该项目从 https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab.git 镜像。
拉取镜像更新于 。
- 10月 22, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
- 10月 21, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 Miguel Rincon 创作于
This reverts merge request !40175
- 10月 20, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 10月 16, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 10月 15, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
Upgrades the packags and removes unnecessary margins from search boxes now that the margin is set in GitLab UI
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
由 Łukasz Groszkowski 创作于
Credit goes to: @mrincon
- 10月 14, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
- 10月 13, 2020
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
- 10月 09, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 10月 08, 2020
由 Dennis Tang 创作于
由 Lukas Eipert 创作于
Apparently in version 8.3.0 the implementation for whatwg-url changed which breaks our test. We probably should deal with this in a follow-up.
由 Lukas Eipert 创作于
Also updates all jest related dependencies to be compatible with jest@26. Earlier versions of jest@26 had severe performance impacts, but that has been resolved with jest@26.5. [0] Thanks to this update `jest-environment-jsdom-sixteen` can be replaced with the upstream `"jest-environment-jsdom` which is also based on jsdom@16. [0]: https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/9457#issuecomment-703525151
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 10月 07, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 10月 06, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
- 10月 02, 2020
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
- 10月 01, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
由 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 创作于
- 9月 30, 2020
由 Takuya Noguchi 创作于
to support Node.js 14, the upcoming Node LTS Signed-off-by:
Takuya Noguchi <takninnovationresearch@gmail.com>
由 Thong Kuah 创作于
Update qa/ Gemfile to match main activesupport Also have to fix parallel in Gemfile.lock as that did not match the Gemfile Update rails/actioncable to match rails version number https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/6-0-stable/actioncable/CHANGELOG.md
- 9月 29, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 9月 28, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 9月 26, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 9月 21, 2020
由 Heinrich Lee Yu 创作于
Remove jquery-ujs and use rails-ujs instead
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 9月 18, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
Update gitlab ui and update snapshots from new gl-button prop.
由 derek-knox 创作于
Replaced gray-matter with a smaller in size approach. We still leverage js-yaml to get the parsing we're after, but we do so without the added burden of gray-matter. This additionally lets us use the same js-yaml version across the codebase.
- 9月 17, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 9月 16, 2020
由 Tim Zallmann 创作于
This adds the webvitals library to the performance bar mode
由 GitLab Bot 创作于
- 9月 15, 2020
由 GitLab Bot 创作于