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  1. 6月 14, 2023
  2. 6月 13, 2023
  3. 6月 12, 2023
  4. 6月 10, 2023
    • Amy Qualls's avatar
      Move MR-specific subheadings and their images · bf8aaf12
      Amy Qualls 创作于
      This page is too long and it's benefiting no one in this state. Move
      the tasks specific to merge requests to pages that make more sense.
      Rename "Changes" to "Diffs." Move the related images so the image
      inclusions still work.
      No links have been checked yet.
    • Phil Hughes's avatar
      Revise instructions for style · 394d568f
      Phil Hughes 创作于
      Bring these instructions up to current style. They won't live here
      long-term, but I have to start somewhere. Let's get them corrected,
      and THEN we can move them in the next MR.
    • phillipwells's avatar
      Rename Dashboard for Kubernetes · c328404d
      phillipwells 创作于