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Install CRDs before installing or upgrading DevOps using Helm

What this PR does

  • Extract Helm chart package and install CRDs manually before installing or upgrading DevOps using Helm.
  • Bump s2ioperator tag to v3.2.1

How to test?

  1. install KubeSphere v3.2.1 and enable DevOps. You can refer to document:

  2. Scale replicas of ks-installer to 0 and upadate image of ks-installer container

    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/ks-installer -nkubesphere-system
    kubectl patch -nkubesphere-system deployment ks-installer --type=json -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value": "johnniang/ks-installer:refactor-install-crds-manually-dev"}]'
  3. Remove DevOps status in ClusterConfiguration

    kubectl patch -nkubesphere-system cc ks-installer --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/status/devops"}]'
  4. Enjoy upgrade of DevOps

    kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment/ks-installer -nkubesphere-system
    kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system deploy/ks-installer --tail 200 -f

/area devops /kind enhancement

/cc @kubesphere/sig-devops

