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  1. 2月 24, 2024
    • Oscar Tovar's avatar
      Enable continuous container scanning by default · f85b3bd2
      Oscar Tovar 创作于
      Container Scanning Continuous Vulnerability Scans, also known as
      Continuous Container Scanning, allow for GitLab instances to scan known
      software components for newly released advisories. This feature is now
      enabled by default, but can be disabled if needed by disabling the
      `:container_scanning_continuous_vulnerability_scans` feature flag.
      Changelog: changed
      EE: true
  2. 1月 11, 2024
  3. 1月 10, 2024
  4. 1月 05, 2024
  5. 12月 28, 2023
  6. 12月 21, 2023
    • Jan Provaznik's avatar
      Use claude-2.1 for code generations · 798287cc
      Jan Provaznik 创作于
      If code_suggestions_claude21 flag is enabled, we set explicitly
      model_name=claude-2.1. If the flag is not set, we use AI gateway's
      default model (currently claude-2.0).
  7. 12月 19, 2023
  8. 12月 18, 2023
    • Jan Provaznik's avatar
      Add file content to slash command prompts · fc287254
      Jan Provaznik 创作于
      Adds whole file content (if it's small enough) to prompts used by slash
      commands. This additional content may be useful in some use-cases - e.g.
      refactoring the code, or explaining it.
  9. 11月 24, 2023
  10. 2月 17, 2022
  11. 2月 07, 2022
    • Adam Hegyi's avatar
      Implement fair queueing for LFK · 68410b2d
      Adam Hegyi 创作于
      This change implements fair queueing for the loose foreign keys feature.
      If the child records of a deleted record batch cannot be cleaned up in
      3 consequitive executions then the deleted record batch will be
      re-scheduled 5 minutes later.
      Changelog: added
  12. 1月 20, 2022
    • Kamil Trzciński's avatar
      Add `stack_trace_record` into transaction to observe `COMMIT` · fa5c5e47
      Kamil Trzciński 创作于
      This fixes usage of `after_commit` - a set of operations
      that are executed after the object is committed. Before that
      change the operations would be treated as being executed
      in context of a transaction, even though the transaction
      was already finished.
      This introduces trace record object that receives callback
      once the after commit/rollback hooks are to be executed.
    • Thong Kuah's avatar
      Add feature flag · 67591afb
      Thong Kuah 创作于
  13. 11月 17, 2021
    • Dylan Griffith's avatar
      Detect and log cross-database modifications in production · 5d0ced2f
      Dylan Griffith 创作于
      This adds a Rack middleware and Sidekiq middleware for detecting
      "Cross-database modification" violations. These occur when you query 2
      different databases in the context of a single transaction. Previously
      we only wrapped our RSpec code with this detection logic but we found
      that it was often causing lots of false positives in RSpec (in test-only
      code) which made it hard to sort through the real issues. In addition we
      want extra validation by running this in production and therefore
      detecting code that our specs may be missing.
      The middlewares use a feature flag `detect_cross_database_modification`
      which we intend to enable for a small percentage of time.
      The middlewares can also be disabled by setting the env var
      application. This environment variable is an extra safety net if the
      middlewares are causing problems.
  14. 11月 04, 2021
    • Kamil Trzciński's avatar
      Allow percentage rollout of load balancer of decomposed database · aef44f07
      Kamil Trzciński 创作于
      This introduces a `GITLAB_USE_MODEL_LOAD_BALANCING`
      and `use_model_load_balancing` to enable percentage rollout
      of used connection when accessing data.
      The usage pattern is to redirect 1% of new connections using CI DB
      to use a Load Balancer replicas (and presumbly later primary connection).
      This is achieved by injecting a FF evaluation logic as part of LB setup
      to re-define how connection is fetched.
  15. 10月 21, 2021
  16. 10月 07, 2021
  17. 9月 10, 2021
  18. 7月 22, 2021
  19. 11月 09, 2020
  20. 9月 29, 2020
  21. 8月 20, 2020
    • Tim Zallmann's avatar
      Remove StartupCSS Checks · 12f83db6
      Tim Zallmann 创作于
      Updated for test setup, restructured startup setup
      Restructured to have a feature flag in place
      for startup_css
  22. 8月 17, 2020
  23. 8月 05, 2020
  24. 8月 04, 2020