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  1. 9月 06, 2019
  2. 6月 27, 2019
    • Lukas Eipert's avatar
      Add a danger rule to suggest `docs-` prefixes · 068d6baa
      Lukas Eipert 创作于
      If an MR only changes files within `doc/` we can save valueable CI time
      by prepending a branch name with `docs-`. This danger rule helps educate
      people about that fact.
      On the other hand, if someone has a branch with a `docs` prefix or
      suffix, the branch shouldn't contain any changes outside of the `docs`
  3. 5月 30, 2019
  4. 4月 24, 2019
  5. 4月 04, 2019
  6. 3月 29, 2019
  7. 3月 11, 2019
  8. 2月 14, 2019
    • Nick Thomas's avatar
      Reviewer roulette via Danger · 77b2ecd2
      Nick Thomas 创作于
      Make danger pick reviewers and maintainers at random, for feontend,
      backend, database, etc, changes, whenever files belonging to those
      teams get changed.
  9. 12月 17, 2018
    • Lukas Eipert's avatar
      Add danger check for duplicate yarn dependencies · 243bd56f
      Lukas Eipert 创作于
      This danger check utilises `yarn-deduplicate` in order to show duplicate
      dependencies in the yarn.lock dependency tree.
      Often when introducing new dependencies or updating existing ones, yarn
      does not seem to build the most optimal dependency tree.
      In order to prevent those unnecessary dependency updates we are nudging
      developers and maintainers to resolve these issues in MRs. Automating
      this with danger especially helps, as yarn.lock files are not that easy
      to review.
  10. 10月 22, 2018
    • Lukas Eipert's avatar
      Create helper to get all changed files · 253e1818
      Lukas Eipert 创作于
      Danger apparently has three different objects which could contain files
      you often want to check:
       - git.added_files
       - git.modified_files
       - git.renamed_files
      The problem: If a file is renamed, `modified_files` contains the file
      path before the rename. In some Danger checks we use `added_files` +
      `modified_files`, which might contain the deleted paths of renamed
      files, but missing the new paths of renamed files.
      So we need to consider `renamed_files` as well.
  11. 9月 29, 2018
  12. 9月 10, 2018
  13. 9月 06, 2018
  14. 7月 24, 2018
  15. 7月 11, 2018