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  1. 9月 16, 2022
  2. 9月 15, 2022
  3. 9月 14, 2022
  4. 9月 13, 2022
  5. 9月 10, 2022
  6. 9月 09, 2022
  7. 9月 08, 2022
  8. 9月 02, 2022
  9. 9月 01, 2022
  10. 8月 29, 2022
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
      Fixing the endianness issue for floats, negative values and strings · 9671c39b
      Bharat Dandu 创作于
      - Handling the negative default values and float values for attributes correctly in terms of endianness(little/big)
      - Testing as_generated_default_macro helper for negative and float values
      - Adding valid hex values for testing
      - Moving the util functions into type.js and resolving the endian issue for both zap-config and helper-endpoint templates
      - renaming the functions since we use get for helpers
      - Switching to DataView and ArrayBuffer to resolve the endianess for float and negative values
      - Making changes to as_generated_default_macro helper which now handles endianness conversion for float, negative and string values
      - Doing the same as above for longTypeDefaultValue.
      - Cleaning up endian formatting code using dataView and other minor cleanup
      - Reading from the right index when reading big endian formats in convertIntToBigEndian.
      - When attribute size is greater than 4 then using an array buffer of size 8 such that there are no array offset issues when tackling negative integers
      - CLeaning up typos
      - Adding more tests
      - Switching to BigInt for numbers outside the 4 byte range
      - Cleaning up Code generation for long string attributes
      - In helper-zcl#format_zcl_string_as_characters_for_generated_defaults, Accounting for 2 byte strings length and formatting it to little endian.
      - In zcl-loader-silabs, making sure that max length for long strings is set properly when not mentioned correctly in the xml
      - Adding tests for the changes in helpers.test.js
      - Github: ZAP#509
  11. 8月 24, 2022
  12. 8月 23, 2022
    • Jing T's avatar
      Jenkins fix (#692) · 7a0cf73a
      Jing T 创作于
      * add pack:mac:native target
      * workaround macOS Jenkins machine not able to build mac universal image.
      * workaround for download-artifact build issue on node14, until DevOps can upgrade node16
  13. 8月 22, 2022
  14. 8月 19, 2022
  15. 8月 18, 2022
  16. 8月 17, 2022
    • Timotej Ecimovic's avatar
      Use glob patterns for sdk.json (#672) · f039607d
      Timotej Ecimovic 创作于
      * Install glob package at toplevel.
      * Separate file parsing from the file processing.
      * Add globbing to the sdk.json
      * Increase feature level.
      * Increase required feature level in the test.
      * Add the regen SDK apack action.
      * Add index and directory name as possible replacements to globbing pattern generation.
      * Give cleaner alias names to matter, so that we can change that on SDK as well.
  17. 8月 16, 2022
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
      Switching to use templateUtil.ensureZclPackageIds instead of... · f738a4fd
      Bharat Dandu 创作于
      Switching to use templateUtil.ensureZclPackageIds instead of templateUtil.ensureZclPackageId to handle the custom xml generation which is not being accounted for currently when loading custom xml from the UI
      Updating helper-endpointconfig, types and zcl-util to use packageIds instead of packageId to handle custom xml
      - Updating one of the helper tests to have packageIds as well just like the packageId
      Switching to packageIds in a session to resolve the custom xml addition use case
      - Switching to packageIds in query-data-type-discriminator.js, zcl-loader.js to make sure we have the data type discriminators defined from standard xml for the custom xml
      - Adding known packages to queries related to query-loader, zcl-loader-silabs to handle custom xml additions
      Switching to packageIds and formatting the sql queries
      Switching to packageIds for enums, bitmaps and structs such that custom xml additions are accounted for and removing cache for query-atomic because past testing in the local machine showed not using cache was faster.
      Adding tests for custom xml generation
      Updating api doc
      Cleaning up function descriptions and fixing the test failures related to automaticallyCreateFields being called for undefined
      Github: ZAPP#622
      Switching to use ensureZclPackageIds instead of ensureZclPackageId for handling custom xml correctly in matter
      Cleaning up docs and typos
      Using dbApi.toInClause for the SQL IN clauses such that the queries don't break when we internationalize to different languages
      Gihub: ZAP#622
  18. 8月 15, 2022
    • Jing T's avatar
      build universal mac image for x64/arm64. (#656) · 163aae64
      Jing T 创作于
      * build universal mac image for x64/arm64.
      using 'exec' to launch electron-builder as a workaround for npm launch bug.
      relying on npm/npx launch will cause electron-builder to hang
      * trigger mac cert setup conditionally.
    • Timotej Ecimovic's avatar
      Generic async reporting + cypress fixes (#667) · d7caa48d
      Timotej Ecimovic 创作于
      * Remove dirty flag logic from "studio-rest-api" area, since it really has nothing to do with Studio REST API.
      * Add a new file for it.
      * Clean up the annoying error that kept printing upon shutdown.
      * The dirty-flag reporting is now a generic async reporting mechanism, with dirty flag as an example.
      * Collapse the two uitest scripts.
      * Replace electron with chrome for cypress runs.
      * Disable two validly failing tests.
  19. 8月 13, 2022
  20. 8月 12, 2022