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- 7月 23, 2024
由 Rutger Wessels 创作于
由 Vitali Tatarintev 创作于
Remove cloud license promotion banner See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159243 Merged-by:
Vitali Tatarintev <vtatarintev@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ezekiel Kigbo <3397881-ekigbo@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Lukas Wanko <lwanko@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Vitali Tatarintev <vtatarintev@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Nataliia Radina <nradina@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Vitali Tatarintev <vtatarintev@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Austin Regnery <aregnery@gitlab.com>
由 Austin Regnery 创作于
Changelog: removed EE: true
由 Smriti Garg 创作于
Quarantine a flaky test See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/157842 Merged-by:
Smriti Garg <sgarg@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Smriti Garg <sgarg@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Auto-quarantining bot <gitlab-auto-quarantine-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Adam Hegyi 创作于
Add GraphQL API for Duo Pro seats assigned See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159428 Merged-by:
Adam Hegyi <ahegyi@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Harsimar Sandhu <hsandhu@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Adam Hegyi <ahegyi@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Pavel Shutsin <pshutsin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Josianne Hyson <jhyson@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Pavel Shutsin <pshutsin@gitlab.com>
由 Adam Hegyi 创作于
Remove ignores for imported column See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159599 Merged-by:
Adam Hegyi <ahegyi@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Bala Kumar <sbalakumar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Adam Hegyi <ahegyi@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
carlad-gl <cdrago@gitlab.com>
由 Kati Paizee 创作于
Fix links to gitlab-housekeeper gem README See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160333 Merged-by:
Kati Paizee <kpaizee@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Kati Paizee <kpaizee@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Evan Read <eread@gitlab.com>
由 Ashraf Khamis 创作于
Separate queue selector from examples See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160157 Merged-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Anton Smith <asmith@gitlab.com>
由 Ashraf Khamis 创作于
Mention Jira deployments feature in the docs See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159994 Merged-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Anton Smith <asmith@gitlab.com>
由 Anton Smith 创作于
Ashraf Khamis <akhamis@gitlab.com>
由 Ezekiel Kigbo 创作于
Fixed empty tooltips in usage trends count charts See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159906 Merged-by:
Ezekiel Kigbo <3397881-ekigbo@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Alex Pennells <apennells@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Ezekiel Kigbo <3397881-ekigbo@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Ezekiel Kigbo <3397881-ekigbo@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Alex Pennells <apennells@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Rudy Crespo <rcrespo@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Rudy Crespo <rcrespo@gitlab.com>
由 Rudy Crespo 创作于
Fixes bug on the Usage trends page in which the tooltips in the Total projects & groups, Pipelines and Issues & Merge Requests charts are empty upon fetching paginated data Changelog: fixed
由 Mireya Andres 创作于
Merge branch '471315-apply-hover-effect-to-side-menu-navigation-items-when-interacting-with-the-flyout-menu' into 'master' Keep hover effect on section title when flyout is hovered Closes #471315 See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160233 Merged-by:
Mireya Andres <mandres@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Doug Stull <dstull@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Mireya Andres <mandres@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Mireya Andres <mandres@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Thomas Hutterer <thutterer@gitlab.com>
由 Thomas Hutterer 创作于
Changelog: fixed
由 Anastasia McDonald 创作于
E2E: Migrate Gitlab::Page::Admin::Dashboard Away from Chemlab See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159894 Merged-by:
Anastasia McDonald <amcdonald@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Anna Vovchenko <avovchenko@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Hunter Stewart <hustewart@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jay McCure <jmccure@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Anastasia McDonald <amcdonald@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Valerie Burton <vburton@gitlab.com>
由 Stan Hu 创作于
Lock logger version to 1.5.x series See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160349 Merged-by:
Stan Hu <stanhu@gmail.com> Approved-by:
Stan Hu <stanhu@gmail.com> Co-authored-by:
Balasankar "Balu" C <balasankar@gitlab.com>
由 Anton Smith 创作于
由 Balasankar "Balu" C 创作于
Changelog: changed Signed-off-by:
Balasankar "Balu" C <balasankar@gitlab.com>
由 Anastasia McDonald 创作于
[E2E] PROMOTE TO BLOCKING: user_index_spec.rb See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160173 Merged-by:
Anastasia McDonald <amcdonald@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Richard Chong <rchong@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Anastasia McDonald <amcdonald@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com> -
由 Auto-quarantining bot 创作于
The `Admin::Users GET /admin/users/:id Shared runners quota status with projects with shared runners enabled shows quota` test has either ~"flakiness::1" or ~"flakiness::2" label set, which means the number of reported failures is at or above 95 percentile, indicating unusually high failure count. This MR quarantines the test. This is a discussion starting point to let the responsible group know about the flakiness so that they can take action: - accept the merge request and schedule the associated issue to improve the test - close the merge request in favor of another merge request to delete the test Please follow the [Flaky tests management process](https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/infrastructure/engineering-productivity/flaky-tests-management-and-processes/#flaky-tests-management-process) to help us increase `master` stability. Please let us know your feedback in the [Engineering Productivity issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity/team/-/issues). Related to https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/460040. This change was generated by [gitlab-housekeeper](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/master/gems/gitlab-housekeeper) using the Keeps::QuarantineFlakyTests keep. To provide feedback on your experience with `gitlab-housekeeper` please create an issue with the label ~"GitLab Housekeeper" and consider pinging the author of this keep. Changelog: other
由 Eugie Limpin 创作于
Geo: Log sync and verification state transitions See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159290 Merged-by:
Eugie Limpin <elimpin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Minahil Nichols <minahilnichols@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eugie Limpin <elimpin@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Michael Kozono <mkozono@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mike Kozono <mkozono@gitlab.com>
由 Michael Kozono 创作于
由 Jennifer Li 创作于
Update dependency gitlab_quality-test_tooling to '~> 1.32.0' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160031 Merged-by:
Jennifer Li <jli@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Jennifer Li <jli@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Krasimir Angelov 创作于
Update dependency database_cleaner-active_record to '~> 2.2.0' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159189 Merged-by:
Krasimir Angelov <kangelov@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Krasimir Angelov <kangelov@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Stanislav Lashmanov 创作于
Update dependency vite_ruby to '~> 3.7.0' See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/155784 Merged-by:
Stanislav Lashmanov <slashmanov@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Stanislav Lashmanov <slashmanov@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 Elwyn Benson 创作于
Add filters to work items list See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159935 Merged-by:
Elwyn Benson <ebenson@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Thomas Randolph <trandolph@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Joseph Wambua <jjoshua@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Elwyn Benson <ebenson@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Coung Ngo <cngo@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Coung Ngo <cngo@gitlab.com>
由 Javiera Tapia 创作于
Add allow_git_http _fetch_writes FF See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159835 Merged-by:
Javiera Tapia <jtapia@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Joe Woodward <jwoodward@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Kassio Borges <kborges@gitlab.com>
由 Javiera Tapia 创作于
Since the `disable_git_http_fetch_writes` FF does not define a feature flag actor, it is currently not possible to increment the fetch project statistics without enabling or disabling it for all projects. This commit introduces the `allow_git_http_fetch_writes` FF that allow us to control this and unskip the statistics for specific projects.
