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未验证 提交 214df40e 编辑于 作者: Heejae Chang's avatar Heejae Chang 提交者: GitHub

fixed issue where analyzer run after project is already removed from VS. (#35383)

上级 05665eda
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......@@ -213,11 +213,8 @@ private async Task RegisterDesignerAttributeAsync(Document document, string desi
var updateService = await GetUpdateServiceIfCpsProjectAsync(document.Project, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (updateService != null)
// we track work by async token but doesn't explicitly wait for it. and update service is free-thread service,
// no need to switch to UI thread to use it
var asyncToken = _listener.BeginAsyncOperation("RegisterDesignerAttribute");
_ = updateService.SetProjectItemDesignerTypeAsync(document.FilePath, designerAttributeArgument)
// fire and forget designer attribute notification to CPS
_ = NotifyCpsDesignerAttributeAsync(document, designerAttributeArgument, updateService).ReportNonFatalErrorAsync();
......@@ -267,6 +264,23 @@ private async Task RegisterDesignerAttributeAsync(Document document, string desi
private async Task NotifyCpsDesignerAttributeAsync(Document document, string designerAttributeArgument, IProjectItemDesignerTypeUpdateService updateService)
using (_listener.BeginAsyncOperation("RegisterDesignerAttribute"))
await updateService.SetProjectItemDesignerTypeAsync(document.FilePath, designerAttributeArgument).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
// we might call update service after project is already removed and get object disposed exception.
// we will catch the exception and ignore.
// see this PR for more detail -
private IVSMDDesignerService GetDesignerFromForegroundThread()
if (_dotNotAccessDirectlyDesigner != null)
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