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  1. 4月 16, 2024
  2. 4月 15, 2024
  3. 4月 13, 2024
    • Briley  Sandlin's avatar
      Remove about section · 62fbee1b
      Briley Sandlin 创作于
      Removing the about section and updating the header in the details page
      Changelog: removed
    • rossfuhrman's avatar
      Add setting for enabling pre-receive SD · dc4f8950
      rossfuhrman 创作于
      Update ProjectSecuritySetting by adding an attribute that determines
      whether pre-receive secret detection should be executed for the
      associated project.
      Changelog: added
      EE: true
    • Suraj Tripathi's avatar
      Added pending member for project listing page · dcbb5001
      Suraj Tripathi 创作于
      - Added pending member approval list
      - Fixed order of method param
      - Fixed minor errors, and added spec for presenter
      - Fixed Presenter
      - Adds controller request spec for member pending promotions
      - Adds controller request spec for project member pending promotions
      - Fixed structure of promotion_request
      - Added pagination json
      - Fixed corresponding specs
      - Modified list to be visible only to admin/owner
      - Applied Review feedback
      EE: true
      Changelog: added
    • Joseph Snyder's avatar
      Change default value of show_diff_preview_message · 54ebed23
      Joseph Snyder 创作于
      Change the default value of showw_diff_preview_message to be false
      instead of true.
      This would prevent the message from being shown on issues that do not
      have notes to check for the setting, like a milestone.
    • Kos Palchyk's avatar
      Allow custom components on the Members page tabs · 127ab3f4
      Kos Palchyk 创作于
    • Igor Drozdov's avatar
      Set the user who applies suggestion as the commit author · bcf22d69
      Igor Drozdov 创作于
      For a single suggestion:
      - The author of the suggestion note is set as the author
      - The user who applies the suggestion is the committer
      For batch suggestions:
      - The user who applies the suggestion is the author and committer
      For signle and batch suggestions:
      - The user who applies the suggestion is the author and committer
      In a separate commit/MR an option to provide co-authors will be
      When commit signing is enabled, the committer will be GitLab
    • Peter Hegman's avatar
      Hook up organization edit project form to API · aefe6864
      Peter Hegman 创作于
      Make API call when form is submitted
    • Smriti Garg's avatar
      Removing quarantine from the test · 5e474084
      Smriti Garg 创作于
      We are adding data-testid to the the element button on page
      /admin/applications. Earlier the logic to add data-testid was
      adding id only to the section containing button that makes the
      feature spec fail. Feature spec is trying to find the button with
      data-testid new-application-button and is unable to do the same
    • Chad Lavimoniere's avatar
      When localStorage draft exists for comment reply, show it on load · dfbec8b4
      Chad Lavimoniere 创作于
      When a user has a comment draft saved in localstorage, we do not
      indicate that on page load at all; the user can only see their comment
      draft by clicking reply and seeing the draft populated into the markdown
      This MR changes the noteable_discussion component's behavior such that
      it exposes the markdown editor with the user's comment draft on page
      load if there is a saved draft for the comment in localstorage.
      Changelog: fixed
    • Phil Hughes's avatar
      Fix the merge icon in the reviewers dropdown being incorrect sometimes · 6c5292e4
      Phil Hughes 创作于
      If you select a user that does not appear in the initial `user.json` request and they
      have permission to merge and then you select that user we will incorrectly
      show the cannot merge icon next to their user in the dropdown.
      This is caused by getting `data-can-merge` from the hidden input instead of
  4. 4月 12, 2024