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- 2月 27, 2024
由 Tetiana Chupryna 创作于
Deprecate `options` key for internal_events yaml See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145007 Merged-by:
Tetiana Chupryna <tchupryna@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sarah Yasonik <syasonik@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Tetiana Chupryna <tchupryna@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Sarah Yasonik <syasonik@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
michold <mwielich@gitlab.com>
由 Michał Wielich 创作于
Deprecate `option` key for internal_events yaml
由 Natalia Tepluhina 创作于
Use autocomplete query in assignees widget to avoid duplicates See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145370 Merged-by:
Natalia Tepluhina <ntepluhina@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Nick Leonard <nleonard@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rajan Mistry <rmistry@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Natalia Tepluhina <ntepluhina@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Nick Leonard <nleonard@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Rajan Mistry <rmistry@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Deepika Guliani <dguliani@gitlab.com>
由 Deepika Guliani 创作于
Changelog: fixed
由 Dmitry Gruzd 创作于
Always create a new experiment for a model See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/144294 Merged-by:
Dmitry Gruzd <dgruzd@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Gregorius Marco <gmarco@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Dmitry Gruzd <dgruzd@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Darby Frey <dfrey@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Gregorius Marco <gmarco@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Darby Frey <dfrey@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Gregorius Marco <gmarco@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com>
由 Eduardo Bonet 创作于
To increase the bounds between Model experiments and model registry, and reduce conflicts when migrating model experiments into model registry later on, we are forcing the creation of a new experiment when creating a new model, instead of reusing an existing one with the same in case it exists. The new experiment also clearly states it belongs to a model in its name. iAlso updates services to use ServiceResponse, and deletes FindOrCreateModelService that wasn't being used anywhere.
由 Bojan Marjanovic 创作于
Google Chat: Support inline replies See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145187 Merged-by:
Bojan Marjanovic <bmarjanovic@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Bojan Marjanovic <bmarjanovic@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Pedro Pombeiro <noreply@pedro.pombei.ro> Reviewed-by:
Luke Duncalfe <lduncalfe@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Justin Ho Tuan Duong <hduong@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Bojan Marjanovic <bmarjanovic@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Robbie deMuth <robbie.demuth@appian.com>
由 Felipe Artur 创作于
Create a synced work item link See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145015 Merged-by:
Felipe Artur <fcardozo@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Felipe Artur <fcardozo@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Felipe Artur <fcardozo@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Nicolas Dular <ndular@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Eugenia Grieff <egrieff@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Nicolas Dular <ndular@gitlab.com>
由 Nicolas Dular 创作于
We now sync the creation of related epic links with the correlating work item if one exists for each target and source epic.
由 Dzmitry Meshcharakou 创作于
Fix composability of `:published_event` with `:not_publish_event` See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/144777 Merged-by:
Dzmitry Meshcharakou <12459192-dmeshcharakou@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Nicolas Dular <ndular@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Dzmitry Meshcharakou <12459192-dmeshcharakou@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Kassio Borges <kborges@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Nicolas Dular <ndular@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Dzmitry Meshcharakou <12459192-dmeshcharakou@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Kassio Borges <kassioborgesm@gmail.com>
由 Kassio Borges 创作于
Currently it's not possible to use `:published_event` and `:not_publish_event` together as both matchers are stubbing the `Gitlab::EventStore#publish` method, so only the first matcher will save a list of the _published_ events. To fix that, now we're using `RSpec::PublishedGitlabEventStoreEvents` to centralized all the events published within an example. This will enable us to match by multiple events or compose `:published_event` and `:not_publish_event` in the same spec. Changelog: fixed
- 2月 26, 2024
由 Furkan Ayhan 创作于
Perform validation on `identity` job config prerequisites See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145651 Merged-by:
Furkan Ayhan <furkanayhn@gmail.com> Approved-by:
Dzmitry Meshcharakou <12459192-dmeshcharakou@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Grzegorz Bizon <grzegorz@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Furkan Ayhan <furkanayhn@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Furkan Ayhan <furkanayhn@gmail.com> Reviewed-by:
Pedro Pombeiro <noreply@pedro.pombei.ro> Reviewed-by:
David Fernandez <dfernandez@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Bojan Marjanovic <bmarjanovic@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Dzmitry Meshcharakou <12459192-dmeshcharakou@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Pedro Pombeiro <noreply@pedro.pombei.ro>
由 Pedro Pombeiro 创作于
EE: true
由 Doug Stull 创作于
Move to using new onboarding_status field for driving steps See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145029 Merged-by:
Doug Stull <dstull@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Roy Liu <rliu@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Kassio Borges <kborges@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Kassio Borges <kborges@gitlab.com>
由 Phillip Wells 创作于
Mention note diff not imported issue See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145478 Merged-by:
Phillip Wells <pwells@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Magdalena Frankiewicz <mfrankiewicz@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Phillip Wells <pwells@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Magdalena Frankiewicz <mfrankiewicz@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Evan Read <eread@gitlab.com>
由 Phillip Wells 创作于
Update capitalization of harbor registry See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145761 Merged-by:
Phillip Wells <pwells@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Phillip Wells <pwells@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com>
由 Marcel Amirault 创作于
Merge branch '442644-add-a-banner-to-the-container-registry-admin-page-to-drive-awareness-of-the-beta-program' into 'master' Resolve "Add a banner to the container registry Admin page to drive awareness of the Beta program" See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145439 Merged-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Hayley Swimelar <hswimelar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Tim Rizzi <trizzi@gitlab.com>
由 Marcel Amirault 创作于
