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提交 07edd3c1 编辑于 作者: Steve Sanderson's avatar Steve Sanderson

Support configuring spacer element. Fixes #42206

上级 b65953d6
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#nullable enable
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms.InputRadio<TValue>.Element.get -> Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference?
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms.InputRadio<TValue>.Element.set -> void
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization.Virtualize<TItem>.SpacerElement.get -> string!
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization.Virtualize<TItem>.SpacerElement.set -> void
......@@ -95,6 +95,18 @@ public sealed class Virtualize<TItem> : ComponentBase, IVirtualizeJsCallbacks, I
public int OverscanCount { get; set; } = 3;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the tag name of the HTML element that will be used as the virtualization spacer.
/// One such element will be rendered before the visible items, and one more after them, using
/// an explicit "height" style to control the scroll range.
/// The default value is "div". If you are placing the <see cref="Virtualize{TItem}"/> instance inside
/// an element that requires a specific child tag name, consider setting that here. For example when
/// rendering inside a "tbody", consider setting <see cref="SpacerElement"/> to the value "tr".
/// </summary>
public string SpacerElement { get; set; } = "div";
/// <summary>
/// Instructs the component to re-request data from its <see cref="ItemsProvider"/>.
/// This is useful if external data may have changed. There is no need to call this
......@@ -178,7 +190,7 @@ public sealed class Virtualize<TItem> : ComponentBase, IVirtualizeJsCallbacks, I
throw oldRefreshException;
builder.OpenElement(0, "div");
builder.OpenElement(0, SpacerElement);
builder.AddAttribute(1, "style", GetSpacerStyle(_itemsBefore));
builder.AddElementReferenceCapture(2, elementReference => _spacerBefore = elementReference);
......@@ -235,7 +247,7 @@ public sealed class Virtualize<TItem> : ComponentBase, IVirtualizeJsCallbacks, I
var itemsAfter = Math.Max(0, _itemCount - _visibleItemCapacity - _itemsBefore);
builder.OpenElement(6, "div");
builder.OpenElement(6, SpacerElement);
builder.AddAttribute(7, "style", GetSpacerStyle(itemsAfter));
builder.AddElementReferenceCapture(8, elementReference => _spacerAfter = elementReference);
......@@ -238,6 +238,30 @@ public class VirtualizationTest : ServerTestBase<ToggleExecutionModeServerFixtur
int GetItemCount() => Browser.FindElements(By.ClassName("incorrect-size-item")).Count;
public void CanRenderHtmlTable()
var expectedInitialSpacerStyle = "height: 0px; flex-shrink: 0;";
var topSpacer = Browser.Exists(By.CssSelector("#virtualized-table > tbody > :first-child"));
var bottomSpacer = Browser.Exists(By.CssSelector("#virtualized-table > tbody > :last-child"));
// We can override the tag name of the spacer
Assert.Equal("tr", topSpacer.TagName.ToLowerInvariant());
Assert.Equal("tr", bottomSpacer.TagName.ToLowerInvariant());
Assert.Contains(expectedInitialSpacerStyle, topSpacer.GetAttribute("style"));
// Check scrolling document element works
Browser.ExecuteJavaScript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);");
var lastElement = Browser.Exists(By.Id("row-999"));
Browser.True(() => lastElement.Displayed);
// Validate that the top spacer has expanded, and bottom one has collapsed
Browser.False(() => topSpacer.GetAttribute("style").Contains(expectedInitialSpacerStyle));
Assert.Contains(expectedInitialSpacerStyle, bottomSpacer.GetAttribute("style"));
public void CanMutateDataInPlace_Sync()
......@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
<option value="BasicTestApp.TouchEventComponent">Touch events</option>
<option value="BasicTestApp.VirtualizationComponent">Virtualization</option>
<option value="BasicTestApp.VirtualizationDataChanges">Virtualization data changes</option>
<option value="BasicTestApp.VirtualizationTable">Virtualization HTML table</option>
<option value="BasicTestApp.HotReload.RenderOnHotReload">Render on hot reload</option>
<p>This is to show we can use an HTML table with Virtualize, despite it having particular rules about the element hierarchy.</p>
<p>We're also using the document root as the scroll container. Other tests cover having a different scroll container, such as a div with overflow:scroll.</p>
<table id="virtualized-table">
<thead style="position: sticky; top: 0; background-color: silver">
<th>Another col</th>
<Virtualize Items="@fixedItems" ItemSize="30" SpacerElement="tr">
<tr @key="context" style="height: 30px;" id="row-@context">
<td>Item @context</td>
<td>Another value</td>
@code {
List<int> fixedItems = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).ToList();
"drivers": {
"chrome": {
"version" : "100.0.4896.60"
"version" : "103.0.5060.53"
"ignoreExtraDrivers": true
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