This merge request was generated by a once off keep implemented in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143774 This change was generated by [gitlab-housekeeper](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/master/gems/gitlab-housekeeper) using the Keeps::BackfillDesiredShardingKeySmallTable keep. To provide feedback on your experience with `gitlab-housekeeper` please create an issue with the label ~"GitLab Housekeeper" and consider pinging the author of this keep. Changelog: other
由 Pedro Pombeiro 创作于
Replace ci_runners with partitioned table See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183508 Merged-by:
Pedro Pombeiro <noreply@pedro.pombei.ro> Approved-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Pedro Pombeiro <noreply@pedro.pombei.ro>
由 Pedro Pombeiro 创作于
Add LFK on ci_running_builds/ci_runners Changelog: other
由 Rutger Wessels 创作于
Quarantine a flaky test See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183628 Merged-by:
Rutger Wessels <rwessels@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rutger Wessels <rwessels@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Auto-quarantining bot <gitlab-auto-quarantine-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Brendan Lynch 创作于
Update documentation of policy_tuning with pipeline execution policies See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183839 Merged-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Martin Čavoj <mcavoj@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Ryan Lehmann <rlehmann@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Martin Čavoj <mcavoj@gitlab.com>
由 Martin Čavoj 创作于
Changelog: changed
由 Brendan Lynch 创作于
Update destination for known-issue link about project_templates_without_min_access flag See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183909 Merged-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Amy Qualls <aqualls@gitlab.com>
由 Thong Kuah 创作于
Check min GitLab version before skipping background migration test See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/182497 Merged-by:
Thong Kuah <tkuah@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Thong Kuah <tkuah@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Thong Kuah <tkuah@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Krasimir Angelov <kangelov@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Krasimir Angelov <kangelov@gitlab.com>
由 Brendan Lynch 创作于
Remove extraneous period See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183894 Merged-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Brendan Lynch <blynch@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
hustewart <hustewart@gitlab.com>
由 Madelein van Niekerk 创作于
Only delete test indices in spec support helper See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183844 Merged-by:
Madelein van Niekerk <mvanniekerk@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ravi Kumar <rkumar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Madelein van Niekerk <mvanniekerk@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Terri Chu <tchu@gitlab.com>
由 Jon Glassman 创作于
Moving version note See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183905 Merged-by:
Jon Glassman <jglassman@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jon Glassman <jglassman@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Suzanne Selhorn <sselhorn@gitlab.com>
由 Rajendra Kadam 创作于
Update docs links across various files See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183485 Merged-by:
Rajendra Kadam <rkadam@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Illya Klymov <iklymov@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rajendra Kadam <rkadam@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Rajendra Kadam <rkadam@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com>
由 Marcel Amirault 创作于
Update KAS version See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183959 Merged-by:
release-tools approver bot <project_278964_bot_77e28085fcec07f14dfd31c689824b5b@noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
release-tools approver bot <project_278964_bot_77e28085fcec07f14dfd31c689824b5b@noreply.gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Release Tools Bot <delivery-team+release-tools@gitlab.com>
由 Alexandru Croitor 创作于
Prevent /set_parent command on CE work item issues See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183933 Merged-by:
Alexandru Croitor <acroitor@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Alexandru Croitor <acroitor@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Matt D'Angelo <mdangelo@gitlab.com>
由 Shinya Maeda 创作于
由 Ashraf Khamis 创作于
Docs: Changed "OAuth2" to "OAuth 2.0" in ServiceNow See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183942 Merged-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Ryan <crs8voedg@mozmail.com>
由 Alper Akgun 创作于
Ensure no null settings context hash for extensions settings See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/178090 Merged-by:
Alper Akgun <aakgun@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ryan Cobb <rcobb@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Alper Akgun <aakgun@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Michał Zając <mzajac@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Alper Akgun <aakgun@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Simon Tomlinson <stomlinson@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Leaminn Ma <lma@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Cindy Halim <chalim@gitlab.com>
由 Cindy Halim 创作于
由 GitLab Release Tools Bot 创作于
[ci skip]
由 Alex Pooley 创作于
Remove shared namespace locks feature flag See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183624 Merged-by:
Alex Pooley <apooley@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Thomas Hutterer <thutterer@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Aleksei Lipniagov <alipniagov@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Aleksei Lipniagov <alipniagov@gitlab.com>
由 Adie (she/her) 创作于
Enforce Dependency proxy access token scope checks, behind a feature flag See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/182559 Merged-by:
Adie (she/her) <avpfestin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Moaz Khalifa <mkhalifa@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Adie (she/her) <avpfestin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Radamanthus Batnag <rbatnag@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Moaz Khalifa <mkhalifa@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Radamanthus Batnag <rbatnag@gitlab.com>
由 Radamanthus Batnag 创作于
由 Marcos Rocha 创作于
Prevent decremeting stars of project with zero star count See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183481 Merged-by:
Marcos Rocha <mrocha@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Terri Chu <tchu@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jorge Cook <jcook@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marcos Rocha <mrocha@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Terri Chu <tchu@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Jorge Cook <jcook@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Shane Maglangit <smaglangit@gitlab.com>
由 Shane Maglangit 创作于
Changelog: added
由 Rahul Chanila 创作于
Add second step to an import project form See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/181484 Merged-by:
Rahul Chanila <rchanila@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sascha Eggenberger <seggenberger@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Thomas Randolph <trandolph@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rahul Chanila <rchanila@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Justin Ho Tuan Duong <hduong@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Sascha Eggenberger <seggenberger@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Rahul Chanila <rchanila@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Justin Ho Tuan Duong <hduong@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Sascha Eggenberger <seggenberger@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Julia Miocene <jmiocene@gitlab.com>
由 Julia Miocene 创作于
由 Ankit Panchal 创作于
Update ai_framework events to include internal_event property See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183752 Merged-by:
Ankit Panchal <apanchal@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ankit Panchal <apanchal@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Niko Belokolodov <nbelokolodov@gitlab.com>
由 Niko Belokolodov 创作于
由 Marius Bobin 创作于
Remove broken foreign key fk_a2141b1522_p See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/183638 Merged-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Tianwen Chen <tchen@gitlab.com>
由 Marius Bobin 创作于
Sync FK `fk_rails_507416c33a_p` See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/178117 Merged-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Max Orefice <morefice@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Tianwen Chen <tchen@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Tianwen Chen <tchen@gitlab.com>
由 Tianwen Chen 创作于
Changelog: changed
由 GitLab Release Tools Bot 创作于
[ci skip]