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WIP: Make devops component seperate from ks-installer

This pull request aims to make devops component separate from ks-installer. However, there are two steps we need to do:

  1. Remove devops component from ks-installer(current PR is doing the right thing)
  2. Add ks-devops helm charts into ks-installer(we will do it in another PR)

At the same time, we are doing some works for kubesphere apiserver, and the upstream branch is When this branch is merged into kubesphere/kubesphere, this pull request can be ready to merge.

What have I done

  • Remove devops CRDs
  • Remove devops roles files, including s2i and jenkins
  • Use ks-devops helm chart to install devops component
  • Use ks-devops-plugin helm chart to install devops plugin.

Things to do

  • Recover SonarQube configuration

Step to test

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

or replace ks-installer image: johnniang/ks-installer:remove-devops-comp.

/area devops /kind optimization
