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  1. 1月 20, 2021
  2. 1月 14, 2021
  3. 10月 23, 2020
  4. 10月 15, 2020
  5. 10月 14, 2020
  6. 3月 11, 2020
  7. 3月 10, 2020
    • Nick Thomas's avatar
      Run feature specs through Workhorse · c1e5ad36
      Nick Thomas 创作于
      In development and production, Workhorse is an essential part of how
      GitLab operates. However, it is currently excluded from tests. This
      makes it hard to approach features that rely on workhorse - like file
      uploads - in a test-driven manner.
      Introducing workhorse into the test suite for feature specs seems to
      have minimal speed impact, and should help significantly with this.
  8. 9月 03, 2019
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Fix Git ignore for tmp/, shared/, and plugins/ · 55063f85
      Yorick Peterse 创作于
      The old rules meant that any future changes to these directories would
      require the use of `git add -f` to be staged. This is problematic for
      the upcoming FOSS-only mirror of GitLab. Any changes to be synced to
      this mirror are staged using `git add --all .`, which due to the Git
      ignore rules would not add the tmp/ and shared/ directories. This then
      leads to various specs failing because they expect certain
      sub-directories of these directories to be available.
      This commit changes the rules so that we include the .gitkeep files,
      ignore other files, and completely ignore anything in tmp/test. This
      requires that the rules are specified in tmp/.gitignore and
      shared/.gitignore, instead of the top-level .gitignore, without this I
      could not get Git to include the .gitkeep files properly.
  9. 7月 02, 2019
  10. 6月 03, 2017
  11. 3月 21, 2017
  12. 10月 04, 2015
  13. 3月 31, 2014
  14. 9月 04, 2012