| `markdownlint-cli` | Specific | `yarn global add markdownlint-cli@0.23.2` | The `@` indicates a specific version, and this example updates the tool to version `0.23.2`. |
| Vale | Latest | `brew update && brew upgrade vale` | This command is for macOS only. |
| Vale | Specific | n/a | Not possible using `brew`, but can be [directly downloaded](https://github.com/errata-ai/vale/releases). |
| Vale | Latest | `brew update && brew upgrade vale` | This command is for macOS only. |
| Vale | Specific | n/a | Not possible using `brew`, but can be [directly downloaded](https://github.com/errata-ai/vale/releases). |
### Configure editors
Using linters in your editor is more convenient than having to run the commands from the
command line.
To configure markdownlint within your editor, install one of the following as appropriate:
To configure markdownlint in your editor, install one of the following as appropriate:
To configure Vale within your editor, install one of the following as appropriate:
To configure Vale in your editor, install one of the following as appropriate:
-The Sublime Text [`SublimeLinter-contrib-vale` plugin](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SublimeLinter-contrib-vale).
-The Visual Studio Code [`errata-ai.vale-server` extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=errata-ai.vale-server).
You don't need Vale Server to use the plugin. You can configure the plugin to
- Sublime Text [`SublimeLinter-contrib-vale` package](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SublimeLinter-contrib-vale).
- Visual Studio Code [`errata-ai.vale-server` extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=errata-ai.vale-server).
You can configure the plugin to
[display only a subset of alerts](#show-subset-of-vale-alerts).
In the extension's settings:
- Select the **Use CLI** checkbox.
- In the **Config** setting, enter an absolute path to [`.vale.ini`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/.vale.ini) in one of the cloned GitLab repositories on your computer.
- In the **Path** setting, enter the absolute path to the Vale binary. In most
cases, `vale` should work. To find the location, run `which vale` in a terminal.
- Vim [ALE plugin](https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale).
We don't use [Vale Server](https://errata-ai.github.io/vale/#using-vale-with-a-text-editor-or-another-third-party-application).