由 Miranda Fluharty 创作于
Apply a daily limit for duplicate credit card validations See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159151 Merged-by:
Miranda Fluharty <mfluharty@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Minahil Nichols <minahilnichols@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eugie Limpin <elimpin@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eugenia Grieff <egrieff@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Miranda Fluharty <mfluharty@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
imand3r <ianderson@gitlab.com>
由 Ian Anderson 创作于
Changelog: changed
Adds confidential, group, and my-reaction filters Behind feature flags - work_item_epics - work_item_epics_rollout - namespace_level_work_items
由 Anastasia McDonald 创作于
Update dependency selenium-webdriver to v4.23.0 See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/160016 Merged-by:
Anastasia McDonald <amcdonald@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Anastasia McDonald <amcdonald@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Costel Maxim <cmaxim@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
GitLab Renovate Bot <gitlab-bot@gitlab.com>
由 drew stachon 创作于
Validate presence of Organization on Namespace model See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/155732 Merged-by:
drew stachon <730684-drew@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sashi Kumar Kumaresan <skumar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Smriti Garg <sgarg@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
drew stachon <730684-drew@users.noreply.gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Alex Pooley <apooley@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Sashi Kumar Kumaresan <skumar@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Rutger Wessels <rwessels@gitlab.com>
由 Rutger Wessels 创作于
Changelog: changed
由 Tiger Watson 创作于
Add and backfill project_id for evidences See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159580 Merged-by:
Tiger Watson <twatson@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Tiger Watson <twatson@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Manoj M J <mmj@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Manoj M J <mmj@gitlab.com>
由 gitlab-housekeeper 创作于
## What does this MR do and why? Add and backfill project_id for evidences. This table has a [desired sharding key](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#define-a-desired_sharding_key-to-automatically-backfill-a-sharding_key) configured ([view configuration](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/db/docs/evidences.yml)). This merge request is the first step towards transforming the desired sharding key into a [sharding key](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#defining-a-sharding-key-for-all-cell-local-tables). This involves three changes: - Adding a new column that will serve as the sharding key (along with the relevant index and foreign key). - Populating the sharding key when new records are created by adding a database function and trigger. - Scheduling a [batched background migration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/batched_background_migrations.html) to set the sharding key for existing records. Once the background migration has completed, a second merge request will be created to finalize the background migration and validate the not null constraint. ## How to verify We have assigned a random backend engineer from ~"group::compliance" to review these changes. Please review this merge request from a ~backend perspective. The main thing we are looking to verify is that the added column and association match the values specified by the [desired sharding key](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/db/docs/evidences.yml) configuration and that backfilling the column from this other table makes sense in the context of this feature. When you are finished, please: 1. Trigger the [database testing pipeline](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/database_migration_pipeline.html) as instructed by Danger. 1. Request a review from the ~backend maintainer and ~database reviewer suggested by Danger. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to `@tigerwnz` or @manojmj. This merge request was generated by a once off keep implemented in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/143774 This change was generated by [gitlab-housekeeper](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/tree/master/gems/gitlab-housekeeper) using the Keeps::BackfillDesiredShardingKeySmallTable keep. To provide feedback on your experience with `gitlab-housekeeper` please comment in <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/442003>. Changelog: other
由 Evan Read 创作于
由 Harsha Muralidhar 创作于
Remove quarantine from vulnerability training spec See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159829 Merged-by:
Harsha Muralidhar <hmuralidhar@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Sanad Liaquat <sliaquat@gitlab.com>
由 Harsha Muralidhar 创作于
由 Simon Knox 创作于
Merge branch '472297-follow-up-from-feat-add-markdown-to-ml-model-descriptions-remove-full-screen-button' into 'master' bug: Remove full screen button at ML Model creation See merge request https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/159554 Merged-by:
Simon Knox <simon@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Approved-by:
Simon Knox <simon@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Simon Knox <simon@gitlab.com> Reviewed-by:
Eduardo Bonet <ebonet@gitlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Alper Akgun <aakgun@gitlab.com>