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Enable Explain Code on JH Side


relate with #3200

We are going to enable Explain Code Feature on JH side. This is experimental feature on JH SaaS, only available on group What's more, this feature is highly couple with ChatGLM right now, we will refactor this feature later compatible with other AI providers.


How to set up and validate locally

  • checkout current-branch
  • pass CHAT_GLM_API_KEY=xxx and GITLAB_SIMULATE_SAAS=true as env variable when start rails, I just add variable into gdk/Procfile, for both rails and sidekiq service
  • in gdk/Procfile, remember remove SIDEKIQ_QUEUES variable for sidekiq service, to let sidekiq watch all queues
  • start gdk services
  • Turn on AI feature flags
  1. instance level: openai_experimentation, ai_assist_ui, explain_code_snippet
  2. group level: ai_related_settings, ai_assist_flag
  • create a group, project and add code files under a Ultimate Group

  • turn on group AI settings: turn on group -> settings -> general -> permission -> Expermiment features & Third-party AI services

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