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  • Andrea Kao's avatar
    Edit Containerd license info so GitHub recognizes it · c0c92f6b
    Andrea Kao 创作于
    GitHub uses a library called Licensee to identify a project's license
    type. It shows this information in the status bar and via the API if it
    can unambiguously identify the license.
    This commit removes the file and updates the README to
    refer readers directly to the CC-BY-4.0 license on the Creative Commons
    site. It also updates the copyright reference to "The containerd
    Authors" and removes a reference to copyright year in the LICENSE file
    (per a recommendation from the CNCF).
    This change allows Licensee to successfully identify the license
    type of Containerd's codebase as Apache 2.0.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrea Kao <>
该项目在 Apache License 2.0下获得许可。 进一步了解