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- 4月 29, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
The OverdueFinalizeBackgroundMigration keep is a script that is run in CI for generating merge requests to [finalize batched background migrations](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/batched_background_migrations.html#finalize-a-batched-background-migration). Per our documentation we can only finalize a batched background migration added before the last "required stop" which is the minimum versin someone must upgrade to before they can upgrade to this version of the code. We were hardcoding that version in the keep before but now we have MIN_SCHEMA_GITLAB_VERSION which is exactly for this purpose we don't need to hardcode it anymore. We also changed from `<` to `<=` now that this version refers to the version of the last required stop rather than the first version after it.
- 4月 25, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
Also extract some shared logic to Groups helper
- 4月 15, 2024
由 Peter Leitzen 创作于
Move RuboCop autocorrect call into a helper method so it's easier to reuse.
- 4月 11, 2024
由 Peter Leitzen 创作于
Pass existing logger instance to allow keeps to log.
- 2月 27, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
This `force: true` option seems to generate the migration even if there is an existing migration with the exact same name. Additionally it deletes the existing migration with the same name. This is probably not something we ever intended to do so I'm removing it. At some point we may want to update this to skip finalizing a BBM if a migration with a matching name exists (or generate a guaranteed unique name) but it's not clear to me if we actually have a use case for this now. Also there are plans to be more strict about not re-using batched background migrations so possibly the matching name won't be very common in future.
- 2月 06, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
Previously we were determining the gitlab_schema from the `table_name`. This is causing problems as we're migrating lots of tables to `gitlab_main_cell`. But the `gitlab_schema` must exactly match whatever schema was used to queue the batched background migration (see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/batched_background_migrations.html#finalize-a-batched-background-migration ) . As such we've extracted this value from the migration record in the database which should always be the expected value.
- 1月 30, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
This `-r keeps/...` is proving to be unnecessary and likely it's fine to just always load all the files in `keeps/*.rb`. I considered the possibility of loading everything in `keeps/*.rb` as well as keeping the option around in case someone wanted to manually load a keep that was in a different directory but I couldn't think of any good reason to do that. So to simplify the options I've just removed it.
- 1月 25, 2024
由 Tiger Watson 创作于
This will be used by Keeps to determine which group is responsible for a given feature category, which allows a suitable (backend) reviewer to be selected.
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
- 1月 24, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
This is not picked up by keeps/overdue_finalize_background_migration.rb because it is grepping for `MIGRATION =`. That is the standard way that it's generated and documented and this was the only occurence so I figured I'd just fix this rather than making the keep more flexible.
- 1月 22, 2024
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
This adds the `gitlab-housekeeper-authored` label to all MRs and ensures the commit message and MR always have the housekeeper link included so that we don't need to add that manually in the keeps anymore. It also adds some `purple` color to the dry-run output for the titles. This makes them easier to read.
- 12月 18, 2023
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于
This was followup feedback extracted in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/435618 for `gitlab-housekeeper`. The original implementation of `gitlab-housekeeper` can be found in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/139492 and it is a local developer tool for automatically generating merge requests for repetitive tasks like finalizing batched background migrations. It is a gem you can run from the command line and is being actively developed to eventually run as a periodic job to save us from many manual repetitive MRs.
由 Dylan Griffith 创作于