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  1. 6月 03, 2023
    • Timotej Ecimovic's avatar
      Add iterative templates. (#1046) · e404a421
      Timotej Ecimovic 创作于
      * Store the "iterator" property on an individual template.
      * Deal with the iterator key in the gen templates.
      * Add iterator over all available clusters.
      * Clean up the code a bit.
      * Add selectedCluster iterator and clean up the code a bit.
      * Add selectedCluster iterator.
      * Add more iterators.
      * Add pattern replacement for filenames for iterator files.
      * Clean up the "side" issue.
  2. 6月 02, 2023
  3. 6月 01, 2023
    • Ethan.Z's avatar
      Install ZAP from Source on Windows (#1041) · d7b537c2
      Ethan.Z 创作于
      * ZAP Source on Windows
    • tbrkollar's avatar
      Implement the new layout (#1004) · 492a0b55
      tbrkollar 创作于
      * parent 6e5e5a1d
      author tbrkollar <> 1677496614 +0100
      committer Tibor Kollár <> 1684319301 +0200
      * Create the new toolbar
      * create new prefenrece page, modify layout system
      * implement the new main drawer, and left side menu
      * design new config page
      * implement the new main page
      * implement  the new cluster page design
      * fix table's size on cluster page
      * fix colors between Zigbee and Matter styles
      * add previewtab function, fix toolbar for studio
      * fix primary colors with theme changing
      * fix notifications layout
      * fix logo position in preview mode
      * add dark mode to ui
      * create new prefenrece page, modify layout system
      * implement the new main drawer, and left side menu
      * design new config page
      * implement the new main page
      * fix primary colors with theme changing
      * fix notifications layout
      * fix logo position in preview mode
      * add dark mode to ui
      * fix colors on preview tab
      * remove serial number in zclTour
      * fix disabled function on clusters
      * fix cypress tests
      * add vue tour to navbar
      * fix delete-endpoint test, modify attributes test
      * fix enabled- attributes test
      * fix matter data json for tests, modify commands
      * fix commands.js for zigbee tests
      * fix data.json for matter
      * modify select in edit-endpoint test
      * modify components src path in preferencepage
      * rename zcllayout to mainlyout in ui.test.js
      * modify length values in ui.test
      * modify jest function coverage from 58 to 57
      * modify inputpath for matter tests
      * modify the row's color in disabled mode
      * Set native title bar buttons on standalone Windows app
      * fix reactivity problem with values on sidebar
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTibor Kollár <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatartbrkollar <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGergely Kiss <>
  4. 5月 22, 2023
  5. 5月 19, 2023
  6. 5月 18, 2023
    • Timotej Ecimovic's avatar
      Swap out the ugprade action that does nothing with a genuine --noop. (#1031) · 2e983657
      Timotej Ecimovic 创作于
      This is accomodating for a bug in a certain driving software that
      wants to execute zap as a part of the upgrade, yet there is no way
      to configure it in a way where you tell it "there is nothing to upgrade"
      without even calling zap.
      So it calls zap, and then errors with timeouts. The quick no-op
      is here to essentially make that software back off quickly and move
  7. 5月 17, 2023
  8. 5月 16, 2023
  9. 5月 12, 2023
  10. 5月 11, 2023
  11. 5月 10, 2023
  12. 5月 09, 2023
    • Jing T's avatar
      create linux arm64 release package · 4861f737
      Jing T 创作于
      * support for creating linux arm64 artifacts
      1) NOTE: workaround for arm64 with pkg via "--no-bytecode --public"
      the packaging utilility (pkg) has following issues:
      * bytecode generation fails for arm64:
        Warning Failed to make bytecode node16-arm64 for file /snapshot/zap/node_modules/...
