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  • John Roesler's avatar
    KAFKA-12602: Fix LICENSE file (#10474) · ff77864a
    John Roesler 创作于
    Fixes the LICENSE files that we ship with our releases:
    * the source-distribution license included wrong and unnecessary dependencies
    * the binary-distribution license was missing most of our actual dependencies
    Reviewers: A. Sophie Blee-Goldman <>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <>, Justin Mclean <>
    KAFKA-12602: Fix LICENSE file (#10474)
    John Roesler 创作于
    Fixes the LICENSE files that we ship with our releases:
    * the source-distribution license included wrong and unnecessary dependencies
    * the binary-distribution license was missing most of our actual dependencies
    Reviewers: A. Sophie Blee-Goldman <>, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <>, Justin Mclean <>
该项目在 Apache License 2.0下获得许可。 进一步了解