@@ -81,7 +81,13 @@ The preceding example will prevent all observations whose name contains "denied"
== OpenTelemetry Support
Spring Boot's actuator module includes basic support for https://opentelemetry.io/[OpenTelemetry].
NOTE: There are several ways to support https://opentelemetry.io/[OpenTelemetry] in your application.
You can use the https://opentelemetry.io/docs/zero-code/java/agent/[OpenTelemetry Java Agent] or the https://opentelemetry.io/docs/zero-code/java/spring-boot-starter/[OpenTelemetry Spring Boot Starter],
which are supported by the OTel community; the metrics and traces use the semantic conventions defined by OTel libraries.
This documentation describes OpenTelemetry as officially supported by the Spring team, using Micrometer and the OTLP exporter;
the metrics and traces use the semantic conventions described in the Spring projects documentation, such as {spring-framework-docs}/integration/observability.html[Spring Framework].
Spring Boot's actuator module includes basic support for OpenTelemetry.
It provides a bean of type `OpenTelemetry`, and if there are beans of type `SdkTracerProvider`, `ContextPropagators`, `SdkLoggerProvider` or `SdkMeterProvider` in the application context, they automatically get registered.