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该项目从 镜像。 拉取镜像更新于
  1. 5月 14, 2024
  2. 3月 03, 2023
  3. 3月 02, 2023
  4. 1月 28, 2023
  5. 10月 13, 2022
    • Peter Leitzen's avatar
      Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Switch style to `use_builtin_english_names` · 9eb64662
      Peter Leitzen 创作于
      Enforce use of builtin global vars like `$LOADED_FEATURES` or
      `$PROGRAM_NAME` in favor of `$:` or `$0` because they do not require the
      module `English` module to be loaded.
      We stick to "perl names" otherwise.
      The cop is put in "grace period" to allow offenses on `master` in CI.
  6. 7月 15, 2022
  7. 7月 06, 2022
  8. 11月 04, 2021
  9. 10月 25, 2021
  10. 10月 22, 2021
    • Mark Fletcher's avatar
      Setup and test stage jobs detect and run failures from previous pipeline · c7742bdc
      Mark Fletcher 创作于
      - This change aims to reduce the feedback time when resolving failed
        tests for a Merge Request
      - The setup jobs will detect the previous test files associated with
        failed jobs in the test stage of the previous pipeline
      - The test stage jobs will execute a rerun based on those detected
        test files