由 Jared Parsons 创作于
The remote debugger removed their references to our `net20` and `net45` components in favor of using our `netstandard2.0` versions. This allows us to delete our `net20` and `net45` assets which removes some unneeded code and build infra PR validation: https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_git/VS/pullrequest/381691
由 Jared Parsons 创作于The remote debugger removed their references to our `net20` and `net45` components in favor of using our `netstandard2.0` versions. This allows us to delete our `net20` and `net45` assets which removes some unneeded code and build infra PR validation: https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_git/VS/pullrequest/381691