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# Tutorial: Make a GitLab contribution

Anyone can contribute to the development of GitLab.

Maybe you want to add functionality that you feel is missing.
Or maybe you noticed some UI text that you want to improve.

This tutorial will walk you through the process of updating UI text
and related files by using the GitLab Development Kit and the GitLab community fork.
You can follow this example to familiarize yourself with the process.

We recommend joining our [Discord server](, where GitLab team
members and the wider community are ready and waiting to answer your questions
and ensure [everyone can contribute](
To make a contribution, follow these steps:
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Step 1: Configure the GitLab Development Kit](#step-1-configure-the-gitlab-development-kit)
- [Step 2: Change the code](#step-2-change-the-code)
- [Step 3: Push your changes to the community fork](#step-3-push-your-changes-to-the-community-fork)
- [Step 4: Create a merge request](#step-4-create-a-merge-request)
- [Step 5: Complete the review process](#step-5-complete-the-review-process)

[View an interactive demo]( of the contribution process.

## Prerequisites

On your local machine:

- Ensure Git is installed.
  (From the command line, type `git -v`. If you get a result, you have Git installed.)
- Install a source code editor, or decide which tool you're going to use to edit files.


- Create an account. Ensure you can successfully sign in.
- Click [here](
  to request access to the [community forks](
  - The access request will be manually verified and should take no more than a few hours.
  - You can get started without access, and only need it prior to pushing your changes to
  - NOTE: If you see an error, you are either: not signed in, or already have access.

## Step 1: Configure the GitLab Development Kit

[View an interactive demo of this step](

The GitLab Development Kit (GDK) is a local version of GitLab that's yours to play with.
It's just like an installation of self-managed GitLab. It includes sample projects you
can use to test functionality, and it gives you access to administrator functionality.
You can run it on your local machine, or use GitPod to run a remote version.


We recommend using Gitpod for your first contribution, it will run the GDK regardless
of your local hardware and software (e.g. operating system).

If you already have a working GDK, you should
[update it to use the community fork](#an-existing-gdk-installation).

### Using Gitpod

If you want to contribute without the overhead of setting up a local development environment,
you can use [Gitpod](../../integration/
Gitpod runs a virtual instance of the GDK.

Set aside about 15 minutes to launch the GDK in Gitpod.

1. Launch the GDK in [Gitpod](
1. Create an account if this is your first time using Gitpod.
   After registering, you may need to relaunch [GitLab in Gitpod](
1. Select **Continue with GitLab**.
1. If this is your first time using Gitpod with GitLab, select **Authorize** when prompted to
   **Authorize to use your account?**.
1. Leave the default repository URL: ``.
1. Select your preferred **Editor**.
1. Leave the default **Class**: `Standard`.
1. Wait for Gitpod to launch.

You can begin exploring the codebase and making your changes once your editor of choice has launched.

You will need to wait a little longer for GitLab to be available to preview your changes.

### A new GDK installation

Skip this step if you're using Gitpod.

Set aside about two hours to install the GDK. If all goes smoothly, it
should take about an hour to install.

Sometimes the installation needs some tweaks to make it work, so you should
also set aside some time for troubleshooting.
It might seem like a lot of work, but after you have the GDK running,
you'll be able to contribute much more often and more easily.

To install the GDK:

1. Ensure you're on
   [one of the supported platforms](
   (macOS, Ubuntu, etc.).
1. Choose the directory where you want to install the GDK.
   In this location, a repository called `gitlab-development-kit` will be created,
   and the application will be installed.
1. From the command line, go to that directory.
   In this example, we will use the `development` directory.

   cd development

1. Run the one-line installation command:

   curl "" | bash

1. For the message `Where would you like to install the GDK? [./gitlab-development-kit]`,
   press Enter to accept the default location.

1. For the message `Which GitLab repo URL would you like to clone?`, enter the GitLab community fork:


While the installation is running, copy any messages that are displayed.
If you have any problems with the installation, you can use this output as
part of troubleshooting.

When the installation is complete:

1. Go to the directory where the GDK was installed:

   cd gitlab-development-kit

1. Start the GDK:

   gdk start

1. Connect to the GDK by using the URL provided. It should be something like <>.
1. Use the username `root` and the password `5iveL!fe`. You will be prompted
   to reset your password the first time you sign in.

If you have any problems, try going to the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab`
directory and running these commands:

yarn install && bundle install
bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

From the `gitlab-development-kit` folder, you can also try running `gdk doctor`.

For more advanced troubleshooting, see
[the troubleshooting docs](

### An existing GDK installation

If you have an existing GDK installation, you should update it so it's
using the community fork.

1. Delete the existing `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory.
1. Clone the community fork into that location:

   cd gitlab-development-kit
   git clone

To confirm it was successful:

1. Ensure the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory exists.
1. Go to the top `gitlab-development-kit` directory and run `gdk stop` and `gdk start`.

If you get errors, run `gdk doctor` to troubleshoot. For more advanced troubleshooting, see
[the troubleshooting docs](

## Step 2: Change the code

[View an interactive demo of this step](

Now for the fun part. Let's edit some code.

