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- 7月 19, 2023
由 James Fargher 创作于
- 1月 11, 2022
由 Ian Baum 创作于
* Adds support for packages to the backup and restore rake tasks Changelog: added
- 12月 22, 2021
由 Harsh Chouraria 创作于
Reuses standard file upload storage to cover Terraform states backup Adds a seed for generating terraform state files under each project Manual testing (in local GDK env): - Verfied seed addition via `bin/rake db:seed_fu FILTER=terraform` - Verified seed addition is repeatable, with no-ops if versions pre-exist - Created backup: `bin/rake gitlab:backup:create` - Verified output shows up: ``` 2021-06-05 23:48:54 +0530 -- Dumping terraform states ... 2021-06-05 23:48:54 +0530 -- done ``` - Verified tar contains terraform_state.tar.gz - Verified terraform_state.tar.gz carries content - Destroyed all records: `Terraform::State.destroy_all` - Deleted all files: `rm -rf shared/terraform_state/*` - Performed restore: `bin/rake gitlab:backup:restore` - Verified `Terraform::State.all` shows back older records - Verified association of builds to some of these records - Verified `shared/terraform_state/` is repopulated - Verified `Terraform::StateVersion.each do |sv| pp sv.file.read end` works and shows the seed-added data - Verified skipping of `terraform_state` keyword works: ``` 2021-06-06 00:11:33 +0530 -- Dumping terraform states ... 2021-06-06 00:11:33 +0530 -- [SKIPPED] ``` Verified with same workflow as above (backup, destroy, delete, then restore) that skipped backup variant does not contain `terraform_state.tar.gz` and does not show up those files after restore Miscellany: - Adds a missing test for LFS backups - Adds File operation fixes to neighboring tests so when they fail RSpec is able to show diffs - Modified test validates unknown SKIP values not breaking backups - This is useful to catch any regressions during upgrades where pre-installs scripts may refer to a new SKIP value that isn't recognized by the old version Changelog: added
- 9月 03, 2019
由 Yorick Peterse 创作于
The old rules meant that any future changes to these directories would require the use of `git add -f` to be staged. This is problematic for the upcoming FOSS-only mirror of GitLab. Any changes to be synced to this mirror are staged using `git add --all .`, which due to the Git ignore rules would not add the tmp/ and shared/ directories. This then leads to various specs failing because they expect certain sub-directories of these directories to be available. This commit changes the rules so that we include the .gitkeep files, ignore other files, and completely ignore anything in tmp/test. This requires that the rules are specified in tmp/.gitignore and shared/.gitignore, instead of the top-level .gitignore, without this I could not get Git to include the .gitkeep files properly.
- 2月 01, 2017
由 Kamil Trzciński 创作于
- The pages are created when build artifacts for `pages` job are uploaded - Pages serve the content under: http://group.pages.domain.com/project - Pages can be used to serve the group page, special project named as host: group.pages.domain.com - User can provide own 403 and 404 error pages by creating 403.html and 404.html in group page project - Pages can be explicitly removed from the project by clicking Remove Pages in Project Settings - The size of pages is limited by Application Setting: max pages size, which limits the maximum size of unpacked archive (default: 100MB) - The public/ is extracted from artifacts and content is served as static pages - Pages asynchronous worker use `dd` to limit the unpacked tar size - Pages needs to be explicitly enabled and domain needs to be specified in gitlab.yml - Pages are part of backups - Pages notify the deployment status using Commit Status API - Pages use a new sidekiq queue: pages - Pages use a separate nginx config which needs to be explicitly added
- 6月 03, 2016
由 James Lopez 创作于
This reverts commit 3e991230.
由 James Lopez 创作于
# Conflicts: # app/models/project.rb
- 5月 17, 2016
由 Kamil Trzciński 创作于
- 12月 18, 2015
由 Kamil Trzciński 创作于
- The pages are created when build artifacts for `pages` job are uploaded - Pages serve the content under: http://group.pages.domain.com/project - Pages can be used to serve the group page, special project named as host: group.pages.domain.com - User can provide own 403 and 404 error pages by creating 403.html and 404.html in group page project - Pages can be explicitly removed from the project by clicking Remove Pages in Project Settings - The size of pages is limited by Application Setting: max pages size, which limits the maximum size of unpacked archive (default: 100MB) - The public/ is extracted from artifacts and content is served as static pages - Pages asynchronous worker use `dd` to limit the unpacked tar size - Pages needs to be explicitly enabled and domain needs to be specified in gitlab.yml - Pages are part of backups - Pages notify the deployment status using Commit Status API - Pages use a new sidekiq queue: pages - Pages use a separate nginx config which needs to be explicitly added
- 12月 09, 2015
由 Douwe Maan 创作于
- 11月 10, 2015
由 Kamil Trzciński 创作于
由 Kamil Trzciński 创作于
- Offloads uploading to GitLab Workhorse - Use /authorize request for fast uploading - Added backup recipes for artifacts - Support download acceleration using X-Sendfile
- 10月 26, 2015
由 Jacob Vosmaer 创作于