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  • Nick Vatamaniuc's avatar
    Add QuickJS as a Javascript engine option · f82be73e
    Nick Vatamaniuc 创作于
    Some benefits over Mozilla Spidermonkey:
     * Small. We're using 6 or so C files vs 700+ SM91 C++ files.
     * Built with Apache CouchDB as opposed having to maintain a separate SM
       package, like for RHEL9, for instance, where they dropped support for SM
       already [1].
     * Embedding friendly. Designed from ground-up for embedding. SM has been
       updating the C++ API such that we have to keep copy-pasting new versions of
       our C++ code every year or so [2].
     * Easy to modify to accept Spidermonkey 1.8.5 top level functions for
       map/reduce code so we don't have have to parse the JS, AST transform it, and
       then re-compile it.
     * Better sandboxing. Creating a whole JSRuntime takes only 300 microseconds, so
       we can afford to do that on reset. JSRuntimes cannot share JS data or object
       between them.
     * Seems to be faster in preliminary benchmarking with small
       concurrent VDU and view builds:
       Results seem promising:
         - 4x faster than SM 1.8.5
         - 5x faster than SM 91
         - 6x reduced memory usage per couchjs process (5MB vs 30MB)
     * Allows compiling JS bytecode ahead of time a C array of bytes.
    QuickJS can be built alongside Spidermonkey and toggled on/off at runtime:
    ./configure --dev --js-engine=quickjs
    This makes it the default engine. But Spidermonkey can still be set in the
    config option.
    js_engine = spidermonkey | quickjs
    To test individual views, without switching the default use the
    `javascript_quickjs` language in the design docs. To keep using Spidermonkey
    engine after switching the default, can use `javascript_spidermonkey` language
    in design docs. However, language selection will reset the view and the view
    will have to be rebuilt.
    It's also possible to build without Spidermonkey support completely by using:
    ./configure --disable-spidermonkey
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