In this example, I found some UI text I'd like to change.
In the upper-right corner in GitLab, I selected my avatar and then **Preferences**.
I want to change this text:

![UI text](img/ui_color_theme_before.png)
Let's clarify `Customize the color of GitLab.` by changing the phrase to `Customize the color theme of the GitLab UI.`.
1. Search the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory for the string `Customize the color`.
   The results shows 1 `.haml` file, and several `.po` files.
1. Open the `app/views/profiles/preferences/show.html.haml` file. This file is where the UI text resides.
1. Update the string from `Customize the color of GitLab.` to `Customize the color theme of the GitLab UI.`.
1. Save the file.

You can check that you were successful:

- In the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory, type `git status`
  to show the file you modified:

          modified:   app/views/profiles/preferences/show.html.haml

- Refresh the web browser where you're viewing the GDK.
  The changes should be displayed. Take a screenshot.

  ![UI text](img/ui_color_theme_after.png)

### Update the translation files

English UI strings are localized into many languages.
These strings are saved in a `.pot` file, which must be regenerated
any time you update UI text.

To automatically regenerate the localization file:

1. Ensure you are in the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory.
1. Run the following command:

   tooling/bin/gettext_extractor locale/gitlab.pot
   The `.pot` file will be generated in the `/locale` directory.

Now, in the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory, if you type `git status`
you should have both files listed:

        modified:   app/views/profiles/preferences/show.html.haml
        modified:   locale/gitlab.pot

For more information about localization, see [internationalization](../i18n/

### Update the documentation

Documentation for GitLab is published on <>.
When you add or update a feature, you must update the docs as well.

1. To find the documentation for a feature, the easiest thing is to search the
   docs site. In this case, the setting is described on this documentation page:


1. The URL shows you the location of the file in the `/doc` directory.
   In this case, the location is:


1. Go to this location in your local `gitlab` repository and update the `.md` file
   and any related images.

Now when you run `git status`, you should have something like:

        modified:   app/views/profiles/preferences/show.html.haml
        modified:   doc/user/profile/img/profile-preferences-syntax-themes.png
        modified:   doc/user/profile/
        modified:   locale/gitlab.pot

To view these changes in action, you can
[check out a merge request where these changes have already been made](

## Step 3: Push your changes to the community fork

[View an interactive demo of this step](

Now you're going to push your changes to the community fork. This is the next step
in getting your changes put into the main GitLab repository.

1. Ensure you are in the `gitlab-development-kit/gitlab` directory.
1. Create a branch. You don't want to work in the `master` branch.
   Instead, you want to create a branch for your work. In this example,
   we're going to call the branch `ui-updates`.

   git checkout -b ui-updates

1. Add the files to the staging area.

   git add .

1. Provide a commit message. GitLab has somewhat strict
   [commit message guidelines](
   To be safe, a general rule is to use three to five words, start with a capital letter,
   and do **not** end with a period.

   git commit -m "Updating UI text

   Standardizing the text on this page so
   that each area uses consistent language.

   Changelog: changed"

   The `Changelog: changed` is because we're changing an existing feature. If we were adding a feature, we'd
   use `Changelog: added`. For details, see [changelog entries](../

1. Push the changes to the community fork. At the same time, set the fork as your upstream,
   so that it will be in sync for any future contributions.

   git push --set-upstream origin ui-updates

## Step 4: Create a merge request

[View an interactive demo of this step](

Now you're ready to push changes from the community fork to the main GitLab repository!

1. Go to [the community fork on](
   You should see a message like this one:

   ![Create merge request banner](img/mr_button.png)

   Select **Create merge request**.
   If you don't see this message, on the left sidebar, select **Code > Merge requests > New merge request**.

1. Take a look at the branch names. You should be merging from your branch
   in the community fork to the `master` branch in the GitLab repository.

   ![New merge request](img/new_merge_request.png)

1. Fill out the information and then select **Save changes**.
   Don't worry if your merge request is not complete. If you don't want anyone
   from GitLab to review it, you can select the **Mark as draft** checkbox.
   If you're not happy with the merge request after you create it, you can
   close it, no harm done.

1. Select the **Changes** tab. It should look something like this:

   ![Changes tab](img/changes_tab.png)

   The red text shows the code before you made changes. The green shows what
   the code looks like now.

1. If you're happy with this merge request and want to start the review process, type
   `@gitlab-bot ready` in a comment and then select **Comment**.

   ![GitLab bot ready comment](img/bot_ready_v16_6.png)

Someone from GitLab will look at your request and let you know what the next steps are.

Now, any time you want to make a contribution to GitLab, you can just
go to the `gitlab-development-kit` folder and run `gdk update`. Then make
your changes in the `gitlab` directory and push them to the fork.

## Step 5: Complete the review process

After you create a merge request, GitLab automatically triggers a [CI/CD pipeline](../../ci/pipelines/
that runs tests, linting, security scans, and more.

Your pipeline must be successful for your merge request to be merged.

- To check the status of your pipeline, at the top of your merge request, select **Pipelines**.
- If you need help understanding or fixing the pipeline, in a comment, use the `@gitlab-bot help` command.

### Getting a review

GitLab will triage your merge request automatically.
However, you can type `@gitlab-bot ready` in a comment to alert reviewers that your MR is ready.

- When the label is set to `workflow::ready for review`, [a developer reviews the MR](../
- When you have resolved all of their feedback and the MR has been approved, the MR is ready for merge.

If you need help at any point in the process, type `@gitlab-bot help` in a comment or initiate a
[mentor session]( on [Discord](
When the merge request is merged, your change becomes part of the GitLab codebase.
Great job! Thank you for your contribution!