Fix: SaaS trial i18n override
What does this MR do and why?
- Address comment
MR acceptance checklist
Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
Screenshots or screen recordings
Screenshots are required for UI changes, and strongly recommended for all other merge requests.
Before | After |
How to set up and validate locally
Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.
changed milestone to %17.5
added i18n label
requested review from @luzhiyuan.deer and @xfyuan
assigned to @jeremywu
@jeremywu,请添加类型标记:- typebug:已发布或上线的产品中所出现的缺陷。这种类型的 issue 需在 QA 验证过后才可以关闭,而下面其它类型的 issue 在相关的 merge request (MR) 合并后即可关闭。
- typefeature:对于用户可见的新功能或对现有功能的改进。
- typemaintenance:非用户可见的产品改进,如:解决之前的技术债。
或者你也可以直接添加子类型标记(例如 featureenhancement),我们会自动补全上述标记。要详细了解标记,请查阅文档:极狐 Handbook。
added workflowin review label
2 Warnings 请为此合并请求添加一个合适的子类型标记。 请为此合并请求添加一个合并请求类型。 如有需要,您可以重试生成这条评论的
作业。Generated by
Dangermentioned in commit 839c996a
removed workflowin review label
mentioned in commit 85bc3be0
mentioned in merge request !2741 (merged)
added workflowstaging-canary label
added workflowstaging label and removed workflowstaging-canary label
added workflowcanary label and removed workflowstaging label
added workflowproduction label and removed workflowcanary label