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  1. 6月 21, 2023
    • Peter Leitzen's avatar
      RuboCop TODO formatter: Retain HAML exclusions · 2063753a
      Peter Leitzen 创作于
      HAML files (ending with `.html.haml.rb`) added (manually) to
      `.rubocop_todo/**/*.yml` now are retained and not removed.
      This is useful because `haml-lint` (which use RuboCop rules) cannot
      exclude HAML files per RuboCop. So, we tend to disable whole cop rules in
      With this change we can now start enabling "temporarily" disabled cop
      rules in add HAML files as TODOs.
  2. 10月 14, 2022
  3. 10月 13, 2022
    • Peter Leitzen's avatar
      Generate RuboCop TODO config even without any offenses · 2631963f
      Peter Leitzen 创作于
      Sometimes we enable new cop rules without any offenses and put this rule
      in "grace period". This is done in the TODO config in
      `.rubocop_todo/**/*.yml` because it's a temporary configuration which
      should be removed short after.
      However, when regenerating TODOs for cops without any offenses we
      discarded to generate them.
      This commit fixes this issue and generates a cop TODO config if:
      * Cop was previously disabled due to too many offenses
      * Cop is in grace period
      * Cop excludes files
  4. 9月 07, 2022
  5. 7月 20, 2022