Document issue - Google Cloud Secret Manager with SaaS Runner See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145625 Merged-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marcel Amirault <mamirault@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Gabriel Engel <gengel@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Albert Salim <asalim@gitlab.com>
由 Albert Salim 创作于
由 Payton Burdette 创作于
Remove $white color to improve dark mode See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145590 Merged-by:
Payton Burdette <pburdette@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jay Montal <jmontal@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Payton Burdette <pburdette@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sascha Eggenberger <seggenberger@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Eduardo Sanz García <esanz-garcia@gitlab.com>
由 Ezekiel Kigbo 创作于
Fixed contributor count metric in VSD comparison table See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145682 Merged-by:
Ezekiel Kigbo <3397881-ekigbo@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Alex Pennells <apennells@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ezekiel Kigbo <3397881-ekigbo@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Rudy Crespo <rcrespo@gitlab.com>
由 Bogdan Denkovych 创作于
Additional cleanup for external usernames on oAuth and LDAP sign up See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145038 Merged-by:
Bogdan Denkovych <bdenkovych@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Bogdan Denkovych <bdenkovych@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Andrew Evans <aevans@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
agius <andrew@atevans.com>
由 Andrew Evans 创作于
Currently if a user joins a GitLab instance via oAuth, LDAP, or SCIM and their username begins with multiple `--` characters, these characters are removed to ensure a valid username can be created for the new user. Illegal characters such as `*&^()` are removed, and illegal extensions such as `.git` and `.atom` are also removed. This change extends the behavior to include all leading legal characters: `-` , `_` and `.` . It also trims from the end of the potential username, and removes consecutive legal characters so the resulting username will pass the check for `Gitlab::Regex.oci_repository_path_regex` . Changelog: changed
由 Deepika Guliani 创作于
Work item color component with edit button See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145410 Merged-by:
Deepika Guliani <dguliani@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Kos Palchyk <kpalchyk@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Deepika Guliani <dguliani@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Nick Brandt <nbrandt@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Deepika Guliani <dguliani@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Rajan Mistry <rmistry@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Rajan Mistry <rmistry@gitlab.com>
由 Rajan Mistry 创作于
Work item color component with edit button
由 Marius Bobin 创作于
Re-fix boolean and number input types See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145257 Merged-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Marius Bobin <mbobin@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Avielle Wolfe <awolfe@gitlab.com>
由 Avielle Wolfe 创作于
Boolean and number input types were not be respected by CI interpolation. They were being cast to strings when interpolated by `gsub`. This commit fixes that by replacing the entire node with the input value when the interpolation block is the entire length of the node. In other cases, we can assume that the input is being inserted into a string, so it's safe for us to use `gsub` to cast the value to a string and perform the insertion. This commit also ensures that the ability to match and replace multiple interpolation blocks in a single node is not affected. A previous attempt to fix this bug caused an incident because it only interpolated the first block in a node. Changelog: fixed Issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/434826
由 Andrejs Cunskis 创作于
Increase duration on expectation See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145805 Merged-by:
Andrejs Cunskis <acunskis@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Adam Hegyi <ahegyi@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Andrejs Cunskis <acunskis@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Sofia Vistas <svistas@gitlab.com>
由 Rodrigo Tomonari 创作于
Revert new_name field to using BitBucket Server name See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145793 Merged-by:
Rodrigo Tomonari <rtomonari@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rodrigo Tomonari <rtomonari@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Petar Prokic <pprokic@gitlab.com>
由 Petar Prokić 创作于
由 Roy Zwambag 创作于
Do not pass 'gitlab_realm' into CC 'AccessService#access_token' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145289 Merged-by:
Roy Zwambag <rzwambag@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Roy Zwambag <rzwambag@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Matthias Käppler <mkaeppler@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Aleksei Lipniagov <alipniagov@gitlab.com>
由 Aboobacker MK 创作于
Remove mr_changes_request flag See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/144624 Merged-by:
Aboobacker MK <akarakath@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Aboobacker MK <akarakath@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Greg Alfaro <galfaro@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Tomas Vik <tvik@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Natalia Tepluhina <ntepluhina@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Phil Hughes <me@iamphill.com>
由 Avielle Wolfe 创作于
Update dependency auto-deploy-image to v2.85.0 See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145557 Merged-by:
Avielle Wolfe <awolfe@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Avielle Wolfe <awolfe@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
João Alexandre Cunha <j.a.cunha@gmail.com> Approved-by:
Vladimir Shushlin <vshushlin@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Ankit Panchal 创作于
Update product group to cloud_connector See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145712 Merged-by:
Ankit Panchal <apanchal@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ankit Panchal <apanchal@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Jonas Larsen <jlarsen@gitlab.com>
由 Jon Glassman 创作于
Tweak the version note See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145226 Merged-by:
Jon Glassman <jglassman@gitlab.com>
由 Jon Glassman 创作于
由 Rodrigo Tomonari 创作于
Update dependency grape_logging to '~> 1.8', '>= 1.8.4' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145605 Merged-by:
Rodrigo Tomonari <rtomonari@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rodrigo Tomonari <rtomonari@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Rodrigo Tomonari 创作于
Update dependency grape-path-helpers to '~> 2.0.1' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145589 Merged-by:
Rodrigo Tomonari <rtomonari@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Rodrigo Tomonari <rtomonari@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Robert May 创作于
Update ruby-lsp, ruby-lsp-rails and ruby-lsp-rspec See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/145687 Merged-by:
Robert May <rmay@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Aman Luthra <aluthra@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Robert May <rmay@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Kassio Borges <kassioborgesm@gmail.com>