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  1. 3月 03, 2025
  2. 2月 28, 2025
    • Keeyan Nejad's avatar
      Generate docs for internal GitLab RuboCop cops · 34c3dfb8
      Keeyan Nejad 创作于
      There are many RuboCop cops used internally, which have inline
      These cops can now have documentation generated for them automatically,
      so GitLab developers and contributors can reference our documentation
      and examples, to better understand the cops as well as the reasoning
      behind our decisions.
  3. 2月 11, 2025
  4. 10月 15, 2024
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Back up secrets.yml if it changes · 2169cb60
      Stan Hu 创作于
      We've seen in development that secrets.yml quietly changed for some
      reason. Back up this file in case the old values need to be restored.
      Changelog: changed
  5. 4月 05, 2024
    • Lukas 'ai-pi' Eipert's avatar
      Create extraction script for utility classes · 7bcb70e6
      Lukas 'ai-pi' Eipert 创作于
      This is the first step towards generating all utility classes with
      tailwind. The idea behind this is the following:
      Parse all utility classes being provided by @gitlab/ui into a JSON
      object where each class is represented as something like this:
      '.bg-gray-10': {
        'background-color': 'var(--gray-10, #fbfafd)',
      We then let tailwind generate all the utilities and compare the class
      definitions above with the class definitions in @gitlab/ui. They can
      fall into four categories:
      - exact matches: The tailwind generated class matches @gitlab/ui 1:1
      - potential mismatches: The tailwind generated class mismatches
        significantly. This can be okay or we may need some adjustments to the
        tailwind config.
      - hardcoded colors: Some of the utility classes have hard coded colors
        which the conversion script is not able to resolve to a CSS variable.
      - safe to use legacy utils: These utils have no overlap with tailwind at
        all. The class names completely differ. This means we can feed the
        definitions above into tailwind, so that tailwind is able to generate
        the classes
      As part of the conversion certain aspects are normalized, for example
      colors like `#fbfafd` are normalized to `var(--gray-10, #fbfafd)`, but
      only if the class name contains `gray-10`.
      Furthermore we currently check-in two files that later will be
      1. config/helpers/tailwind/css_in_js.js – containing the css-in-js
         definitions for tailwind to generate the legacy utils with tailwind
      2. config/helpers/tailwind/all_utilities.haml – containing a list of all
         utility classes, so that tailwind is able to generate _all utilities_
         and not just the used ones
  6. 2月 29, 2024
    • Matthias Kaeppler's avatar
      Support .index.yml config for ruby-lsp · c443c2e1
      Matthias Kaeppler 创作于
      This allows us to fine-tune what is being indexed.
      Since GitLab is quite large, and since by default
      even dependencies are indexed, resource use and
      duration is currently high.
  7. 1月 17, 2024
    • Lukas 'Eipi' Eipert's avatar
      Add script to compile SCSS with node sass package · 98f6006a
      Lukas 'Eipi' Eipert 创作于
      The script `./scripts/frontend/compile_css.mjs` compiles our SCSS style
      code to CSS. It follows the same rules/settings that our sassc-rails gem
      currently does (compiling the same files) while using dart sass and not
      the deprecated C implementation.
      Compiled CSS files will be placed in `app/assets/builds` where they can
      be picked up by the `cssbundling` gem. The gem _needs_ runs the npm
      script `build:css`.
      We also mark `sass` as a production dependency so that our license
      scanning picks up everything properly.
      One more note, the current MR doesn't integrate with the Vite and
      Webpack dev servers yet, this would be done in a second step.
      For more context see the in-progess MR:
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarMuhammed Ali <>
  8. 1月 12, 2024
  9. 1月 11, 2024
  10. 11月 22, 2023
  11. 11月 17, 2023
  12. 9月 07, 2023
  13. 8月 31, 2023
  14. 8月 12, 2023
  15. 8月 11, 2023
  16. 7月 27, 2023
    • Dylan Griffith's avatar
      Add basic auth to Zoekt client · cff62b3d
      Dylan Griffith 创作于
      As part of we want
      HTTP requests from `Zoekt -> GitLab` to be authenticated. This MR adds
      the ability to configure a `zoekt.username_file` and
      `zoekt.password_file` (that default to `.gitlab_zoekt_username` and
      `.gitlab_zoekt_password` respectively) in your `config/gitlab.yml` .
      If present these files will be used to populate basic auth credentials
      in the HTTP requests to Zoekt. We likely won't use this in GDK because
      basic authentication relies on an nginx proxy in front of Zoekt (this is
      configured in the helm chart in
      The indexer and webserver we run in GDK don't actually support basic
      auth but I've verified locally that these changes do indeed send the
      EE: true
      Changelog: added
  17. 7月 26, 2023
  18. 7月 18, 2023
    • Adam Hegyi's avatar
      Setup ClickHouse on CI · 319b54dc
      Adam Hegyi 创作于
      This change updates the pipeline settings to run a separate job for
      RSpec tests tagged with click_house.
  19. 4月 17, 2023
  20. 3月 07, 2023
  21. 12月 27, 2022
    • Tan Le's avatar
      Add internal API to create access token · cfbe7e01
      Tan Le 创作于
      This adds a new internal API to create access token for Suggested
      Reviewers. Suggested Reviewers is an Machine Learning enabled feature
      that requires merge request data for build project-specific feature
      sets. The access token is used by the CI pipeline to call GitLab public
      GraphQL API to fetch merge requests.
  22. 12月 16, 2022
    • Jacob Vosmaer's avatar
      Add config/redis.yml unified config file · ace83012
      Jacob Vosmaer 创作于
      This commit adds a new config file config/redis.yml which is meant to
      eventually replace config/resque.yml, config/redis.shared_state.yml,
      config/redis.cache.yml, config/redis.queues.yml, etc.
      Nothing changes in how we resolve Redis configuration unless the
      administrator opts in by creating a config/redis.yml file _and_
      putting configuration data in it.
      Changelog: other
  23. 12月 07, 2022
  24. 12月 06, 2022
  25. 12月 03, 2022
  26. 12月 01, 2022
  27. 11月 30, 2022
  28. 11月 29, 2022
  29. 11月 18, 2022
  30. 9月 01, 2022
  31. 8月 12, 2022
  32. 5月 07, 2022
  33. 4月 30, 2022
  34. 1月 26, 2022
  35. 1月 14, 2022
  36. 12月 02, 2021
  37. 11月 16, 2021
  38. 11月 15, 2021
  39. 10月 25, 2021