        "--no-bytecode" flag is used to skip the bytecode generation
      * --no-bytecode flag is broken:
        "Error! --no-bytecode and no source breaks final executable"
        "--public" flag is used as a workaround
      2) update mac artifacts to be platform/architecture specific
      3) pkg: version bump to pick up codesign error for macOS arm64
  13. 5月 05, 2023
  14. 5月 03, 2023
    • paulr34's avatar
      Issue 1010 upgrading (#1011) · 4382b5b5
      paulr34 创作于
      * keeping code consistent with startGeneration which uses the same function successfully
      * adding --in so the correct files are selected
  15. 4月 28, 2023
  16. 4月 21, 2023
  17. 4月 19, 2023
  18. 4月 18, 2023
  19. 4月 13, 2023
  20. 4月 07, 2023
    • paulr34's avatar
      Uccli upgrade fix (#990) · 9b047991
      paulr34 创作于
      * Gathering the files before checking them
      * Adding check to make sure the user entered required arguments defined in the spec
  21. 4月 06, 2023
  22. 4月 04, 2023
  23. 3月 31, 2023
  24. 3月 30, 2023
  25. 3月 29, 2023
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Deprecating stateful helpers with stateless helpers (#982) · 1b876c11
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      - Deprecating chip_client_clusters, chip_cluster_commands, chip_cluster_responses and chip_cluster_command_arguments with all_user_clusters, zcl_commands, zcl_command_responses and zcl_command_arguments respectively
      - Adding more attributes to the command in db-mapping along with the extension to the zcl_command query
      - Updating selectAllClustersDetailsFromEndpointTypes such that all_user_clusters can be filtered based on side of cluster
      - Adding zcl_command_responses to retrieve all commands which are also command responses.a
      - Extending asJavaType to handle asJavaBoxedType properly under all block helpers and not just chipType block helpers
      - Updating the local map for command query
      - Minor cleanup
      - Github: ZAP#971
  26. 3月 28, 2023
  27. 3月 25, 2023
  28. 3月 23, 2023
  29. 3月 22, 2023
  30. 3月 18, 2023
  31. 3月 17, 2023
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Adding to enabled_attributes_for_cluster_and_side and zcl_attributes_server... · feb352cb
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      Adding to enabled_attributes_for_cluster_and_side and zcl_attributes_server helper to replace chip_server_cluster_attributes (#899)
      - chip_server_cluster_attributes is returning server attributes which are not actually enabled because the server side cluster is disabled.
      - The reason chip_server_cluster_attributes is picking the server side attributes which are not enabled is because those are enabled in the .zap file(Which is the case for saving user selections and ease of use). However the helper is not actually checking if the cluster is enabled as well.
      - enabled_attributes_for_cluster_and_side is solving this issue correctly and actually only showing attributes which are truly enabled.
      - Extending endpointTypeAttributeExtended such that there is a common place for an attribute map
      - Updating endpointTypeAttributeExtended with everything that attributeExportMapping had such that it can act as a common place for all other temporary maps that have been created across our code. Also sorting endpointTypeAttributeExtended for easier readability and avoiding duplicate keys
      - Updating zcl_attributes_server block helper such that it can behave like chip_server_cluster_attributes.
      - Updating attribute map such that it can be used more widely
      - Adding additional helpers to remove the stateful helpers
      - Adding removeKeys option for removing certain columns which are not needed in a block helper such as enabled_attributes_for_cluster_and_side and zcl_attributes_server
      - Adding if_unsupported_attribute_type and if_attribute_complex to check for unsupported and complex zcl data types
      - Deprecating old stateful helpers with new stateless helpers
      - Adding select data type using type name and cluster id to data_types, enums, bitmap,  numbers and structs
      - Adding if_unsupported_attribute_callback helper and if_basic_attribute if helpers for java code generation
      - Deprecating java and python zcl type helpers with new zcl type helpers such that they do not need any stateful information coming from parent block helpers. For eg chipType and chipCallback.type
      - Adding tests for all the newly introduced helpers.
      - Updating Api documentation
      - Adding if_is_data_type_signed and as_zcl_data_type_size to determine sign and size of zcl data types
      - if_is_data_type_signed and as_zcl_data_type_size take type name and cluster id to return size and sign of the zcl data types
      - Github: ZAP#898
  32. 3月 11, 2023
    • Jing T's avatar
      invalidate cache per generation (#966) · f6306798
      Jing T 创作于
      when a user changes configurations, such change might have invalidated some configuration specific setting that has been cached already. By flushing the cache, it enables us to cache SQL results without disregarding user inputs.